Saturday, January 29, 2022

Today's MOZEN: Integrity Is Never Out of Style

As a longtime journalist, but not a Constitutional scholar, I would like to share with you my working interpretation of the 1st Amendment, a.k.a. The Right to Free Speech, particularly as it relates to the current Spotify imbroglio involving Joe Rogan, Neil Young, and now Joni Mitchell.

As you may know, Neil Young, a legendary performer who's prime was in the 1970's, challenged the music streaming source Spotify to either remove his music catalogue or Joe Rogan's program, Spotify's #1 internationally rated show with millions of listeners.

It seems that Mr. Young took exception to Mr. Rogan's continued anti-vax, anti-science rhetoric that forms the foundation for his program, especially lately.

Spotify agreed to Young's request and removed his music instead of Rogan's program, again citing their so-called protection of the 1st Amendment. (I'm sure that it had nothing to due with the multi-million $ contract Rogan recently signed with them). Joni Mitchell, recently honored by the Kennedy Center for her music soon followed Young in support and had her music removed as well.

First, and foremost, I am a HUGE supporter of the 1st Amendment. I have been personally attacked for my use of it. But I will not back down.

However, even with that said, there ARE LIMITS to it!

You cannot make public statements that are knowingly, willfully false that may cause harm to others. IN OTHER WORDS, you can't yell FIRE in a crowded theater, causing a stampede, when you KNOW there is no fire!

Now, as this relates to Rogan, Young, Spotify, et al: Rogan may be able to defend himself by saying he believes in that anti-vax/anti-science nonsense. However, Spotify CANNOT! They have an editorial board that is responsible for weeding out those who claim fire when there is none. And, this, obviously is just such a case.

So, no, they cannot claim Freedom of Speech!

But, then again, this seems to be a trend - a dearth of ethics, morals, and scruples through virtually every aspect of our society. There are those who totally miss the point by mocking what they see as a lack of relevance to Mr. Young and Ms. Mitchell - like that should make a difference.

Well, shame on those who do - because INTEGRITY never goes out of style. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Today's MOZEN: OXYMORON - The Oath Keepers


Most of you are familiar with the term. Simply defined it is the combination of two very dissimilar words that come together to create a single, new meaning, usually suggesting a particular irony. Popular examples might include: Little Giant, Small Crowd, Deafening Silence, Pretty Ugly, and, if I may, Compassionate Republican.

Now, in light of recent developments, I would like to add another to my list: Oath Keepers.

This is a group of mostly former military personnel who, simply put, are dedicated to overthrowing the current, DULY ELECTED GOVERNMENT in favor of returning one Donald J. Trump to power.

As the January 6 Congressional Commission precedes with it's solemn duty to discover EXACTLY what happened on that despicable day, they are discovering just how deeply involved these charlatans were in attempting (and failing) to overthrow the CONSTITUTION THEY TOOK AN OATH TO DEFEND.

THAT, my friends, is an OXYMORON.

Well, we know what happens to all tyrants and traitors.

Figuratively speaking, of course. 

F LoBuono

Wednesday, January 12, 2022


On this date, January 12, 19
69, the New York Jets, led by their victory-predicting, white shoe-wearing, brash, trash talking, long-ball throwing, bad-kneed, Alabama Crimson Tide transplant via small town Pennsylvania, quarterback shocked the sports world by leading his team to a convincing defeat of the heavily favored Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III.

This was in the era of not only a divided Nation with 2 distinct sides squaring off over divisive issues like the Vietnam War and so-called Traditional Values versus the Damned Dirty Hippies, but even within culturally iconic institutions like the NFL.

People may have forgotten, but there were 2 major football leagues; the NFL and the recently formed AFL. The NFL, with teams in NY, Chicago, LA, and other major American city represented the Old Guard, the Traditional. The AFL, on the other hand, represented the New Order - bold, aggressive, and braggadocios. These teams included the Oakland Raiders, the Denver Broncos, the Kansas City Chiefs, the Miami Dolphins, and, yes, the New York Jets.

The Colts were rock solid. The had an efficient, if not spectacular, offense, led by the crew-cut Earl Morrall, backed-up the legendary Hall of FamerJohnny Unitas, a solid running game, and a dominating defense featuring the fearsome Defensive End, Bubba Smith and ferocious Middle Linebacker Mike Curtis.

Still, the Jets had some good players like Winston Hill, Jerry Philbin, Johnny Sample, Matt Snell, George Sauer, Don Maynard, and of course, quarterback, Joe Namath.

Many of these so-called upstarts are now enshrined in the NFL Hall of Fame.

But, on this day, there were supposed to so much grist for the grinding mill that was the Baltimore Colts.

Oddsmakers established the Colts as prohibitive favorites and most of the world agreed - including me; the Colts were just too much for these charlatans!

Furthermore, I must admit that I hated Joe Namath at the time. He was flashy with, IMHO, an arrogant attitude that flew in the face of tradition. And, he wore those ridiculous white cleats! In complete contrast, the legendary Johnny U wore laced up, VERY conservative fully laced, high-top ones. It was totally symbolic!

Then, in a press conference just before the game, Namath GUARANTEED a win.

I was appalled. I mean, where was his sense of modesty?

I wanted the Colts to crush them.

Then they actually played the game.

And, you know what? The Jets did EXACTLY what Namath said they would do - convincingly! They had won their ONE and ONLY Super Bowl. There defense stymied the Colts for the entire game and fullback Matt Snell's bruising runs sealed their fate.

Perhaps, the image that sticks in my mind the most is of #12 surrounded by teammates and an ecstatic crowd, waving a single, defiant finger, #1, in the air as he heads triumphantly to the locker room.

After my initial shock and disappointed with the outcome, the magnitude of what the Jets had accomplished started to take its effect.

And, man, did my attitude change.

My admiration for not the only the Jets, but for Namath himself only increased once I saw the ENTIRE quote from him, not the edited clip aired by ALL major networks - I predict WE will win. I guarantee it. What he actually said was (paraphrased): if my team plays the way it is capable of, we will win this game. I guarantee it.

This is the ultimate TEAM player, really.

And, he was right.


 That was 52 years ago. On that day he became for me, the one and only Broadway Joe. I have not forgotten. 

PS: From that day forward, I  wore white cleats for the rest of my ball playing days.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Today's MOZEN: The Constitution Made Simple - The 1st Amendment

Words and photo by F LoBuono



We don't have to like it but there it is . . . 

Saturday, January 8, 2022


It may be an understatement to say that we live in challenging times. The COVID virus is reeking havoc in so many ways and the current political climate hasn't been this polarized since the Civil War!

Yet, WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT, we also live in wonderous times too - and in ways that have become so ordinary that we hardly take the time to notice.

I just experienced one such event - 

On a brutally cold January evening I went into my bathroom to take a shower. As I entered, I turned on the lights with the flick of a switch. I activated my small heater to make the room nice and cozy. Then, with virtually no effort, I opened the valves and clean, clear, HOT water flowed freely.

At that moment, it occurred to me how much in our lives we take for granted. I tried to imagine what a Herculean effort it might have taken to do the same thing just a few generations ago - fetching the water to fill a tub - cutting the wood to create a fire to heat the water - providing light and warmth to the room, etc., etc.

And, this is just one example of so many ways technology has improved our everyday lives. Again, think about it: phones, cars, planes, trains, food shopping, TV, the Internet, garbage disposal and so on are all available to us with virtually NO effort.


So, take a moment to realize that life consists of two sides of the same coin - we experience new challenges that are unique to our time while at the same time we are equally privileged to enjoy the luxuries that these life and times have to offer.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Today's MOZEN: An Infamous Date

Words and photos by F LoBuono

January 6, 2021, a date which will live
. . . oh, wait, that's already been used.

But, you get my point.

That day must, and WILL BE condemned in the strongest terms possible. The ATTACK on the U.S. Capitol was not just an assault on a building, it was a defilement like this Country has never seen before. 

Some will argue that the Capitol was actually attacked once before, during the War of 1812. And, that is true. However, there is an important distinction: that atrocity was committed during an invasion by a foreign enemy, i.e. the British. The Insurrection (a more proper term) of 1/6 was committed by our fellow Americans.

Yes, sadly, we are all Americans.

However, as Ulysses S. Grant once famously said: 

Whatever may have been my political opinions before, I have but one sentiment now. That is, we have a Government, and laws and a flag, and they must all be sustained. There are but two parties now, traitors and patriots and I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter, and I trust, the stronger party.

I couldn't agree more.

There are those of us (thankfully still a majority) who do not wave huge banners in a gross attempt at blatant, false patriotism but live quietly within the laws of the Country and do the things necessary to maintain the peace among ALL Americans.

It's called RESPECT -

And, respect doesn't mean blindly following everything that our Government sells us. I am a child of the Vietnam War era and, so, have a healthy skepticism when it comes to politics and politicians. However, I also believe in the ideals of this Country which include a process for addressing our grievances.

One of those methods is called The Vote. And, in November of the previous year, THE PEOPLE of this Country used their SACRED RITE to express their will and totally, completely, and emphatically REJECTED, the previous administration of one Donald J. Trump.

However, true to form, Mr. Trump concocted some bullshit story of a Stolen Election. Despite absolutely NO CREDITABLE EVIDENCE, he continued his drumbeat of FALSE information to the point of encouraging his minions to take what became their despicable actions.

In a way, I never expected more from Mr. Trump. He always was a grifter and he always will be. What still surprises me is how many Americans are still so gullible (or worse) as to not only believe him, but possible even die for him. Him? Really?

I'm sure this appeal will fall on deaf ears. Trying to argue logic and reason with someone who is not willing to listen is like trying to administer medicine to the dead. But we can never stop trying to do the right thing. 

Join the realm of the righteous - condemn that heinous attack, bring those responsible (ALL those responsible) to justice and join your fellow Americans back on the path of real liberty.