Monday, November 30, 2015

Today's Not Too True Story

Words and photo by F LoBuono
We were driving to a party and were in a festive mood.

As we speed along, I sang, full voiced, with the Three Dog Night CD playing on the car stereo -

One is the loneliest number that you'll ever know!

Ah, you might want to keep to keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road, Cynthia interrupted.

You've unleashed the beast and there is no going back now, my dear. You might as well try to hang on and enjoy the ride, I replied.

Two can be as bad as one. It's the loneliest number since the number one, the chorus continued.

If you say so, Frankie, Cynthia retorted.

Indeed I do, my dear. Indeed I do.

Today's MOZEN: Nuance

F LoBuono
We usually see racism and bigotry in their most obvious forms like the Ku Klux Klan or the TV character Archie Bunker. You can't miss the racial hatred of the KKK or the blustering bigotry of Archie. They are right there for all to see.

But, there is a more subtle side to these terms. I've written about it before on the blog and call it Nuanced Racism and Bigotry. We are all guilty of it to some degree. These are the little so-called generalities or cliches about race and culture that slip into our every day lives. And, no one of ANY color or ethnicity is immune. It is one of the things that makes us imperfect and, therefore, HUMAN.

Allow me to tell you a story that may illustrate my point. It is true but the names have been changed to protect privacy.

In the summer of 1988, I was producing and directing a documentary of a swimmer, Steve Starke, who planned to swim the Hudson River from Albany to the Statue of Liberty. It was to be a "staged swim", i.e. he would cover a certain distance each day. It was planned to take about five days and draw attention to environmental issues concerning the river. We called it Liberty Swim '88.

One day, as we were nearing Kingston, NY, the captain of the boat we were using as our command center, Don Smith, decided to dock to pick up fuel and supplies. Don was a former Marine and looked every bit the part. In his late 40's, he was burly and wore his hair in the traditional Marine crew cut style. He was direct in giving his commands on his boat. But, he was also affable and fun - a regular guy. We were joined on board by my chief cameraman, Steve McDonaugh, as well as a masseur, Ben Behar, who helped keep the swimmer's body in working order.

As we pulled into port, Don was ready with a plan. While he fueled the boat we would shop for supplies. Don had it all figured out and gave us our marching orders:

McDonaugh, you're an Irishman, you buy the booze.

LoBuono, you're Italian, you buy the food.

Behar, you're a Jew, you hold the money.

In Smith's world, there was no malice intended. It was not said with hate in his heart. It just made perfect sense to HIM. We thought it hysterical and eventually wound up giving his own nickname: The Benevolent Bigot. We did not hate him for it. He was not hateful. But, still, we realized that this was the world view of a LOT of people. And, that's not only sad, it's potentially dangerous.

There are millions of Don Smiths - Nuanced racists and bigots. They don't belong to the KKK. They are not blatant in their racism or bigotry. In fact, most of them don't even see themselves in that light. They BELIEVE in those generalities and, in their minds, don't see the bigger picture and the harm it does by perpetuating stereotypes.

We can avoid this pitfall by AWARENESS. We must open are hearts AND minds to allow for clarity in thinking. We must be AWARE to avoid the stereotypes that we often seen perpetuated by social media today. For example, people refer to the need to avoid cities with large black populations. They would lead you to believe that they are unsafe because of the violence associated with the inner city - i.e. BLACK areas. It may be true that the most dangerous areas ARE so-called black ghettos. This cannot be denied. However, and this is MOST important, it is not because the areas are BLACK, but, rather, that they are POOR. THEN, we have to make the connection between POOR and BLACK and the reasons why they seem to be inseparable. THIS is where the racism and bigotry in our society lies - NOT within the color of a persons skin. This is a critical difference.

When we can distinguish between the two  - POVERTY causes lawlessness - not color or ethnicity - our society will improve. The only time color does matter is when WE make it so by condemning this people simply for their race. And, it STILL happens all of the time. See SYRIAN REFUGEES.

We can make it stop with EVERY thought that becomes action.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Today's MOZEN: Dump Trump

Photo Scott Audette, Reuters. Words F LoBuono
It wasn't long ago that the cause du jour was bullying. Bullies have been with us since the dawn of civilization but it was most recently brought into focus when an offensive lineman from the NFL's Miami Dolphins accused a teammate of bullying him. When a huge, tough, pro football player complains of such behavior, the world takes notice.

In the days and weeks following that incident, the player accused of the bullying was released and a host of awareness campaigns, anti-bullying legislation, and the like were activated. TV commercials featuring well known celebrities flooded the air waves with the message that bullying must stop. Schools created specific anti-bullying curricular to deal with the problem. Politicians stumped with that theme as their platform. It would be fair to say the message was ubiquitous.

So, where are we now in dealing with bullies?

Well, we seem to have forgotten all about it - already.

Because, now, we have THE DONALD.

Donald Trump, the leader in the race for the GOP Presidential nomination, is the ULTIMATE BULLY. He is as vicious as he is bellicose. Should anyone dare question his strategy, motivation, background, lineage, or intentions, they are attacked without mercy. Even those charged with challenging him, like REPORTERS, are assaulted in almost every way. They are verbal abused and ridiculed. Some have even been forcibly removed for asking legitimate questions, simply because The Donald did not like them. He would like everyone to believe he is fair, balanced, and good-natured. And, if you don't believe him, he'll have someone kick the shit out of you to prove it. He's the type of bully who personally never gets his hands dirty. He pays others to do his dirty work. But, verbally, he is pretty damned good at hurling invectives at perceived adversaries. And, NO ONE is immune.

The most recent, shameless incident involves a NY Times reporter. It seems the reporter, while working for the Washington Post, wrote something concerning post 9-11 celebrations in Jersey City. Trump used that article to reference as proof his unsubstantiated accusation that "thousands of Muslims" celebrated the attack in the streets of Jersey City. The reporter, Serge Kovalski, has subsequently claimed that he never witnessed the celebrations directly and reported. at the time, the claim was unsubstantiated. This has enraged The Donald. And, of course, he has attacked! Mr. Trump not only attacked the man's credibility but his disability, as well! It seems that Mr. Kovalski has a genetic disorder that affects his limps, preventing him from moving his arms in a normal range. While lambasting him verbally, The Donald lampooned Mr. Kovalski's disability by moving his arms awkwardly,

Of course, the shit hit the fan. Most of mainstream America was shocked. They looked for Mr. Trump to apologize.

So, did he?

Hell NO!

Instead, The Donald played the role he plays best - the bully - and, he attacked! He further insulted Mr. Kovalski's reporting. He denied using physical gestures to mock him, claiming he would never make fun of ANYONE with a disability. Trump went on to explain that his movement was to demonstrate that Mr. Kovalski was "groveling" and "pandering". He went so far as to accuse him of using his disability to curry sympathy!

This is CLASSIC bully behavior - attack, attack, attack. Even when wrong - ATTACK!

He is shameful in his shamelessness.

But, what might be more disturbing to me than The Donald's behavior is that of his supporters. Despite his brutality, his lies, and his narcissistic behavior, millions of Americans continue to enthusiastically support him. In fact, they more than support him - they emulate him. There are numerous reports of abusive behavior at many Trump rallies. Should anyone come to challenge him, they will suffer not only his wrath but that of his followers, as well. As recently as last week, it was reported that a man who dared disagree with Trump was savagely beaten by his supporters.

When I was playing ball as a young man, it was often said that the team usually takes on the personality of its leader, i.e. the coach. If the coach is aggressive, so is the team. I believe that. So it is in the case of The Donald. He is a bully and those that believe in him support that behavior. It's shameful.

I, for one, do not do well with bullies. I don't respect them. In fact, I do not tolerate them. And, you shouldn't either.


Friday, November 27, 2015

When You Think About It: Donald Trumps Friday

F LoBuono
What to do? Oh, what to do?

I was in a bit of a quandary this morning. I seemed to be suffering from some sort of "reverse writers block"; instead of not knowing what to write about or how, I simply had too many topics to choose from. Today is BLACK FRIDAY, either a shoppers paradise or prison, depending on your point of view. It can indeed be considered the Super Bowl of Shopping. I certainly have a few thoughts to share on that. And, then, there's THE DONALD, Donald Trump, the front runner for the GOP Presidential nomination. His rhetoric gives one amble political grist to mill.

Well, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that I should write about them simultaneously. In my mind, When You Think About It, they represent very many of the same things.

Both are about money over matter; at least WHAT matters - certainly to me.

Black Friday is a retailers wet dream. They encourage wanton spending on every level. The more you buy, the better off you are. The message is clear - the more you HAVE, the more successful you ARE. And, to HAVE things, you must BUY them first. We have all seen the videos of people pummeling one another to simply save a buck. The retailers will barrage us with messages reinforcing exactly that. Material things matter most. Others, of an intrinsic nature become, sadly, less valuable while objects of a blatantly commercial one are coveted. Two words will underscore this difference: The Kardashians.

And, there is urgency to our spending!


In the end, the only ones being "successful", at least by THEIR standards, are the corporations that own the stores.

Donald Trump, in my mind, is no different. He measures his success by his wealth. In fact, he measures ALL success in dollars and cents. Just like Black Friday he is in our faces demanding that we buy. In his case, it is he himself that he is selling - just like he would one of his multi-million dollar apartments. Whether we liked the style or not, we MUST acknowledge their $$$ value.. In fact, if we did NOT like the style, there must be something wrong with us - because something worth that much money just HAS to be beautiful! And, he sells that line of crap all of the time. Should anyone question his tactics or strategy (of which he has none of either) he immediately attacks their integrity by questioning their net worth! He bullies them with it.

He worships money and equates anything that comes from it as good. Like the Gordon Gekko character of Wall St. fame, Trump is here to remind us: Greed Is Good.

Well, we have a word for that: avarice.

So, we ask, why, then, do so many people support a man who embodies qualities like greed and rapacity that most of the rest of us find abhorrent?

The answer lies with the people who are now currently flooding the retail outlets, buying - at all costs - on BLACK FRIDAY.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Thanksgiving Message 2015

Words and photo by F LoBuono
Unfortunately, for too many of our holidays, traditional has become synonymous with commercial - so much so that we often don't know the difference. Thanksgiving is no exception. The fact that many retail stores will be open for the holiday is ample evidence of that.

Most of us know the history of Thanksgiving - you know, the Pilgrims, Lincoln, and all that. But, too many of us have forgotten the MEANING.

Today, we should focus on the gifts we have - our family, our friends, our very lives. We are thankful for our freedom and to those who protect it. We are grateful for our warm homes and the bounty so many of us are so fortunate to have. We are blessed to love and be loved.

But, to make the holiday complete we must not forget those who are less fortunate than we. We must remember that many will spend the day cold, hungry, and alone. And, we must take it one step further - we must do everything that we can to help them.

Enjoy the fullness of the day with food, family, and friends. And, take a moment to commit to making the world a better place.

Happy Thanksgiving - all!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

When You Think About It. How would you like to be defined?

Words and photo by F LoBuono
Most of us resist being labeled. We don't like being categorized as being this way or that. I know that I certainly do not like it. Still, even allowing for our individuality, all of us exhibit tendencies that tend to show a collective way of thinking, especially during the political season.

So, with this in mind, I decided to see what the dictionary says about the two most important labels at this time of year: CONSERVATIVE VS LIBERAL. I cut and pasted the results directly from the definitions. I neither added or detracted from what I found. You may draw your own conclusions:


[kuh n-sur-vuh-tiv] 

disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
cautiously moderate or purposefully low:
a conservative estimate.
traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness:
conservative suit.
(often initial capital letterof or relating to the Conservative party.
(initial capital letterof, relating to, or characteristic of ConservativeJews or Conservative Judaism.
having the power or tendency to conserve or preserve.
Mathematics. (of a vector or vector function) having curl equal to zero;irrotational; lamellar.


[lib-er-uh l, lib-ruh l] 

favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
(often initial capital letternoting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalismespecially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.
favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect tomatters of personal belief or expression:
a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
of or relating to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies and monarchies.
free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant:

Today's MOZEN: It's a Matter of the Mind.

Words and photo by F LoBuono

Perhaps, you remember the story. I posted it a few months back. It's true.

On one of my frequent sojourns into my little village of Nyack, NY, I noticed something at one of the bus stops that I pass along my route. It's a well manicured stop with a couple of nice benches to wait on. It's also lined by a handsome stone wall. On one of the lower ledges of the wall, I noticed something peculiar; there was a bunch of canned food stacked there. They were simple things -string beans, corn, and the like. It couldn't have cost more than a few bucks. According to the way they were left, I didn't get the impression that they were forgotten. Rather, it appeared to me that they were left - deliberately - for someone to take home. There was no note, no instructions, no desire for credit. It was a selfless act of kindness. It was as sublime as it is magnificent. Whomever needed them most should have them.

As I continue my habit of strolling into town, I still pass the same bus stop. Periodically, when I remember to, I'll look at the spot where I first saw the cans of food. Most often, it is empty. But, now and again, as it was the other night, the cans appear!! It's always the same: a few cans of inexpensive food. There is no note, no instruction - just a simple, selfless act of kindness.

In these most trying times, I believe that it is more important than ever to capture the mindset of this person/persons who practice these selfless acts of kindness. It is through this thinking - one of open mind and heart that will win the war on terror. All the bombs and bullets in the world cannot do more than the power of love. When we incorporate this into our everyday thinking, our lives, and the world, will improve.

Now, before those more "hawkish" than I go off telling me how nonsensical that sounds. My head will be the first to fly under an ISIS knife. As I've said before, please don't mistake compassion for weakness. Compassion and fierce strength are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they are most complimentary. As a matter of personal experience, all of the toughest men that I have met in my life were quite often the most gentle, too. They had no fear.

So, make NO mistake; the thugs who call themselves ISIS must be stopped. And, apparently, the only way to do it is with the force of arms. A coalition of nations must form to annihilate this threat. There seems to be no other option. I support that option.

What I am writing about here, and expressed by gesture at the bus stop, is that our minds must ALWAYS return to compassion. Everything that we do in our daily lives MUST be tempered with it. If we do not, if we can't or won't, we cannot distinguish ourselves from the very ones we are fighting. The whole point of TERROR is to get into the enemies head. When they do, they have one.

I simply will not allow that to happen.

I think the next time that I see the cans at the bus stop, I'm going quick stop market on the next corner and get a few more cans to add to the stack. Will you do the same?

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Today's MOZEN: Ever Vigilent

My New Motto:

Marlowe never sleeps until he knows the world is safe.
                                                                           "The Lady in the Lake". Raymond Chandler


Woman: Do you always fall in love with all of your clients, Mr. Marlowe?

Marlowe: Only the ones in skirts.

Lady in the Lake

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Today's MOZEN: A Choice to Make

F LoBuono
Here are two, distinct visions of America. The first is from the famous poem, written by Emma Lazarus and is immortally enshrined on a plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty. 

The second is from the song, "Dirty Boulevard" written and performed by Lou Reed.                                                                                                                                                 
The choice is our. . .                                                                                                                   

The New Colossus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Give me your hungry, your tired, your poor I'll piss on 'em
That's what the Statue of Bigotry says
Your poor huddled masses
Let's club 'em to death
And get it over with and just dump 'em on the boulevard

Get 'em out on the dirty boulevard
Goin' out to the dirty boulevard
They're going down on the dirty boulevard
Goin' out

Today's MOZEN: We CAN Do It!

Words and Photo by F LoBuono
OK. I take my share of criticism for my pointed opinions. Some of it is fair. A lot of it is not. I get most of it when I become indignant. I just can't help it. It's my hyperactive nature. Still, beyond my bluster lies a deeper motivation. I never take these posts lightly and use all the skills that I may poses to make them as real as possible. Of course, it is MY reality and that must be considered. So, with that said, I have another "rant":

WASHINGTON (AP) — Just a reminder during these election times. Remember it was a Republican majority Senate that derailed Democratic legislation that would have provided $21 billion for medical, education and job-training benefits for the nation's veterans.

I would like, once again, to be indignant and remind EVERYONE that these are the same people who have delayed, if not blocked, the entrance of 10,000 desperate Syrian refugees - often using the meme Money for Vets before a penny for Migrants. I can't tell you how many people within the debate that rages over the refugee issue have posted to Facebook photos of homeless veterans with that slogan splashed across it. Really? And, then the same people have the cujones to deny OUR most needy AND worthy the very benefits that would lift them our of poverty??? Really?

They have a word for this type of behavior. It's called hypocrisy.

You can't, on one hand, use that argument to defend your position supposedly supporting veterans and then, on the other, vote to screw them!! This, as I have so often pointed out, is a case of Cognitive Dissonance, i.e. the disability of constantly distorting a narrative to fit their vision of the way things SHOULD be instead of how they are.

Also, let's get beyond the so-called "safety" issue. Yes. We MUST remain vigilant. We must balance our free society with making it a safe one. This is a battle that we have waged since the very beginning of this Country!! It has always been with us and it always will be. To BE an American is to except a certain amount of risk. It is one of the things that separates us from the rest of the world. And, so it should be now. To think that a terrorist lurks behind every Syrian woman and child is not only unrealistic, it borders on paranoia! Let's put our best efforts where they belong - stopping TERRORISTS, not woman and children.

I am not afraid. I REFUSE to be afraid. It I were to be, I'd be letting those SONS OF BITCHES win. They never will. And, I can SHOW them just how unafraid I am - by being AMERICAN - OPEN, HONEST, FREE!!!!!!! Let's show them. Help our veterans AND Let them in.

Thursday, November 19, 2015



[ter-uh-riz-uh m] 

the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

The use of violence and threats to INTIMIDATE or COERCE, especially for POLITICAL PURPOSES.

Please take a moment to careful study that definition. It tells you all you need to know about what is happening in the world right now - and, just how EFFECTIVE the terrorists have actually been. By the very NATURE of the word, terrorism can only be seen as effective IF it produces the desired results as defined above: Intimidate and Coerce, especially for Political Purposes.

In simple terms, it means that terror only works when we let it significantly change our lives and daily routines. When we are AFRAID to do things we normally enjoy doing, or go places we normally enjoy going, the terrorists have succeeded. And, the greatest failure on our part is allowing them into our HEADS where the fear and mistrust they create actually changes the way we THINK. This is the ultimate goal of the terrorists - to get into our heads in such a way as to alter our very consciousness. When they do, they have won.

And, apparently, they ARE winning. Because they've gotten into our heads.

It's understandable that after a heinous act like the one committed against France will produce a visceral reaction. People want revenge! And, they want it quickly. We were in a similar situation in the days and weeks following 9/11. But, in the final analysis, where did the hunt for revenge lead us? Well, ultimately, because we fell into the trap actually set for us BY the terrorists, it brought us into disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The effects of those wars are still being keenly felt by the US (and, the entire world), even today. In fact, part of the current wave of terror by the brutal ISIS is a DIRECT result of that policy! It's EXACTLY what the terrorists wanted and we gave it ALL to them.

The current situation is no different. The reaction in this Country has, perhaps, been even more visceral and explosive than in France. Social Media has exploded with simple paranoia, most of it ill focused against Muslims and anything Islamic. Even President Obama's plan for accepting 10,000 of the most needy Syrian refugees has been thrown back in his face. The vitriol hurled against these desperate people has been shocking - AND, if you happen to be a TERRORIST, most pleasing! They have created the chaos and paranoia that is their most powerful weapon. Terror groups create far more damage with propaganda than they do with bombs. They will get a society to eat its own children. And, they will be waiting to rise from the wreckage.

And, we will have no one ultimately to blame - but ourselves . . . 

Today's MOZEN: American

Words and photo by F LoBuono

The definition of what it is to be an AMERICAN is to except risk.

Without risk there can be no true freedom . . . 

WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT: Perspective In Numbers

Words and photo by F LoBuono

That HUGE number is the amount of people who visited the United States in 2013 (the last year the numbers were compiled). 69,768,000 people of all shapes and sizes - from all cultures and every corner of the globe visited our shores. 69,768,000 traveled freely and, mostly, without incident all over this wonderful Country.

Now, our President has asked us to honor our most cherished attribute: compassion for those who need it the most, regardless of their ethnic or religious make-up. He has asked us to find a place for 10,000 of the most desperate of our brethren - mostly Syrians escaping the brutal war that has plagued their homeland. Despite the Presidents plea, the majority of Americans (53% by a recent poll) object to the plan to house these people - 10,000 of the most desperate people in the world. And, the GREAT majority of these are children, woman, orphans, and widows. However, they are also mostly MUSLIM.

Due to recent events, the practice of Islam is anathema to too many Americans. What they don't understand is that this horrible violence committed in the name of Allah is a SHAM! These thugs know nothing of Islam!! They USE it for their own political gain. The great majority of the 1.2 billion Muslims in the world abhor the fact that their faith has been hijacked by these Myrmidons. Could Muslims around the world do more to combat these vermin? Yes. We all could. But, that does not change the fact the great majority of the people we seek to help NEED that help. And, when we do help them, they will become Americans - just like the rest of us!!

So, before you go off all scared and shit, think about it!! Put it in perspective. When you do, you will realize what FDR told us during another crisis:

We have nothing to fear, but fear itself!!!!!!!

Don't fall for the rhetoric. It we can deal with over 69 million, we can certainly cope with 10 thousand!!

*Compiled by the World Bank, 2013)

Today's MOZEN: WE Must Never Be Like THEM

Words and photo by F LoBuono
The world has gone insane - unfortunately, much to the delight of the very people creating most of the mayhem. ISIS or ISIL, whichever moniker you choose to identify them by, are the thugs posing as religious zealots threatening to plunge the world into chaos. This may frighten us but it most certainly does not them. In fact, it fits right into their warped plans of bringing the world to a final,defining conflagration.

And, most people are unwittingly falling right into the trap.

The recent attack in Paris where nearly 130 innocent people were slaughtered enraged the entire world. The initial shock of the assaults was soon coupled with grief and sorrow for those lost. These feelings are now being transformed into a type of righteous rage. The world is mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore. We want ISIS more than just gone. We want them smashed, obliterated, wiped off the face of the earth.

The problem is, that's EXACTLY what they want us to try and do. They have planned these attacks to not only be tactically punishing but strategically so, as well. By that I mean that the scope of the attack was FAR greater than taking the lives of nearly 130 people. That's the tactical component. And, although horrifying, the strategic element of what they did has far greater consequence. Their plan was to create long lasting fear and panic in a wide variety of areas. There is an economic impact: tourism, a large portion of the French and Parisian economy, is already being effected. Hotels and restaurants report business to be way down. There is a political impact: people will (and should) hold public officials accountable for their safety. How leaders respond to this conflict may define their political futures. And, perhaps most importantly, there is a social impact: people want to hold someone responsible for these outrages. They want to point figures directly at those who have created this mayhem. And, the pain is so palpable that mob mentality takes over. Anyone who even resembles one of the perpetrators is subject to the same scorn. Since Muslims executed the attacks, ALL Muslims are to be feared and shunned.

It's just what the bad guys want. It's all a well calculated plan to destabilize the world in an effort to create a Caliphate. And, it's working - because we are allowing it to.

The ideology of ISIS is to win or die. They have no problem with reducing the world to a pile of ashes if that's what it takes to achieve their world view. In fact, not unlike the Evangelical Christian version of The Rapture, ISIS doctrine says a final, cataclysmic battle between the Christian and Islamic forces MUST take place to decide who will ultimately rule the world. The more anger, hatred, and brutality these maniacs can muster, the better they like it. Like the Marvel comic book character, The Incredible Hulk who only gets larger and more powerful the more angry you make him, ISIS only gets more potent when we meet their brutality with more of our own. Every escalation in wanton violence falls right into their master plan.

Of course, ISIS must be stopped. And, apparently, only military might will do it. However, it can't be by any means necessary. This mind set is exactly the one our enemies would like us to have. It lowers us to the same level as they - the most base, the most brutal, the most ugly. And, as some wise person once told me, don't get into a pissing contest with a skunk. You'll lose. We must avoid the type of knee jerk reactions that we are now seeing. More than half the governors in the US (virtually all Republicans, by the way) are calling for a halt in accepting Syrian refugees - ALL Syrian refugees, including women and children because of the threat of terrorists sneaking in with them. Even if it were the case (evidence suggests otherwise), giving vetted refugees asylum is more than a matter of "mere" compassion. By rejecting them, we again play into the hands of ISIS by only adding to the ever growing refugee crisis. These refugees become further displaced, disenfranchised and disillusioned. Well, guess what THEY then become - members of the Taliban and ISIS! It destabilizes the entire world.

Carpet bombing, i.e. obliterating the entire region that contains their strongholds is also not a viable strategy. ISIS may rule these areas but there are also many innocent civilians under their control who would suffer the consequences of such a policy. There are "hawks" in our government that would say, sorry, in war, there is bound to be collateral damage. Well, tell that to the people who lie under those bombs! This way of thinking will only lead to another generation of bitter young men, only too willing to join the opposition like ISIS or the Taliban. This mentality is partly why we are in this mess in the first place!

Then, there is also the matter of National Identity. How do we wish to be acknowledged for our place in the world? For most of our history, America and Americans have been known for their honor and sense of fair play. We have always told our immigrants; work hard and you can get ahead here. And, generally, that has been the case. Now, many are saying HOLD ON - only SOME of you are welcome. And, I'm shocked when I see the ethnic makeup of the names of the people who are the most vocal about enforcing the ban: Armenians, who seem to have forgotten about their treatment at the hands of the Ottomans. Jews, who endured the Holocaust at the hands of the Nazis. Irish, mindless of The Great Famine and their treatment at the hands of the British. Italians, who suffered countless indignities upon their arrival in this Country. ALL of us in this COUNTRY OF IMMIGRANTS have benefited at one time or another from a helping hand. Why should we not extend the same virtue to others who so desperately need it?

We cannot, we MUST not be ruled by fear and paranoia! We must have a coordinated plan to attack and destroy ISIS. But, it must be one that is consistent with our values as a society and executed to achieve a lasting peace. If we do not, we are in danger of being no different than those we so readily abhor.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Today's A NOT TOO TRUE STORY: Two Italian Boys in Des Moines.

Words and photo by F LoBuono
My co-worker and I walked into the lobby of the Marriott Hotel in downtown Des Moines, Iowa. We were on assignment for CBS News, covering the Democratic Debate for President. Nice hotel - clean, modern, spacious. It wasn't busy so we went right to the front desk to check-in. Joe, 40, lean and dark skinned with short, dark hair, approached the clerk first and they exchanged greetings.

Checking-in, sir?

Yes, we are. Joe replied.

May I have your name, please? asked the clerk.

As he searched his wallet for the credit card he would need next, Joe answered:

Joe Mancuso.

Ah. Here your are sir. the clerk responded after finding the reservation on his computer. He preceded to complete the checking-in process without incident. I was next.

Your name, sir?

Frank LoBuono

Please spell that, sir.

L-O-B-as in BOY - U-O-N-O. I spelled it slowly and, as I always do, added the B as in BOY to make it perfectly clear. I don't usually bother explaining that it's actually two words. That's just way too tough for most people to handle.

The clerk slowly repeated after me: L-O-B-as in BOY . . .

When he got to the U-O he stumbled, mixing up the order of the U and O - seems to happen all of the time.

I corrected him: U-O-N-O.

The clerk kept searching his computer for the reservation. He could not find it. I assured him that it was certainly made by CBS News, who I was there for on assignment.

Let me check for another spelling, the now slightly nervous clerk responded.

Ah. Yes. It's spelled O-U in the reservation.

At this point is was easier to go with the new spelling of my name than to have it corrected.

Sure. Why don't we just leave it like that and I'll check in with that spelling. OK? I offered.

Certainly, Mr. Lu Bouno, replied the clerk, doing everything within his power to pronounce my name properly.

I made one more attempt to pronounce it slowly for him so that he might get it right: LOBUONO, accentuating the U properly.

LO - BONO! bleated the clerk, smiling, sure he had gotten it correctly that time.

Close enough, was my final response.

The clerk smiled even more broadly and added, You guys must be Italians from New York!

No shit. How'd you figure that? I retorted.

The young man looked back at me with a shocked expression.

I winked.

He laughed a bit nervously and added: I just love Italians from New York!

Indeed, young man. Indeed.