Saturday, May 30, 2015

Today's MOZEN: Between The Lines 5/30/2015

Words and photo by F LoBuono
It had been a particularly frenetic day - there were raging floods in Texas, a murder trial in Colorado, and the new One World Trade Center in NY was being opened to the public. I was in the Record Room at CBS and it was my responsibility to make sure that the videos being sent from these remote locations were being recorded for use by the network. The information can come in fast and furious and you must be attentive at all times.

After my eight hour shift I was more than glad to be finally ready to make my way home. It was a warm Friday and I knew that leaving at 4 pm meant traffic - heavy traffic that starts early and stays late. So, I wasted no time getting to the elevator, down to the street and towards my car to begin the challenging ride home. As I cleared the revolving door to exit the CBS building, I noticed that my car (which was parked nearby on W57th St) had something on the windshield. It didn't appear to be a ticket. I was legally parked anyway. It was a sheet of paper. My curiosity was piqued and I picked up my pace. Just before I pulled the paper from my windshield, I remember thinking, I wonder who I pissed off this time to the point where they're leaving notes on my car? It wouldn't have been the first time! Anyway, I noticed that there seemed to be writing on it but that the paper had been placed so that the words were facing away from the street. Apparently, someone wanted only me to see it. Also, strangely, none of the other cars parked near me had similar notes.

It was hand-written in a simple script. In some ways it reminded me of the style that Europeans use. I think that it may have been a photocopy because I did not see any letter impressions made by the use of a pen on the back of the paper. I started reading it immediately. It began:

God our father
         is a Good God -
The God of Abraham, issiac &
Jocob is A Good God - 

It was written exactly in this form, spelling errors included. Now, anyone who knows me understands that I am not a very "religious" person. I was raised in the Catholic religion but found no lasting purchase there. In fact, I can be pretty iconoclastic. However, I do consider myself a "spiritual" man and am very interested in how our material and spiritual lives intertwine. So, after an initial revulsion, I read on. It continued:

       His greatness is beyond
Comprehension & imagination-
       He is Love -

I paused for a moment to see if anyone may have been watching my reaction. It was just so strange to me that I would receive this particularly note, where and when I did, and written in a form that was so poem-like. Why? Was it the raving of some religious fanatic? Should I read "between the lines" and search for a meaning within its framework? As part of my spiritualism, I believe that everything happens for a purpose. Everything. This must have some purpose. But, what?

The last paragraph contained this:

Lord Jesus Christ had Conquered
death, satan, grave, & hell.
praise His name - Amen
ISAIH 66 =13

Then he/she added an epilogue:

As the mother comforts her child, so
God does to you

I am not a man of scripture, so I have no idea of where these particular passages came from. Or, if they came from anywhere besides a person's imagination. What I do know is that the MESSAGE struck me. I thought of what it all may mean for my entire ride home. I could dismiss the religious nature of the writing and still appreciate what was being conveyed. It reinforced, in its own way, what I have always believed - God is Love. How simple. How sublime. However you form the words, the meaning is always the same. The messages conveying that are everywhere. Sometimes, you just need to read between the lines.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Today's MOZEN: There Is Only One You

Photo - C Imperatore Words - F LoBuono
There is only one Gandhi, MLK, Einstein, Edison, Picasso, Shakespeare, Curie, Alexander, Salk, Gutenberg, Cleopatra, Newton, Ruth, and Leonardo. The greatness of their contributions to society and culture has withstood the test of time and is evidenced by the fact that we recognize them by a single name.

I long to have the same type of impact on my world as they had on theirs. However, I am not them. I am only me. I can aspire to be LIKE them, but I can never BE them. Therefore, I cannot allow the longing for recognition sway me from my mission to be the best person that I can be, every single day. When I look in the mirror at the end of the day, will I see someone I can be proud of? If I do, the rest will take care of itself.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Today's MOZEN: Life In The City That Never Sleeps

Photo and words by F LoBuono
You may find this as a surprise, but the work day does not end at four, five, or six p.m. In reality, it actually never ends. There is a whole world that exists beyond the so-called norm. And, weekends? For many of us, that's an arbitrary term. There really is no such thing. The world is a 24-7-365 kinda' place. I know, because I'm one that works (and lives) in that shadowy world beyond the 9-5, Monday-Friday grind.

As a kid, I never wanted to work a 9-5 job. I found the very idea of earning a living that way stultifying. So, I chose a career that would afford me the flexibility of different hours. Well, I might add to be careful what you wish for because you just may get it! In my thirty years-plus career in the TV broadcasting industry, I have worked every shift on the clock, but rarely 9-5! And, in doing so, I have found an alternate reality.

Most often, I leave for work when it's dark and return under the same conditions. Working at night and sleeping by day can leave one feeling like a vampire. And, I'm FAR from the only one who lives like this. In the City That Never Sleeps a whole cadre of workers toil throughout the night. There are policemen, firemen, ambulance and emergency workers, nurses, doctors, sanitation workers, reporters, prostitutes, pimps, taxi drivers, food servers, road workers, insomniacs, and more. Virtually anything that you can do during daylight hours, you can do at night, too.

There are certainly some advantages to working the off hours:

1. Little or no traffic - Generally, it's a smooth trip in and out. However, you would be surprised at how much road work is done after midnight.

2. Parking - your choice of spots, as long as you're gone by 8 am.

3. No bosses - at least none of the "big" bosses are in. They are sleeping with the rest of the world.

4. Work flow - although it can get very busy, usually the work load is not the same as those for daylight hours.

5. Magnificent sunrises - witness the sun coming up every morning.

And, of course, there are disadvantages, too:

1. Health - the hours are completely contrary to a humans natural biorhythms. It reaps havoc on your system. Even when you are awake you feel mentally "foggy". You can just never make up for the sleep that you lose. Study after study confirms that shift work can be hazardous to your health. They don't call it the graveyard shift for nothing! It can kill you - literally.

2. Social - as the great majority of the world is on a far more regular schedule, socially this leaves you as the "odd person out". It makes it difficult (if not nearly impossible) to establish and maintain any type of personal relationship.

3. Professional Advancement - the downside of not having too many bosses around is that your work is not seen by enough of the right people. Therefore, you tend to get "forgotten".

Like just about anything in life, it is neither all good nor all bad. It is both. Therefore, it is up to us to find the value in it. Because, in the end, the world is what you make it. Still, next time you lay your head down to sleep remember, that their's a whole other world out there.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Today's MOZEN: "Consecrated by the Tears of Thousands" - Memorial Day 2015

Major John Andre'/Self portrait. Words by F LoBuono
Memorial Day is always intensely reflective for me. I did not serve in the military but my father, uncles and many friends did. Most of them saw intense combat action and, by their own admissions, are fortunate to have survived. But, so many of them did not. Too many of our best and brightest have been lost to the beast that is war. It's this terrible loss, this sacrifice of so much of our youth, the ones with the most potential, that truly fills me with such great sadness.

The recent TV series, Turn: Washington's Spies, has featured key events during the American Revolution and how import the roll of information garnered by spies on both sides was to the final outcome of the conflict. And, perhaps, the most important of these events, and certainly one of the most well known, involved the treason of General Benedict Arnold. We are familiar with the story: Arnold tried to sell the blueprints for West Point's fortifications to the British. Had the British been able to take West Point, they would have cut the Colonies in half. It was a plan to divide and conquer. For this, Arnold's name, even for it's infamy, is well known to American history. However, a lesser known player is that of his British counterpart, Major John Andre'. Andre', thirty years-old at the time, was the dashing head of British intelligence when he hatched the plot to turn Arnold. By all accounts, Andre' was an incredibly accomplished man. In addition to being a gallant soldier, he was also an actor and a singer. He was an artist. He spoke four languages. He wrote plays and poetry. In a sense, Andre' was the living embodiment of the Renaissance Ideal.
The '76 House Today

After meeting with Arnold, Andre' must have felt that he had pulled off his bold plan. Arnold had his money and Andre's had the plans to the fort. However, after a series of almost freakish circumstances, Andre' was discovered and captured. In an strange twist of fate, Arnold caught every break and escaped. After his capture, Andre' was taken to Colonial headquarters in Tappan, NY and held prisoner in Mabie's Tavern (the tavern is still there and now called The '76 House). His trial was held across the street in the Old Reformed Church (it is also still there). During his imprisonment, Andre' completely won over his captors. He was a brilliant conversationalist and held their attention for hours. He sang to them. He sketched. He wrote. And, never once, it has been written, did he ever complain of his lot. In fact, it was said that he was resigned to his fate and insisted that he meet it with bravery and grace. ALL were impressed with his fearless resolve. He never asked Washington for quarter. In fact, the only request that he made was to be shot as a soldier and not hung as a criminal. Even after he received his sentence of death, he never wavered. On the eve of his execution, he sketched the self-portrait seen above. In it he appears calm and relaxed.

The Old Reformed Church, Tappan, NY
The only time it was said that Andre's faltered was when he was lead to the gallows, he realized that he would indeed be hung and not shot. After a momentary step backwards, Andre' preceded, unaided, where he blindfolded himself AND placed the noose around his own neck. This is an eyewitness account of his last moments:

Colonel Scammel now informed him that he had an opportunity to speak, if he desired it; he raised the handkerchief from his eyes, and said, "I pray you to bear me witness that I meet my fate like a brave man." The wagon being now removed from under him, he was suspended, and instantly expired; it proved indeed "but a momentary pang." He was dressed in his royal regimentals and boots, and his remains, in the same dress, were placed in an ordinary coffin, and interred at the foot of the gallows; and the spot was consecrated by the tears of thousands..."
Tappan, NY

And, so he died a hero. His body was placed in a plain wooden casket and buried at the site of his execution. In 1821, at the behest of the Duke of York, his remains were exhumed and transported back to London where they were given a heroes burial at Westminster Abbey. He lies there today, with other heroes of the British Empire.

What fills me with so much sadness from this story, and all the others of war, is the incredible sense of loss. There have been so many Andres throughout our history - so many young men with so much potential, lost forever. Who knows what Andre might have accomplished should he have lived a full life? When I think of the sacrifices made by these men and woman I bow my head in reverence. At the same time, as I honor their sacrifice and morn their loss, I would also vow to move forward to stop war, end the killing, and allow ALL young people to live their lives to their fullest potential.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Today's MOZEN: The Black Hat

Words and photo by F LoBuono
A tall, thin black woman, probably in her mid-50's, was checking me out. She had long dreadlocks and was dressed almost like a gypsy. She was wearing a long, flowing sweater with lots of bangles and baubles adorning her body. Her appearance gave her an air of mystery. Perhaps, she was some type of shaman. The woman certainly had power. I sensed it. She caught my eye as I began to cross the street. I noticed that the more she looked at me, the more she smiled - a wry but pleasant smile. We approached one another and she said something to me that I could just barely make out. I thought that I heard:

"if I was a thief". . .

But, I could not make out the rest. As she came even closer, I leaned in to hear her better and asked her to repeat what she had just said. Gesturing to the rather stylish black fedora I was sporting at the time (a recent birthday gift), this was her response :

"If I was a thief, I'd steal that hat".

Not shocked, even grinning, I replied without hesitation:

"I've heard that before. I think that I may have to secure it by attaching it to by ear with a small chain".

"You do that, brother. You do that". She countered. Then she smiled broadly and walked on.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Today's FFF 5/17/2015

The English word, cookies, is derived from the Dutch koeckjes, pronounced cook-yehs. It literally means "small cakes". Their popularity in America came in October of 1661 when a shortage of grain in the then Dutch colony of New Amsterdam forced bakers to cut back on their products in order to use less material. In 1796 the first American cookbook was published by Amelia Simmons, establishing the word in print for the very first time. From then on it became part of standard usage - and a wonderful treat!!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Today's MOZEN: A Meditation of the Death Penalty

Words by F LoBuono
Joseph Heller's created the term Catch-22 for his seminal anti-war novel of the same name. In it, the main character, B-17 bombardier John Yossarian, is constantly thwarted in his efforts to be relieved of his duty of flying combat missions by the circular logic that Heller refers to as Catch-22. Heller draws from his own experiences in WWII to create a world where death is the only avenue of escape for these aviators. Yossarian finds it completely insane to be forced to fly to ones death. Therefore, he applies for a medical discharge on the basis of his insanity. However, the Army psychologist explains to him that, yes, it is indeed insane to be forced to fly to ones death. So, he can't be insane and cannot be discharged on those grounds - circular logic.

I believe that the same form of contorted thinking can be applied to the death penalty debate. I find it difficult to justify the State taking a life as punishment for a person taking another life. Recently, the debate has once more come into focus when the death sentence was imposed on Boston Marathon bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. In a well publicized trial, the lawyers for Mr. Tsarnaev never questioned his quilt. Instead, they hoped to convince the jury to spare his life (it was a Federal case that carried the death penalty option) on the grounds that he was unduly influenced by his older brother who had masterminded the entire attack. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed by police when the two tried to escape capture. However, citing the younger Tsarnaev's apparent lack of remorse during the trial, the jury choose the maximum penalty - death by lethal injection.

There are those who will say that he got his just deserts. After the verdict, one victim of the attack was quoted as saying, "he wanted to go to hell. Now, he'll just get there quicker". It's easy to see this young man as a "monster". The carnage he unleashed was unspeakable. The youngest victim of the bombing suffered terribly before he died. Many were left permanently scared, physically and mentally. Absolutely nothing good came from this tragedy. Nothing. So, why not just get rid of him? Well, we must think of the consequences of the message we send when we execute someone. And, here is were the Catch-22 really kicks in. Morally, we judge killing to be wrong - on all levels. One of the Ten Commandments says "Thou Shall Not Kill". Our American Declaration of Independence declares that we have the "Unalienable rights of LIFE, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness". The message is clear - we have a RIGHT to LIFE and it is unalienable, meaning that no person OR entity has the right to deprive us of this right. This includes (or should) the government.

Now, this does not mean there is NO punishment for such a heinous crime. There must be consequences to action. There must be justice. However, how do we define justice? Does taking a life for taking a life seem just? Is an eye for an eye the way to achieve it? Or, does it just leave the whole world blind? Evidence shows that executing criminals does not act as a deterrent, so we gain nothing there. Furthermore, recent improvements in DNA testing has exonerated many death row inmates. A recent study by the University of Michigan estimated that at least 4% of death row inmates are innocent. Now, that may not sound like a huge number, but tell that to one of the 4% (it's hundreds of people)! Plus, the system tends to punish minorities at a highly inflated rate.  To me, all the death penalty seems to do is ease the minds of angry people who are more bent on revenge than justice. Everyone loses. Everyone.

Yes, there is evil in the world, much of it shocking. It must be contained. However, if we execute people are we really doing that or are we actually adding to it? I believe that evil needs to be fed and will acccept nourishment from where ever it can get. Don't we just contribute to that insatiable appetite when we feed it MORE human beings? Someone must break the circle of violence and this is one way to do it. We can show transcendence in our mercy, even when the recipient of that mercy seems so unworthy. But, that's what transcendence means - to go beyond the expected. You just can't justify killing with more killing. A life sentence without the possibility of parole is a fitting punishment. If you have taken the freedom of another by taking their life, then you must forfeit your own freedom - forever. The message sent is a powerful one: taking a life, any life at any time, by ANYONE is just plain wrong.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Today's MOZEN: The DOD 5/15/2015

F LoBuono
When I started this blog a few years ago, I created a regular feature called the DOD or Douche of the Day. The title was self-explanatory. It featured a person of particularly low character who had "accomplished" something worthy of our ridicule, if not our outright scorn. As the world is today there was no shortage of candidates. However, after a fairly successful run, I discontinued the series. A friend, who enjoyed the concept of the feature, felt the title was more raw than clever and, therefore, beneath me. Besides, I've been trying to effect change in positive ways rather than by anger and frustration. So, I decided to shelve it.

Still, with that said, I (we) must remain vigilant and call out those who fill the world with hate, anger, bigotry, and intolerance. We must expose the haters for what they are. They often try to hide under a mantle of morality and justice that merely disguises there true intentions. Their hearts are not filled with honesty and love but, rather, greed and insensitivity. They would keep others down for their own gain. And, they are all around us everyday. We see them on TV. We read about them in the papers. They are certainly in abundance on Facebook. They follow the lowest common denominator rather than seek compromise and create solutions.

It's true, we cannot defeat them using their own methods. MLK has shown us the way: darkness cannot drive out darkness - only light can do that. So, let's show them the light. Sure, there will be those who refuse to see, but that must not deter us. The only guarantee in life is that if don't try you can't win. I intend to try for as long as I can.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Today's MOZEN: Perspective

Words and Photo by F LoBuono
When I began I my career in the TV business, I did a lot of on-camera work. In the industry parlance you are know as "the talent" - weather you have it or not. I was a college and semi-professional football player and, in a very round about way, parlayed that into my first job as a sportscaster. And, I actually got quite good. I progressed to the point where I was producing and announcing major college football games for the Madison Square Garden Network (MSG). In addition to my sportscasting, I was also producing and hosting a number of other programs. These included "live" sports shows as well as those of human and political interest. All in all, I was "on the air" quite a bit.

This led to a sort of minor celebrity. I certainly was not being invited to attend any Red Carpet Premieres, but I was being recognized on the street on a fairly regular basis. This, many would say, has contributed to my enormous ego. Well, I would agree AND disagree. I agree that it is gratifying to be be recognized, literally, for ones work. Part of the reason you do it is to BE recognized. So, that's an affirmation. However, I would disagree that my ego is enormous. It is not. Rather, it is healthy. I am never falsely modest. I know who and what I am. I do some things well. In fact, I do a lot of things, some of them very well. But, I also suck at some things - just awful. And, I own that. I am very flawed. I also know that, in the case of my broadcasting, I was a Big Fish in a Small Pond.

Every once in awhile, that notion gets reinforced. Even though I was recognizable, I never received a lot of so-called fan mail. In fact, there were so few that I remember just about all of them. However, one in particular always comes to my mind first. It was simple, hand-written and with no return address:

Who ever told a fat slob with bad teeth you could be on television?

There was no return address, so I could not respond directly. If I could have I would have by saying:

I'm not fat! And, Thanks!!

And, I mean the THANKS - thanks for providing the right perspective.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Today's FFF - FrankieFunFact 5/12/2015

Peter Fonda is most often called Captain America in the film Easy Rider. His actual name is Wyatt.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Today's FFF - FrankieFunFact

William M. "Boss" Tweed
Boss is one of the many English words we have inherited from the Dutch. In this case, the origin of the word is baas, the meaning of which is "master".


Words and photo by F LoBuono
I can't speak for others, however, I'm sure that most would echo my sentiments. No one loves you like your mother. No one. You may have great loves in your life, but no one will ever love you like your mother. No one. It is a fierce and consuming thing. You may share passion with others, but you will never be understood on the same level as the person who bore and raised you. She would die for you and, if necessary, kill for you. She does not judge.She doesn't question why, she knows. It lies in the world beyond words. If you are sick, she knows before you do. If you lie, she knows before the words leave your mouth. If you fall in love with another, she knows before the feeling reaches your heart. Call it a mother's intuition, but whatever it may be, no one but your mother can know you intimately enough to be so much inside of your head. It's both comforting and frightening.

I have a unique and special relationship with my mother. I have often written about it. As some my know, I call her by her first name, Stella. It's not done out of disrespect or frivolity. Generally, she hates that I do it. But, I have always felt comfortable doing it. It's such a beautiful name and it suits her so well. Besides, I don't just love my mother, I LIKE her. We are friends - good friends who can share a conversation on virtually any level. It's never a chore to be with her. In fact, it's a downright pleasure. When we go for lunch, she insists on paying. Always. I explain to her that I'm a working man and I can really afford to pay for lunch. Her reply? "I don't care, Frankie. I'm still your mother. If I want to buy you lunch, I'll buy you lunch". And, you know what? I let her!

She's been my biggest fan and supporter. When I'm ready to quit she is there to encourage me. Her faith in me inspires me to go on. She will not allow me to quit on myself. Her support is unwavering and unfailing. She is strong for me when I am weak. She is smart for me when I dumb. She is brave for me when I am afraid. And, she always will be. She is very found of saying that at ANY age (she's 91), she will ALWAYS be my mother.

So, here's to you, Stella - MOM. You've been the best to me for sixty years and I fervently hope for sixty more. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO YOU AND TO ALL WOMEN - ALL!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Today's MOZEN: The Swallows Return

Words by F LoBuono
It was such a beautiful day - perfect for a sojourn with the dog. As we walked, I noticed that the strong sun felt especially good. It was the first truly warm day after a long and dark winter that just never seemed to end. And, the world responded in kind. Windows were open, kids played, people shopped. The town was alive once again.

The dog and I continued our journey, oblivious but for the caress of the delicious sunshine. We made our way through town and tarried a bit with friends at the Farmer's Market. After a brief interlude we headed for home. As we turned a corner near the town's library, suddenly, I heard them. It was the unmistakable cacophony of clicks and chirps that can only be made by one bird - the swallow. These most acrobatic of flyers are true harbingers of the looming summer. When they return to Nyack and the River, warm weather cannot be far behind. Squadrons of these little hunters fill the skies over the river as they swoop and dive after their insect prey - all the while chirping up a storm! Over the course of the summer, they will consume many times their own weight in insects. And, they seem to have such a great time doing it.

Summer is coming. And, I smiled.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Today's MOZEN 5/5/2015

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Today's MOZEN: A Righteous Rage 5/3/2015

Words by F LoBuono

There is a key moment in a scene from The Godfather when one of the heads of the so-called "Five Families" (the leading crime syndicate of the day) basically describes the syndicates new business plan. It calls for The Families to enter into the operation of selling illegal narcotics on a large scale. Prior to this (the early 1950's), narcotics was seen as a dirty business and beneath the dignity of The Families. However, when they realized how much money could be made, it was time to rethink their philosophy. Still, even with so much profit to be made, The Families would make one, last ditch effort to keep their misguided honor intact. So, while agreeing that it would now be OK to deal in dope, they would only do so in the areas where "the dark races live - they're animals anyway". He continues, "I don't want it sold to children or near schools. That would be an infamnia".

Think about that: the implication is that dope is OK as long as we sell it to minorities - no one cares about them. They don't even care about themselves. Now, this may have just been a scene in a movie but it depicted actual events that shaped the lives of millions of people. It clearly demonstrates the institutionalized racism that has been pervasive in our County since its very inception. It has happened before that movie was made and it is happening today still.

When people see rioting similar to what has been taking place in Baltimore and elsewhere, the typical, immediate reaction is to condemn the participants. "Look at them". "Animals -  they loot and destroy their own neighborhoods"! We wonder what good could possibly come from destroying your own house? Well, that's because, for most of us, we think with a mind set that has been shaped by our relative experience. And, again, for most people making those comments, that experience can never put us in the shoes of those people who live in our inner-city ghettos. Never. These neighborhoods are blighted not because of the people who LIVE in them, but, rather, by the people who keep them there - people like The Godfather. This is what is meant by institutionalized racism. There are forces in place, most of them not even seen, that conspire to keep people of color down. There is no other logical explanation as to why people would WANT to live in such squalor and without hope. Every human being wants, and DESERVES, a quality life. Why, for god's sake, would ANYONE want to live a life of deprivation? Well, they don't! But, there are many who would prevent that. And, unfortunately, it's not just those who directly profit from the results of such degradation. It's often the ordinary person who feels that way. Perhaps, they do so in an effort to feel better about the poor conditions of their own lives by demeaning others.

Often, pent up emotion built up by years of neglect can reach the point of explosion. And, it has. In a response to what has been seen as years of abuse by the police, people of color are reacting with rage. They are lashing out at an establishment that has mistreated them far too long. To paraphrase another legendary film character, Howard Beal from Network: "they're mad as hell and they're not going to take it anymore"! Well, they're not. And, when you think about it, the act of burning to purify is not so far fetched. It's almost as if the only way to make things better is to burn it down and start from scratch. Remember, a Phoenix can only rise from ashes.

No, these people are not thugs, or savages, or animals. They are human beings who have reached the point of no return. They are screaming to finally be heard and they are not taking NO for an answer.