Friday, May 31, 2013

Today's MOZEN 5/31/2013

Photo by ML Civale/ Words by F LoBuono
 Sweet boys grow up to be good men. Parents, teach your children well and the rewards will be unbounded.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Words by F LoBuono

One of the world's great queries is: what came first, the chicken or the egg? Of course, it's a rhetorical question. When you think about it, the ultimate "correct answer" is not important. The debate is. So, it is when people spar with me over the state of how the news is covered by the media today.

I think it fair to say that many people question the focus of news gathering, if not the very veracity of it. Certainly, I think it accurate to assert that most people are certainly dismayed by the proliferation of the frivolous, entertainment-oriented nonsense that is too often passed off as news worthy. I think that two words will be sufficient to make this point: The Kardashians. Nonsense from people who have nothing of great importance to say, or the ability to say it if they did, seem to dominate our current news cycle. As a case in point, when I signed on to my computer this morning and my home page appeared, I took notice of the "top stories" banner that dominates the top of the page (in addition to the numerous advertisements). Five of the nine stories presented as news where related to the entertainment industry. Five. More than half. The stories ranged from how celebrities stay fit at the beach, to how much money celebrities pay for their divorces. Really.

People complain about it all of the time. Still, it gets more and more prevalent. Every single news source, night or day, print or electronic, will include some type of so-called entertainment news. Newscasts, webcasts, newspapers, magazines, and all types of media are far too often dominated with news of people who are famous for just being famous - or infamous. When stories of the drunken, drug-fueled escapades of Lindsey Lohan dominate the news, we have become truly lost. I written it before but I'll write it again; we have become a society that worships celebrity.

As a photographer for a major TV news gathering agency, I have covered some of the world's most historic events. But on a weekly basis, I shoot more entertainment oriented stories than any other. By far. I often cover three Red Carpet Movie Premieres a week in NYC. They are used in the NIGHTLY entertainment news package that is available to every one of our affiliate stations around the country. Frequently, more than half my work time is spent covering entertainment stories. Whenever a focus group is organized to determine what type of stories people would like to see more of, the answer is almost always the same; ENTERTAINMENT.

So here's the rhetorical question: What comes first? Do the news gathering entities, based on their skills garnered through years of experience and study, set the tone for the type of information we are receiving? Or, are they just responding to a public demand by giving them what they crave? Well, when you think about it, it's a little of both. In my thirty years in the television business, most of it in TV News/Production,  I have come to learn that the media is a business - a unique business perhaps, but still a business. And, as such, it is greatly affected by supply and demand economics. It is unique, however, because it is also a profession that should, at least, involve something of the ethics that comprise true journalism; i.e. a search for the truth and an overwhelming desire to share it, often at great cost. I have seen this constant tug-o-war between the business end (i.e. the bean counters) and the editorial end (i.e. the producers).  Many of the most important stories are difficult and, therefore, often expensive to produce. But they MUST be told. It is a moral imperative. However, since I work in a visual medium, it is essential people actually watch what we do! Without an audience, there doesn't seem much of a point. We must keep in mind that it is the bottom line that counts the most. NO business can operate at a loss forever, not even the news business. The news, at least as I have seen it, tries to strike some type of balance between what it believes is important for the public to know and giving them simply what they crave the most.

There have been many examples of "noble" TV newscasts that, in a commercial environment, have attempted to create a broadcast that would avoid over-commercialism and the sensationalism that surrounds so-called entertainment news. The problem is they all FAILED. No one bought them (literally) and so they died. This points towards the importance of Public Broadcasting, but that's a story for another day. It emphasizes the so-called supply and demand economic philosophy that drives the information BUSINESS. At the end of the day, if people didn't buy it, they wouldn't sell it. We in TV News are no different.

So, when you think about it, all of us have to take responsibility for what we consume, including our information. Remember, your brain is an organ. Like any other organ, it needs to be nourished with the proper nutrients. A simple way to express the importance of good nutrition is garbage in, garbage out. If you don't want a garbage brain, well . . .

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Today's MOZEN 5/26/2013

words by F LoBuono

Vigilance. It's a word I use frequently; some suggest, perhaps, too much so. However, by the very nature of the word, vigilance, the implication is to repeat it, over and over, until a battle is won while still knowing the war is certainly not over.

Here's a case in point. After MUCH debate, and with great anticipation, The Boy Scouts of America (BSA), during their annual Council meeting, voted to amend their constitution to allow openly gay young men to join so-called Scouting. Of course, the concept of this created great angst within the organization in the first place. Most Scouting chapters are sponsored by conservative Christian organizations. With this in mind, in must have been anathema to even think of allowing gay young men into Scouting! And, of course, this became part of the debate - and rightly so. The only way to achieve lasting change is for all POV's to be heard and for them to be openly discussed before a consensus is reached. Interestingly, and VERY importantly, the great majority of those arguing for complete inclusion and against the status quo were the Scouts themselves. It seems that when the votes were tallied, the measure to amend their constitution was carried in large part by young people with new, more open attitudes! In the end, they had no issue with another Scout's sexual orientation, so long as they were good Scouts and people. How refreshing is that? So, there is hope! However, in a dose of reality, the Council also voted NOT to allow openly gay ADULTS to serve as Scout Troop Leaders. SEE. This is what I mean: Vigilance. A battle has been won, but not the war. Vigilance.

Some may ask, isn't it enough that you have at least won that battle? Well, NO, it's not enough! And it won't be until all prejudice, and the hate that goes with it, is eliminated. The same week that the BSA announced their landmark decision, there were at least two cases of EXTREME violence against gay men in NYC alone. In one case, a gay man was beaten so badly he may lose sight in one eye. And, in the other, most tragic case, a gay man was shot dead - shot in the face - by a man he had befriended. The motivation in each case was hate - hate because they were seen as different by their attackers. Why? Because, even in the case of mental illness on the part of the perpetrators, the root of the attack was to destroy what is different, what they can't or won't understand. These seeds of hate are planted by society itself. If we sow the seeds of misunderstanding, mistrust, and misanthropy, we will have to deal with crimes of intense violence all the days of our lives. If we plant the seeds of acceptance and justice we will reap the benefits of a benevolent, inclusive society.

So, yes, friends, I say it yet again: vigilance. We have made progress, but we ain't there yet.

Friday, May 24, 2013


Words and photo by F LoBuono

When I was a young man still living at my parents and dating, before I left for EVERY date, Stella would stop me, check me out to be sure that I was presentable, and say, "Frankie, remember, you have a mother and a sister". My response was always, "what's THAT supposed to mean"? "You know EXACTLY what that means", would always be her retort. And you know what? I did know what she meant. She was right. She always is.

Today's MOZEN 5/24/2013

Words and photo by F LoBuono

PERSPECTIVE: A reporter was conducting an interview with the acclaimed author, E.L. Doctorow, after Mr. Doctorow had won yet another prestigious award, this time for his novel "Billy Bathgate" (1989). What do think of this award, asked the reporter. Doctorow pondered for a second and then replied: Well, I think of this one that way I think of all awards; I hate them, until I win them.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Today's MOZEN 5/14/2013

Words and photo by F LoBuono

When one acts in anger, he plays the role of a fool.
                                                                                     a fool

Monday, May 13, 2013

Today's MOZEN 5/13/2013

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MOZENs can be found in the strangest of places. But, then again, that's the beauty of Zen. This one comes from an article in a recent Sports Illustrated. It is a quote from Larry Sanders, Sr. to his son, Larry Jr, a star forward for the NBA's Milwaukee Bucks:

You become who you think you are. If you think you're some hothead, then you will react like some hothead. But you don't have to be the man you were yesterday. You can a new man today.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Today's MOZEN 5/12/2013

A Mothers Day Wish:

May the day greet you with warm sunshine to caress your face, fragrant lilac for your pleasure, and the love of many to fill your heart. Happy Mothers Day.