Friday, November 18, 2022


It seems that I've been around a lot of death lately. I suppose the fact that I'm approaching 68 years-old has a lot to do with it. I, like all of us, have had friends who have not had their fate allow them to live their lives as long and completely as I already have. It's a privilege, indeed.

Of course, another factor that comes into play is Social Media. For all its ills (and there are many), it allows us an almost instant connection to others whom we would not ordinarily hear about - at least for some time, if at all.

And, it sure seems to be happening an awfully lot lately.

But, then it got me thinking; well, death has always been with us. Always. Just because we are not hearing about it doesn't mean it isn't happening every nano second in every corner of the globe.

Simply put, in the ultimate paradox, there is no life without death.

So, we'd better get used to it - if you haven't already.

I know this is terrifying for most - even those of great faith. And, I understand. It scares the shit out of me too! I love my life and want to live it as thoroughly and as long as I can. But that doesn't mean I can't or don't accept death. It means I'm working on understanding it.

I'm just not ready - yet.

There are cultures that still embrace physical death far more than our modern society allows for. In a tradition we now feel almost barbaric, wakes, including the body of the deceased, were held in a loved ones home. It certainly connected us more powerfully to the fact that we will all meet the same fate - whether we are ready or not. 

I'm getting to the age where I'd better be!

But, all of us, no matter what our age or relative station in life, should experience all the joy - and sorrow - life has to offer. Because, like it or not, someday, we will not have that privilege.

If and where we may wind up after we are done with this gig, I cannot say and never will know - until I do.

In the meantime, I will GIVE THANKS for the very breath of life I now enjoy.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Today's MOZEN: I'M BACK!


As I get more involved with my podcast, BEING FRANK, and teaching at Fordham University, I've been left with less time for my first love, writing. But, I will always return to her because I am compelled to. So, here I am.

I must, however, state that there IS another factor that has curtailed my output. And, that is; how many times can you write basically the same thing - over and over again? It's like the proverbial and legendary Groundhog Day!

Still, it must be said again.

Donald J. Trump is a terrible human being, a grifter, liar, and thief. Of course it involves politics - his suck - but, it goes beyond that - he is just plain bad for our Country for more reasons than I can to write about - again.

So, there. I did say it - AGAIN.


Because, as I write this post, reports have us anticipating an evening announcement where His Orangeness will proclaim his candidacy for President in 2024.

And his minions will roar with approval.

However, this time, hopefully, there is a difference.

You see, this time, based on the very poor performance by GOP candidates, particularly those hand-picked by Mr. Trump, in the recent mid-term elections, those minions have been greatly reduced in number! They seem to eating one another (figuratively, of course).

Look, as is the case with most cults, he will always have his hardcore supporters who, quite literally, would die for him. But, I believe that number will NEVER exceed 30% again.

And, that my friends, is good news. Perhaps, just perhaps, we will live up to what Winston Churchill allegedly said about us: 

You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing - after they have tried everything else*.

*It cannot be verified that he actually said that, but he should have!

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Today's MOZEN: Our Miracle Cure.

Every family has their own urban myths, legends, and folklore.

Ours was the miraculous healing power of a tube of goo known as A&D Ointment.

Despite being only reasonably sure that the ingredients included at least an infusion of vitamins A and D, my mother used it on EVERYTHING - from blisters to burns to gaping wounds. Diaper rash, scratches, hangnails, hemorrhoids, and even sore nostrils from too much blowing could be cured by it.

Applied liberally to any affected area, its incredible healing powers went to work almost immediately. I swear that if you rubbed it on your chin over a toothache, the pain would subside - at least that's what we were led to believe.

And we not only used it on ourselves; our pets were the recipients of the A&D treatment, too. It a dog had any type of rash or wound - yup, you got it - a healthy gob of the goo was applied - usually with great effectiveness.

So, to this very day, if one were to open my medicine cabinet, one of the first things that would come tumbling out would be a tube of A&D Ointment.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Today's MOZEN: When Cruelty IS The Message

When you feel like you need to use cruelty to make your point, even a powerful, important one, you've lost any claim to the moral high ground. However, perhaps even more disturbing, is the fact that people who perpetrate such inhumanity simply don't care. In fact, the cruelty IS the point.

Of course I speak of the recent tactic employed by certain Republican governors (nod, nod, wink, wink) of busing (or, in some cases flying) people who have crossed our Southern border seeking a better life for themselves and their families to so -called Sanctuary Cities like New York and D.C, often at a cost greater than it would have been to provide them the services they so desperately need. Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis, even went so far as to use Florida taxpayers' money to FLY a group of migrants from Texas to that bastion of liberalism, Martha's Vineyard - as if they might have ANY facilities to help these poor people.

Photo: Stefani Reynolds, AFP/Getty Images

It has also been reported that these people, even if they had signed releases, did so under the false pretense of work, aid, and housing.

Mostly to make a political point.

The point trying to be made is that it is unfair to let border States (virtually all controlled by the GOP) to bear virtually the entire burden of the enormous amount of people crossing their borders.

And, you know what? From that POV, they're right. The mayor of Laredo, Texas, a major southern crossing city, deals with up to 26 busloads/day! This, of course, is an untenable situation for ANY city. It is an issue and HAS BEEN for a long time. But there has been no major immigration legislation passed since the Reagan era. This is the fault of BOTH political parties. However, a closer examination of the voting records show that it has been the Republican party's resistance to ANY reasonable solution preventing any meaningful change.

However, to use human beings - HUMAN BEINGS - as pawns to make a point lacks the compassion and ethos of what America was SUPPOSED TO MEAN - and that's not HAPPPY HORSESHIT. You either believe in our mission of "give us your tired, your poor" or you don't.

Obviously, there are many in this Country who don't - and they have always existed. Despite what many so-called patriotic Americans refuse to acknowledge and contrary to what it so well defined on The Statue of Liberty, we have ALWAYS resisted immigration, especially if it involved darker races from different cultures.

The is FACT.

KKK 1930/ Photo: Henry Guttman/Getty Images

As a matter of policy, the US Government has often passed legislation limiting the entrance of certain ethnicities over others, i.e. the white races.

And, they would do so again if these Governors have their way.

Look, I'm not blind. I AM empathetic to those who bear the brunt of it on the border. SOMETHING needs to be done. And, I also KNOW that cruelty to our fellow human beings is not the answer - and never has been.

Mayor Adams (official photo)
 Perhaps NY City mayor, Eric Adams said   it best in an interview this morning when he   said (paraphrasing) that this was a   humanitarian crisis and should be shouldered as such - by the ENTIRE Country. To handle it as is being done now is contrary to the ideals of what is supposed to mean to be an American.

I couldn't agree more.  

Saturday, August 27, 2022

When You Think About It: Not Too Much To Ask


Many people are screaming bloody murder over President Joe Biden's latest attempt at reducing the crushing student debt incurred by millions of Americans, both young and old, while receiving their college educations. The plan calls for forgiving up to $10,000 for people making less than $125,000/year and $20,000 for disadvantaged students who received so-called Pell grants.

Of course, the majority of people expressing the most outrage seem to come from the party of NO, i.e. the Republicans. However, there are many other, fair minded Americans who also believe that the measure goes too far.

Their argument generally goes something like this:

I worked 96+ hours a week while I was going to school just to pay my own tuition.


No one ever gave me anything! I paid my loans back. Why should I pay for anyone else's?


Poor financial planning on their part does not constitute a crisis on mine. They should have planned better.

Of course, there is some validity as to what they are saying. After all, speaking very personally, that's EXACTLY how I managed to go to college.

First, I worked regularly while I was attending Rutgers University in Newark, NJ. And, I commuted, mostly because it was cheaper. I so desperately wanted to go away to school but I realized that it was beyond my financial means. Also, the cost of my education was incredibly reasonable. When I started there in 1973, if my memory serves me correctly, I was paying about $40/credit. At the 15 credits/semester required to receive a degree that's $600/semester!

That's right, not including commuting costs, books, and other expenses, that's $1200/year.


I would challenge anyone in America to provide the quality of education I received at Rutgers-Newark for $1200 year.

I still had to take out small loans to get by - and paid them back, with interest.

But, that's ancient history.

Here are the numbers today: The average cost/year for a college student, including tuition, books, supplies and daily living expenses = $35, 551 (private and public institutions). Considering student loan interest and loss of income, the ultimate cost of a bachelor's degree = more than $500,000*.


So, what was very doable for me has become virtually impossible for most.

Still, the question remains, why should I pay for someone else's education?

Well, I look it from 2 points of view. First, I don't have school aged children or grandchildren, yet I pay school taxes - gladly - which brings me to my second point. We do these things because they are the right things to do. In order to have a great society we need to take care of one another - and that includes the opportunity for EVERYONE to receive as much education as they are suited for.

It's also in our best interest to facilitate this because a highly educated society benefits ALL of us. And, this is not to take away from those who pursue a different vocation. They also provide valuable services for our society and should be rewarded accordingly. And, generally speaking, they ARE. But the pursuit of a career as a mechanic cannot be compared to those who pursue a career in medicine.

I know that this can leave us feeling cheated. I understand. Why should these people have advantages that no one gave us? Well, look at this way - because they are disadvantaged in ways that we could never even imagine.

And, let's deal with the situation at the source, i.e. why has the cost of a college education increased 179.2% over the last 20 years?!**Also, we need to address the interest rates charged on these loans which can be as much as 14.99%.***

Remember, we are all in the same ocean but not necessarily in the same boat. Some have ships, others canoes. Some are simply swimming. Let's give everyone the tools they need to handle the storm.



Monday, August 22, 2022


In response to the Draconian policy initiated by Florida's cretinous Governor, Ron DeSantis, of banning books in schools that might evoke feelings of so-called woke culture I would say this:

ALL books should be read by EVERYONE (or at least as many as possible), even those we might find objectionable. True freedom of thought, by definition, includes exposure to different ways of thinking and points of view that we might find repulsive or even disturbing.


Because they expand our minds by our attempting to understand those who may think (very) differently than we do, thereby expanding our ability to fathom (if not agree or totally accept) others.

The same goes for school children - with a certain caveat: they need to read under the guidance of others, particular those trained to mentor them through the entire experience, i.e. TEACHERS.

And, this is why Florida is hemorrhaging teachers!

Why would any eligible educator wish to work under such debilitating conditions? I know that I certainly wouldn't.

As for the Governor's prideful boast that "woke culture comes to Florida to die" - seriously?

Asking your constituents to deliberately dumb themselves down so as to not accept the concepts of fairness, equity, peace, love, acceptance, intelligence, and curiosity because it does not fit HIS vision of America is simply deplorable.

Stand up. Be heard. Say NO to Ron DeSantis and Florida - they have finally earned the moniker, FLORI-DUH!!!!    

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Today's MOZEN: The Cult of Trump

One of the definitions of a cult is as follows:

an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers:

Of course, by definition, this applies to the followers of Donald J. Trump. Even after a virtual mountain of evidence continues to pile up against the object of their great veneration, they steadfastly refuse to see the fact that Mr. Trump was never about them, never about America. He throws them red meat and they cobble it up like starving wolves - even if that meat is rotten. He could come into their homes, shoot their dog, and they would blame the dog!

Because they are part of his Cult of Personality, they have become incapable of even considering the truth - that he is a thief and a grifter who's only goal is to enrich himself and his family.

And, always has been.

Once a person becomes a member of a cult their return to normal society can be difficult and often requires professional mental health intervention. Some never recover and, if fact, would rather die than desert their so-called savior (see Jim Jones).

So, with that in mind, the only way to defeat them (him) is through our shear strength in numbers and vote out anyone and everyone who continues to support him and his war chest of lies! Remember, despite his totally unfounded claims to the contrary, Mr. Trump NEVER won the popular vote, i.e. not matter how loud or violent they may become, there are simply not enough of them!

DON'T BE AFRAID! WE HAVE THE NUMBERS! The solution to this mess lies within our reach. We just need use the power that has been given us. Exercise it.


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Today's MOZEN: The End

Many years ago, when I was still married, I had a nightly sleeping routine with my then wife.

When we went to bed, no matter how the day went, I would rap my foot around hers. Of course, there were times when we engaged in a more complete embrace. But, at the very least, I always maintained that little connection. Even if we had a rough day with each other (which was probably more times than we would both care to admit), I always practiced that ritual; my foot rapped around hers.

Well, near the end of our marriage, that little physical connection, like our emotional one, became more and more tenuous. Still, I managed to hang onto that little bit of contact, even if it was barely by a toe.

Then, one day, she simply took her foot away. Not even a toe could be found to touch. The connection was broken - in every way.

And, it was over . . . 

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Today's WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT: Ruling In Hell

Beyond the fact that I feel like I can actual smell stale cigarettes and cheap booze emanating from his photo, whenever I see Steve Bannon I am curious about how he feels about what he is doing to this Country (and the world) - I mean how he truly feels.

Obviously he must take satisfaction in the fact millions follow the  movement he created, despite the fact that it is inspired by fear, loathing, and paranoia - all based on lies and propaganda. Logic is not a noun one would associate with his followers. Still, he advised the most powerful man in the world and travels in the exclusive circles of the rich and powerful. In contrast, I will be most fortunate if I have a handful of readers of this post. So, in some twisted sense, he must be doing something right.

Beyond the other bag of foul wind, former President Donald J. Trump, he is unequivocally the Champion of the Bat Shit Crazies like Louie Gomert of Texas, Marjorie Taylor Greene of North Carolina and a host of others whose grip on reality is tenuous at best. You know - the Stop The Steal Bunch.

Bannon's mantra, his raison d'etre, is to divide and conquer. He thrives on creating an atmosphere of chaos where he can take advantage of the distrust generated by his lies, exaggerations, and phobias. Ultra-white Nationalism is his ultimate goal and he will stop at nothing to achieve that end. Unfortunately, he found the perfect driver for his bus of hate in the former President and plenty of passengers willing to go along for the ride!

Now, what may disturb me most is the fact that Bannon is an extremely intelligent man. He KNOWS the truth. He simply does not care. Truth has nothing to do with his agenda. Making America a fascist state with a white elite (including himself, Trump, Stephen Miller, Michael Flynn and the like) in charge IS. And he is willing to do anything - lie, steal, cheat - to achieve that end.

So, I often wonder why someone with so many obvious gifts uses those gifts for such nefarious purposes.

Beyond what experiences he had as a developing young man that pushed him to champion these unscrupulous tactics and adopt such a bitter and ugly vision for America, I wonder what is his ultimate motivation may be. He made the choice to use his talents to sow fear and hate to achieve his end rather than the true American ideals of inclusion and tolerance.


When I think of it, I am reminded of the passage in Milton's classic Paradise Lost. When speaking of his cataclysmic fall from heaven the archangel formerly known as Lucifer and now called Satan rails against what he sees as God's tyranny and declares:

Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven!

But this is only PART of the entire quote. Here is the FULL one:

Here we may reign secure, and in my choyce

To reign is worth ambition though in Hell:

Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Heav'n

It's all about AMBITION and POWER. Satan is saying that even suffering in hell is a price worth paying when you lust for power.

Well, Mr. Bannon, have a good time ruling, in HELL!


Friday, July 15, 2022

Today's MOZEN: Working Man's Hands

When I was a young boy of about 10 or 11, I remember watching a movie that had a great impact on me. I don't recall the name of the film or who the players were. However, I can clearly recollect the plot:

There had been a mining collapse and there was a desperate race against time to rescue the miners. So a call was sent out to the surrounding area for all men to report to the mine to begin the long, dangerous process of digging the survivors out - by hand.

The men were asked to line up to be questioned by the foreman of the operation so that he might judge their fitness for the arduous task ahead. As the men lined up, the foreman warned them of the difficulties and said that because of the physical nature of the work, no one who didn't use there hands (i.e. businessmen) for a living should not waste their own or his time with getting in line.

He then preceded to ask each man as they came forward to show him the palms of their hands. If he did not see callouses on them, proving their ability to do hard labor, they were turned away.

Man after man came forward to be inspected.  While inspecting one man's hands, the foreman looked up and into the man's face. He began to angrily chastise the man saying; "I thought I said no businessmen!" As the foreman's gaze met the other man's he realized that the man in question was a priest. He softened his tone and uttered: "I'm sorry, father, but you wouldn't last more than 5 minutes down there." The priest smiled innocently and quietly turned away.

That one scene left such an impression of me than and still does today, over 50 years later.

Here's what I took from it: each person has something to contribute in their own way and, at times, that service can be invaluable. In this case, the spirit of simple, working men were so honored. Their daily labors, so largely unnoticed in real time, contribute so much to not only the lives of their families, but to the world as a whole. They build our roads, bridges, and tunnels. They dig the ditches to make repairs to our water pipes. They take away our garbage. They clean our streets when it snows. They mine the earth to provide us with the materials we need to exist. They farm the land to grow the food we eat. Simply put, without the efforts of the common working man (and woman) our society would collapse.

So, from that day on I allows wanted to associate myself with the so-called Working Man. Even though I went on to an advanced education, teach at a major Northeast University, and have held many management positions commensurate with that education and experience, I have always felt that I had more in common with them then the more educated elite.

My father, a working man himself, always wanted me to have a life better than his so he encouraged me (insisted, really) that I educate myself to the fullest so that I would use my head instead of my hands.

And, so I did.

However, I never forgot that movie and the impact it had on me. So, as a young man, for every summer without school in session, I made sure that I took jobs that were very physical like construction laborer or truck driver.

And, I never regretted it.

To this day, I still do as much physical labor around my place as I can. For example, I do all of my own gardening, including tilling the soil every Spring and preparing it for Winter. When I owned my own place I did most of the landscaping (almost 2 acres) myself. I still shovel the snow for myself and my nearest neighbors. I try to make basic repairs to my apartment. And, even though I can afford to do otherwise, I even clean my own place. I see it as good for the soul.

My gnarly, callused hands, ones that I am still particularly proud of, remain a testament to my love and respect for Working People.

But, there is room for all kinds of hands; those with long fingers, perfect for playing the piano. Or soft ones, good for gently caressing an ailing friend. And, yes, those that show the marks of good, honest, hard work.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Today's MOZEN: We Have Met The Enemy

The United States is writhing under the scourge of violence. I would mention the latest mass murder but fear that by the time I finished writing this post another one will have already happened.

Unfortunately, this is not my first post condemning what seems to be endemic in American society. In fact, I tire of writing about it - over and over again. And, judging from the number of people who actually read my posts, no one seems to be taking notice, anyway.

Still, silence will not bring us to a possible understanding as to why this near orgy of violence is plaguing ALL Americans.

One of the most important things to consider is that all gun violence is not the same. In fact, the only common denominator is the gun itself. Gun violence seems to be in response to a number of motivating factors including: socio-economic, ideology, and mental health.

First, let's review the socio-economic factors that impact guns and violence. These are statistics from The Alliance for Gun Safety. They clearly indicate that communities of color (i.e. predominantly black) suffer disproportionately from gun violence *:  

  • Each day on average, 30 Black Americans are killed by guns and more than 110 experience non-fatal injuries. 
  • Black Americans experience 10 times the gun homicides of white Americans. 
  • Black Americans are nearly three times more likely to be shot and killed by police as white Americans.
  • Black Americans experience 18 times the gun assault injuries of white Americans.
  • 68 percent of Black Americans or someone they care for has experienced gun violence.

What's important to remember here, and is accurately pointed out in the website, the reasons for these frightening numbers have nothing to do with their race and everything to do with racism and centuries of neglect, oppression, and disenfranchisement. Some will say, "come on now, this is the 21st Century. That's a copout". But they will have entirely missed the point. As long as racism in this Country continues to prevent communities of color from the real opportunities afforded more white, and therefore affluent communities, the violence will continue.

The type of sensational gun violence, however, that grabs most of the headlines are usually committed by young, angry, disaffected white menMother Jones article and supported by PolitiFact claim that 63% of all mass murderers are white men. Some of these follow a hate filled, racist ideology that drives their heinous acts. The recent attack on a supermarket in Buffalo, NY is the latest example of this type of killer, i.e. an angry white man out to kill as many blacks as he could. 

Others are clearly disturbed in various ways and use their pent up anger at the world to inflict as much damage on it as possible. In fact, they choose targets that will cause as much pain to the community at large as possible. When studying their backgrounds, in hindsight, many warning signs as to their decaying mental health are clearly missed. The latest culprit in the Highland Park, Il massacre, is just the most recent example. He seemed to hate himself and, so, took that hate out on everyone else around him.

Very different scenarios, yes. But, as I wrote previously, there is a common denominator: GUNS

In the case of minority communities the overwhelming majority of the guns used in the commitment of crimes are obtained illegally. Even in states with strict gun laws, weapons can be easily purchased in other states with much more lax laws and then brought back to their communities.

However, as in the case with most white, mass murderers their guns were obtained legally. Despite so-called Red Flag Laws designed to prevent those considered inappropriate from gun ownership, these young men have managed to acquire virtual arsenals anyway.

Despite finger pointing at various, minor contributing factors, this Country seems incapable - or unwilling - to look the culprit right in the face, i.e. access to weapons, especially powerful ones, is ENTIRELY too easy. Under the guise of freedom we prioritize the will of the minority over the pain of the majority. Innocent people, children, are dying in record numbers every day. And, still, we seem paralyzed at taking even the most basic steps to stem the flow of weapons that have been proven to work.

We have met the enemy, and they are us . . . 



Monday, July 4, 2022

Today's MOZEN: America, A Flawed Idea.

All words and photo by F LoBuono

I had originally planned on writing a post about the simple pleasures in life that I grow more found of with each passing year - and, how fortunate I am to be having those years.

I'm sure that I'll be returning to that theme at some point.

However, upon further introspection, I felt that the significance of this day and date, Independence Day - July 4th, was too great to not reflect upon, especially with what is happening to America today.

The United States, at its core, was supposed to be so much more than a place. It was meant to be an idea made real. Despite the fact that the framers of our independence from Great Britain borrowed much from other great minds, it was a truly revolutionary document - even with its many flaws. And, it still is - or is supposed to be.

Dedicated to the principal that all men are created equal . . .

I believe that statement from the Declaration of Independence tells us a lot about the true American persona. It is both bold AND flawed.

The principal of equality is the bold part. At that time in history, a statement like that could mean a death sentence. We still strive for a society that is fair and equitable and yet fail far to often to achieve that goal. But, we certainly keep trying - or, at least many of us still do. That can do mentality has always been associated with the American persona. And, at key times, we have risen to the challenge of defending freedom, here and around the world. Yet, the challenge of equity among our own population still remains daunting, hence the great flaw.

The all men part has once again reared its ugly head with the latest ruling from the US Supreme Court effectively removing Constitutional protection for a woman's right to choose an abortion. How can we use the word equal when we deny half of our population the so called unalienable right to make decisions for their own bodies?

And, this is only one of many divisive issues that have brought America virtually to its breaking point - add guns, race, sex, etc.

I believe that this happening because we've forgotten about who we  ARE SUPPOSED TO BE.

When I think of that, I recall an incident that I had with a Portuguese reporter during the 2016 GOP Convention in Cleveland. I was scheduled to be her camera person for a live shot to be broadcast from the convention hall to Portugal. We had a few minutes to kill and, speaking perfect English, she stuck up a conversation. She expressed her concern with the fact that a person like Donald Trump might be elected President of the US and the direction he might take the Country. At one point she became almost emotional when she said this:

What is Portugal on the world stage? Nothing. Sure, we have great beaches, history, food and wine. But, world influence?

Realistically, we are not "players". We COUNT on the United States to be that shining City on a Hill - a bastion of freedom and liberty. You guys may laugh at that and cry "bull shit". But we don't. We believe it and NEED you to live up to that promise."

It struck me then and still does. It is an enormous responsib

ility. But it is a worthy one to accept. It was in 1776 and still is today - perhaps even more so.

It is apparent to me that Democracy is not for the faint of heart, lazy, or cruel. To make it work, to be THE SHINING CITY ON A HILL, we must recommit ourselves to the ideals that created America in the first place: FREEDOM, JUSTICE, EQUALITY, COMPASSION.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Today's MOZEN: Like Your Life Depended On It

While watching a CNN interview this morning being conducted with a so-called Right to Life representative (it doesn't really matter which organization because they all use pretty much the same rhetoric), it occurred to me that they really don't understand the true crux of the Roe v Wade decision - neither when it was implemented nor now, at its repeal.

Paraphrasing, the woman claimed that the repeal of Roe finally restores choice to the people by returning the decision on such matters to our most directly representative legislators, i.e. the individual States.

OK, here's what dropped my jaw immediately upon hearing that statement. The key word is CHOICE. It's not really about abortion and it's NEVER been about abortion. It's about a woman's choice to control her own body! There is no group think here. It's about EACH woman's ability to make the choices that she believes are in her own best interests - for whatever reason - we are not to judge!

No legislation on ANY level can or should deny this unalienable right to every living human being - which if you haven't noticed includes women.

And people have to understand that the latest actions of this Supreme Court are just the tip of the spear of an ultra-rightwing Conservative Christian movement, headed by the GOP and the likes of Mitch McConnel, et al. They have been pointing this Country in that direction for decades. And, mostly due to ineptitude by the opposing Democrats, have seized the momentum.

Many people have laid the blame squarely on the shoulders of former President Donald J. Trump. He certainly is a prime instigator. But, do you REALLY believe that an inept personality like Mr. Trump could have hatched this scheme on his own? Really?

Oh no, my friends. DJT did not come up with Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett all by himself?

Mr. Trump knew as much about them as I know of the President of Latvia, i.e. never heard of him!

He was fed those names by a cabal of ultra-Christian Conservatives who will do everything within their rather considerable power to MAKE (AND KEEP) AMERICA WHITE and CHRISITAN AGAIN. And, like the good puppet he REALLY was, Trump gave them what they (he) wanted.

And, shame on us for letting it happen. Registered Democrats far outnumber Republicans. Women outnumber men and vote in greater numbers. Yet, the GOP continues to win seats of power all over the Country.

So, we got what we paid for!

Ultimately, the fate of America, and this IS a battle for its soul, rests with the people who remain dedicated to their cause. Talk is cheap. Action counts. If you want to see changed then you must make change.

Vote like you life depends on it - 'cause it does.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Today's MOSTLY TRUE SHORT STORY: Never Be Afraid To Do The Right Thing

It was such a long time ago that you'll have to forgive me if some the details have become a bit fuzzy. However, the message is as clear to me as if it happened today.

It was a blistering hot summer day. I must have been about 13. I had just pitched a 5 inning Little League game at the old School #4 field on Anderson Avenue in the town in which I was raised; Fort Lee, NJ. I can't remember if we won the game or not. What I do recall was being totally spent from the effort I had put forth on such a hot day.

As was his custom, my father was in attendance. He did his utmost to support me in all my endeavors, particularly the athletic ones. So there he was, clapping and yelling, "let's go Frankie!"

After the game we walked to the car for the short ride to our home. At the first intersection we came to a traffic light that guided the flow of vehicles between Anderson Avenue and State Route 5, both busy roads. As we approached the light, there was a startling BOOM that jarred me out of my state of exhaustion.

I'm not sure exactly how it happened, but a car driven by an older gentleman had basically T-boned another car driven by a younger man. There must have been a child in the back seat as the man I assumed was his father, came storming out of the driver's seat to remove the boy from the wreckage.

My father, who had witnessed the accident too, immediately sprang into action, using our car to shield the others. He told me stay in the car and then approached the wreckage. He made sure that the young boy was placed in a secure spot off to the side of the road while we waited for the police and EMT's to arrive. Now remember, this was in the 1960's and cell phones had not even been thought of yet. So someone had to use a house phone to call the authorities. And, then you simply waited.

While we waited and I watched from my father's car, the younger man became enraged with what had transpired. He started after the older man who was still behind the wheel of his car and appeared to be in some kind of daze.

As the angry man approached, I noticed how large he seemed to be - he must have been about 6'4", muscular, with dirty-blonde hair. He reminded me of a Viking - and he was RAGING! He grabbed the old man and attempted to rip him out of his car. The old man looked up with terror in his eyes.

While I watched, I remember an overwhelming feeling of nausea. It was probably a combination of exhaustion from the game, the heat, and stress caused by what I had just witnessed. And, quite frankly, I was also afraid that a raving lunatic would not only attack the other driver but me and my father too.

Then without a moment's hesitation, my father was in the younger man's face! Now, my father was not a big man - about the same size that I am today - 5'9" and 180lbs. - and that other guy was HUGE. Still displaying no fear at all, my father pulled the big man off the other and told him in no uncertain terms, "YOU get over there by your son and wait for the police!"

And, you know what? That's exactly what the man did. My father's determination to do the right thing was so powerful even the larger man knew he was no match for a man who had right on his side.

After the police and EMT's arrived, my father turned the scene over to the them and we got back in the car for the short ride home. I remember looking at my old man with an entirely new found
admiration! He must have seen me beaming at him and said, "Frankie, never hesitate to do the right thing. Never."

With that in mind, I can't even begin to express my outrage with the response of the local Uvalde, Texas police in their feeble efforts to save the children of the Robb Elementary School. Beyond what tactics they may have felt necessary to end the situation, they hesitated for NEARLY AN HOUR while innocent lives were taken. What they needed to do was the right thing - even at the cost of their own lives!

Some might say it's easy to judge from a far. I was not there and blah, blah, blah. All I DO know is that my father would not have hesitated - and neither would have I.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Today's MOZEN: Fight for Your Rights!

With great sadness I can claim that I am not surprised by the leaked draft from the Supreme Court. Written by associate justice Samuel Alito, if actually ruled on, the Court will remove the Constitutional protection of a woman's reproductive rights, i.e. the right to choose to abort a pregnancy.

This is the moment that the Conservative Religious movement has been striving to achieve for years! It has been a relentless, well coordinated attack to impose their MINORITY views on the REST of us!

A full 70% of Americans polled have consistently supported a woman's right to choose. And the language is key here - no one makes a woman have an abortion so it's not about that. It's about a woman's RIGHT to control her own body. It MUST be HER choice

Yet, here we are.

The ultra-religious, regardless of sect, have been effectively imposing their will, particularly on Republican law makers, for years. And, what is most galling is that THEY are in the minority - both the ultra-religious AND the GOP. Democrats and moderately religious folk far outnumber them.

This fact is particularly glaring within the Supreme Court itself. The so-called Conservative justices that have swung the vote were ALL appointed by Republican Presidents who LOST THE POPULAR VOTE.

So much for the will of the people as well as DEMOCRACY and MAJORITY RULE. We can thank the Electoral College for this wonderful legacy.

So, what do we do?

We fight back and overwhelm this flawed system with our voices and our VOTES. We vote for candidates in such numbers that we are heard loud and clear - we will not stand for our rights to be taken by ANYONE! And this goes for women AND men. This is not just an issue of women's rights - it's one of HUMAN RIGHTS! Women must take the lead and we men must support them in every way that we can. 

We HAVE to get what we pay for - with our voices and our votes!

Be active. Be relentless. Never compromise your rights. It's what THEY do - and why they win. We can do it better!

Send the Donald Trumps, the Ted Cruzs, the Marco Rubios, and their entire ilk where they belong - to the Junk Heap of History.

And take the Electoral College with ya'!!


Wednesday, March 30, 2022


It was over 50 years ago and I still remember it like it happened yesterday.

I must have been about 12 or 13 at the time and was hanging with another boy around the same age. His name was Bobby (no last names here). We were not real friends, at least not at that point. But I sure wanted to be. In my mind, he was just the toughest kid around. And toughness was something that I admired. Unlike frail me, he was never going to be bullied. He wasn't too big but very muscular and had dark skin befitting his Southern Italian heritage. In a way, he was everything that I thought I wanted to be.

I struck up a conversation with him. To my recollection, it wasn't anything particularly important - just small talk really. I was doing most of the talking and he was being aloof, befitting, I thought, his tough guy image. Then I said something (to this day I don't know what it was) that ticked him off. Suddenly, without warning, he slapped me as hard as he could across the side of my head. He then said something to the effect that I was getting too familiar - whatever the fuck that meant.

What I do remember was going partially deaf from the blow and that my ear was burning hot. It hurt like hell. Worse still was the shock and embarrassment of having it happen to me!

I put my hand to my face and cried out, why the hell did you do that? I received no response.

I basically just faded away that day - and from him forever. I don't believe that I ever even saw him again. Ever. He was dead in my mind anyway. In fact, and forgive me, but when I did find out that he had passed, I laughed (the LAST laugh) - I had outlived him - by a lot!

To this day, I have never forgotten the shame and degradation inflicted upon me by another man. Slapping is the ultimate insult. It would have actually been better if had knocked me out with a sucker punch.

So, when people try to justify The Slap Heard 'Round The World, remember my story. The message was clear - it wasn't just the violence but also the dominance of one human being over another - caused by a perceived insult. The resulting chaos was inevitable.

I understand that Mr. Smith has apologized to his victim, Chris Rock. And, that's certainly a step in the right direction. We all make mistakes. Some bigger than others. However, how we resolve them makes all the difference. I never received an apology from my attacker. So the wound it caused festered and left an ugly scar. And the world is been wounded enough. Let's learn from this, heal, and move on.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Today's MOZEN: Just One Little Man

Words and Photo by F LoBuono

There are days like today when an overwhelming sadness overtakes me. It may be caused by cold, grey and chilly weather, a bad night's sleep or, perhaps, a minor disagreement with a loved one.

However, even though they may be contributing factors, the reasons run deeper and are much more profound.

At least they are to me.

Some may equate this feeling with depression, but I don't feel that's entirely accurate either. Rather, it can best be described as a type of mourning, a despondency for the state of the world itself. It's born out of a sense of frustration and impotence with my inability to change the world in any truly significant way.

Afterall, I mean I'm just one, little man. What CAN I do?

Well, most of my resentment is with the fact that yet another LITTLE MAN (one man, really) is creating such wanton, willful death and destruction around the world - and there seems to be virtually nothing that I can do about it.

How can this be? How could one, little man's ego get that huge that he doth stride the narrow world. Like a Colossus, and we petty men. Walk under his huge legs and peep about. To find dishonorable graves.

If I had a gun, would I (could I) execute him? If I had an army, would I (could I) destroy him?

Well, I don't have either.

But I can still fight back in the only way that one, little man can - with integrity and unwavering desire to always attempt to do the right thing; to treat others, ALL others, with dignity and respect. To never yield, even in the face of impossible odds, to greed, avarice, cruelty and depravity.

And, remember, when just one, little man/woman is joined by another, and then another, and so on until the day comes when we won't be so little any more. THEN we will change the world and send ALL of the Putins to the hell in which they belong.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Today's MOZEN: Ukraine - Greed Wins

It breaks my heart to say this (although it shouldn't) but, unfortunately, no matter how hard we work at it, love doesn't make the world go 'round - greed does.

Well, both do.

And, it's a constant struggle to see which one will prevail. Perhaps, it's simply the way of not only the world, but the cosmos itself.

The latest assault on a sovereign nation, i.e. Ukraine, by another nation led by an egomaniacal despot, i.e. Russia, is another example of Greed triumphing over Love.

And, it's NOT just Russia.

The West, including the United States, have indeed instituted harsh economic and political sanctions on Russia. And, they will hurt the Russian PEOPLE. 

However, they (Europe AND the US) failed to impose the STRICTEST measures against Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin himself. They refused to freeze any of Mr. Putin's private assets, reported to be in the many $ billions, or the so-called S.W.I.F.T Bank in Europe which will allow many European nations like Italy, Germany, and others to continue to trade with Russia.

And, of course, oil and wheat imports from Russia will not be affected.



Because they want to hurt Russia - but not TOO much - because in doing so that would hurt the ECONOMIES, i.e. THE BOTTOM LINE, of the Countries mentioned.

After all, it's OK for Ukraine to suffer - just as long as we don't - at least not to much.

Yes, my friends, GREED often wins. Too often.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Today's MOZEN: A February Metaphor

The month of February reminds me of many of my old girlfriends: full of surprises, sometimes pleasant and beautiful, but often brutal and savage.

It mercilessly teases, too.

Usually cold and grey, with an occasional hint of Spring and all the potential light and warmth it brings, the promise falls apart in a avalanche of unmerciful ice, biting wind, and ruthless cold.

Reality sets in. It is what it is. And, I can hardly wait for it to be over . . . 

Monday, February 7, 2022

Today's MOZEN: An Epiphany

By definition, an epiphany most often occurs at the most unexpected moments and under the simplest of circumstances.

So it came to pass for me just the other day.

It's no secret that when it comes to Winter, I don't really dislike it - I detest it. For me, it has few redeeming values. And, it's not a matter of mere inconvenience. It's dangerous to drive or, sometimes, even walk. Pipes freeze. Cars crash. People and animals die from exposure. And, I find it downright painful. It hurts to be cold!!

People will extoll the virtues of clearer skies, less humidity, no bugs, and fresher air. OK. Perhaps. I've tried to be ZEN about it - you know, accepting for what it is. But, I've always endured winter much more than enjoyed in it.

Well, I decided to BE Zen and go for a walk on an absolutely frigid day - because in February MOST days are frigid and I needed to GET OUT! As I was adding my fourth or fifth layer of just undergarments and bemoaning that fact that if it were Summer, I would have already been in a pair of shorts and out on the streets, I had my epiphany: no matter how hard I tried to convince others that Winter sucked, I would NEVER change their minds. Those who DO enjoy Winter and frown on Summer weather can defend their choice with equal passion (they're wrong, of course LOL).

And, that's OK!!

There are cases where no compromise can be accepted, e.g. racism, bigotry, wanton hate. However, it's a BIG world with plenty of room for MANY opinions, especially when it comes to matters of taste and preference. Somehow, we seem to have lost the ability to share our differences in a way that brings understanding instead of hate. With rare exception, it's OK to have differences in opinion.

You know, I say TomAHto and you say TomAto kinda' stuff.

I can live with that. Even when I'm cold.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Today's MOZEN: Integrity Is Never Out of Style

As a longtime journalist, but not a Constitutional scholar, I would like to share with you my working interpretation of the 1st Amendment, a.k.a. The Right to Free Speech, particularly as it relates to the current Spotify imbroglio involving Joe Rogan, Neil Young, and now Joni Mitchell.

As you may know, Neil Young, a legendary performer who's prime was in the 1970's, challenged the music streaming source Spotify to either remove his music catalogue or Joe Rogan's program, Spotify's #1 internationally rated show with millions of listeners.

It seems that Mr. Young took exception to Mr. Rogan's continued anti-vax, anti-science rhetoric that forms the foundation for his program, especially lately.

Spotify agreed to Young's request and removed his music instead of Rogan's program, again citing their so-called protection of the 1st Amendment. (I'm sure that it had nothing to due with the multi-million $ contract Rogan recently signed with them). Joni Mitchell, recently honored by the Kennedy Center for her music soon followed Young in support and had her music removed as well.

First, and foremost, I am a HUGE supporter of the 1st Amendment. I have been personally attacked for my use of it. But I will not back down.

However, even with that said, there ARE LIMITS to it!

You cannot make public statements that are knowingly, willfully false that may cause harm to others. IN OTHER WORDS, you can't yell FIRE in a crowded theater, causing a stampede, when you KNOW there is no fire!

Now, as this relates to Rogan, Young, Spotify, et al: Rogan may be able to defend himself by saying he believes in that anti-vax/anti-science nonsense. However, Spotify CANNOT! They have an editorial board that is responsible for weeding out those who claim fire when there is none. And, this, obviously is just such a case.

So, no, they cannot claim Freedom of Speech!

But, then again, this seems to be a trend - a dearth of ethics, morals, and scruples through virtually every aspect of our society. There are those who totally miss the point by mocking what they see as a lack of relevance to Mr. Young and Ms. Mitchell - like that should make a difference.

Well, shame on those who do - because INTEGRITY never goes out of style. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Today's MOZEN: OXYMORON - The Oath Keepers


Most of you are familiar with the term. Simply defined it is the combination of two very dissimilar words that come together to create a single, new meaning, usually suggesting a particular irony. Popular examples might include: Little Giant, Small Crowd, Deafening Silence, Pretty Ugly, and, if I may, Compassionate Republican.

Now, in light of recent developments, I would like to add another to my list: Oath Keepers.

This is a group of mostly former military personnel who, simply put, are dedicated to overthrowing the current, DULY ELECTED GOVERNMENT in favor of returning one Donald J. Trump to power.

As the January 6 Congressional Commission precedes with it's solemn duty to discover EXACTLY what happened on that despicable day, they are discovering just how deeply involved these charlatans were in attempting (and failing) to overthrow the CONSTITUTION THEY TOOK AN OATH TO DEFEND.

THAT, my friends, is an OXYMORON.

Well, we know what happens to all tyrants and traitors.

Figuratively speaking, of course. 

F LoBuono

Wednesday, January 12, 2022


On this date, January 12, 19
69, the New York Jets, led by their victory-predicting, white shoe-wearing, brash, trash talking, long-ball throwing, bad-kneed, Alabama Crimson Tide transplant via small town Pennsylvania, quarterback shocked the sports world by leading his team to a convincing defeat of the heavily favored Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III.

This was in the era of not only a divided Nation with 2 distinct sides squaring off over divisive issues like the Vietnam War and so-called Traditional Values versus the Damned Dirty Hippies, but even within culturally iconic institutions like the NFL.

People may have forgotten, but there were 2 major football leagues; the NFL and the recently formed AFL. The NFL, with teams in NY, Chicago, LA, and other major American city represented the Old Guard, the Traditional. The AFL, on the other hand, represented the New Order - bold, aggressive, and braggadocios. These teams included the Oakland Raiders, the Denver Broncos, the Kansas City Chiefs, the Miami Dolphins, and, yes, the New York Jets.

The Colts were rock solid. The had an efficient, if not spectacular, offense, led by the crew-cut Earl Morrall, backed-up the legendary Hall of FamerJohnny Unitas, a solid running game, and a dominating defense featuring the fearsome Defensive End, Bubba Smith and ferocious Middle Linebacker Mike Curtis.

Still, the Jets had some good players like Winston Hill, Jerry Philbin, Johnny Sample, Matt Snell, George Sauer, Don Maynard, and of course, quarterback, Joe Namath.

Many of these so-called upstarts are now enshrined in the NFL Hall of Fame.

But, on this day, there were supposed to so much grist for the grinding mill that was the Baltimore Colts.

Oddsmakers established the Colts as prohibitive favorites and most of the world agreed - including me; the Colts were just too much for these charlatans!

Furthermore, I must admit that I hated Joe Namath at the time. He was flashy with, IMHO, an arrogant attitude that flew in the face of tradition. And, he wore those ridiculous white cleats! In complete contrast, the legendary Johnny U wore laced up, VERY conservative fully laced, high-top ones. It was totally symbolic!

Then, in a press conference just before the game, Namath GUARANTEED a win.

I was appalled. I mean, where was his sense of modesty?

I wanted the Colts to crush them.

Then they actually played the game.

And, you know what? The Jets did EXACTLY what Namath said they would do - convincingly! They had won their ONE and ONLY Super Bowl. There defense stymied the Colts for the entire game and fullback Matt Snell's bruising runs sealed their fate.

Perhaps, the image that sticks in my mind the most is of #12 surrounded by teammates and an ecstatic crowd, waving a single, defiant finger, #1, in the air as he heads triumphantly to the locker room.

After my initial shock and disappointed with the outcome, the magnitude of what the Jets had accomplished started to take its effect.

And, man, did my attitude change.

My admiration for not the only the Jets, but for Namath himself only increased once I saw the ENTIRE quote from him, not the edited clip aired by ALL major networks - I predict WE will win. I guarantee it. What he actually said was (paraphrased): if my team plays the way it is capable of, we will win this game. I guarantee it.

This is the ultimate TEAM player, really.

And, he was right.


 That was 52 years ago. On that day he became for me, the one and only Broadway Joe. I have not forgotten. 

PS: From that day forward, I  wore white cleats for the rest of my ball playing days.