Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Today's MOZEN: The Bully-In-Chief


Words and photo F LoBuono

When I was a kid, right up through adolescence, I felt like I was bullied mercilessly. At least it was “merciless” in my own mind so that even after the passage of these many years, I still remember it. The lessons I learned then made me the person I am today. And one of those lessons was how to deal with a bully.

Unlike most of the men in my family who were my role models and were “robust”, I was thin. Painfully so. More accurate descriptions and the ones used most frequently were “skinny” and "scrawny".  And I hated it. However, despite my frail frame I was quick and athletic. Taking after my father and uncle, I played lots of sports, too. But I was so damned boney that despite by athletic skills, I never looked the part of the “buffed” athlete and suffered the indignity of being teased about it constantly. I also have a somewhat unusual sir name that the other kids would have a good time with trying to find ways to come up with insulting pseudonyms for.

Combine these things with growing up in a lower-middle class New Jersey neighborhood with lots of kids, and you get the perfect environment for the development for those who bully, those who allow them to flourish, and those who choose to fight back. I was a member of the last category.

I was taught very clearly by BOTH of my parents to live by a code that includes resisting anyone that violated the tenets of that code. They are as follows:

1.        Never BE the bully and walk away from a fight if you can. You’ll know when.

2.        Never allow ANYONE to put their hands on you without your permission.

3.        Never allow anyone to degrade you or your family with insults.

           "Words can never hurt me" to a point. You will know what it is.

4.        Never quit.

5.        Always stand for what is right and defend others weaker than yourself.

6.        Always fight ferociously when necessary.

7.        Always walk with your head held high. No one is better than you, or you them.

You see, I was never that tough, so I don’t think I won many – if any – of those fights against bullies. But, winning is not ultimately what’s most important. Resisting is.  It eventually became clear to bullies far and wide that if you violated any one of these principles, you’d have to deal with me. Even if you could beat the crap out of me, I’ll fight you today, tomorrow, the day after that, and so forth. They knew that. I don't know exactly why but, at some point, they didn't bother me so much any more. Perhaps it was simply because they got tired of beating me up. Whatever. One way or the other, I EARNED respect and they left me alone. I can’t speak to others, but it has always held true for me.

These principles have served me well for nearly 70 years and I will continue to apply them for as long as I live. And, under the current conditions and Administration, I’ll need them now more than ever. It’s become more obvious than ever that this County is being run by a bully.

The fact that Donald Trump is exposing himself as The Bully-in-Chief does not surprise me in the least. As a New Yorker, I have known that about Mr. Trump LONG before he expressed his political aspirations. That was obvious from the beginning of his public life and reinforced by his starring role in one of the ultimate bully-themed shows of them all, The Apprentice. Remember, he took great joy in someone losing their job by uttering the phrase, you’re fired! As President he has been no different, issuing draconian orders to implement his (and his cronies’) version of America.

What does surprise and disappoint me is the growing number of Americans who support this boorish behavior, especially when it comes to the issues of immigration, and particularly our Southern Border. Look, I get it! Trump campaigned and was elected promising to do exactly what he is doing now. And we must admit the fact that most Americans, including me, acknowledge a broken immigration system that is in desperate need of repair.

However, I, and many others, are NOT OK with how this is being done. Simply put, the entire process seems to have been conceived to create the maximum amount of cruelty in its execution. Because it is a MASS deportation, it’s like a huge fishing net that scoops up the intended catch while a whole bunch of other fish also get consumed in the process! Sure, arrest and deport the criminals that HAVE filtered into our communities. Good riddance. We SHOULD have been doing that all along. But to terrorize thousands of innocents to catch a few desperadoes is just plain wrong.  Besides, as is being revealed as this story unfolds, it will have a profound effect on our economy by removing essential workers from key industries.

To further his add to the misery, the President has also attempted to end the Constitutional Birthright clause granting anyone born here American citizenship, potentially devastating innocent children and their families. And just to make things extra nasty, Mr. Trump has now authorized Federal Immigration agents to conduct raids in churches and schools. Yes, that’s right, SCHOOLS. Yes, let's bring lots of men with combat gear and guns into our schools. JEEZ!!!

Some who read this will have absolutely no issue with how this is being done. All that is important to them is that it IS being done. But I counter with this; just because we can doesn’t mean that we should. It’s cruel and contrary to the very essence of what it means to be an American.

There MUST be a better way- and there IS – if we can change our mindset. Instead of spending $ millions and losing $ millions more on heartless measures, how about Congress getting off their butts and passing legislation that addresses this crisis and provides a real pathway to citizenship?

And there are many other things that are being implemented (and largely supported) that seem to have been chosen mostly for their cruelty. Another particularly egregious act was declaring that the US government will support only 2 birth genders, male and female. Mr. Trump went even further and signed an Executive Order mandating all Transgender people in Federal prisons be transferred to the facility assigned to their birth gender. Do people know what will happen to these folks? They are human beings, our brothers and sisters.

And, in a recent development, the President has issued an Executive Order banning transgender individuals from serving in any branch of the military. Hell, over 4,000 trans people are currently serving with honor and distinction.

The list of his mean-spirited and largely inane if not insane Executive Orders is too long to complete in this post.

Why does he do it? Because he CAN (if we let them!). That’s what BULLIES do!!

It comes down to our national ethos. WHO ARE WE? Are we represented by the Lady with The Lamp who lights the way to freedom and equality for all? Or are we so thoughtless, so callous as to be led by an overbearing, bloated, cruel, BULLY who seems to believe that he was elected king?

Resistance against this emerging menace, this tide of cruelty, takes enormous effort. I know it gets me down. And as more and more people fall prey to their more basic instincts, as prodded by The Bully in Chief, the more difficult it seems to Fight The Power. But we must. Otherwise, the bully wins and smiles that cheese-eating grin. I will not let that happen. Never did. Never will.  I can’t.

Let me leave you some of the greatest song lyrics ever created for some inspiration. The were written by Paul Simon for his song “The Boxer”:

In the clearing stands a boxer and a fighter by his trade and he carries the reminders of ever glove that laid him down or cut him until he cried in his anger and his shame, I AM LEAVING, I AM LEAVING! But the fighter still remains.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Today's MOZEN: And So It Begins


And so, it begins.

Just a week away from the official transfer of power, the arrival of the era of Trumpism is now in high gear. The foundation of All That Was Promised is being laid. The future is being shaped by the very people the new President is choosing to help him run this Country. They are the harbingers of what is to come.

The common denominator for these people nominated by Mr. Trump to fill his Cabinet is unquestioning loyalty to the man and his doctrine. While some of those chosen may exhibit a certain level of qualification for the positions for which they have been nominated, others are woefully underqualified and were chosen by the President Elect sole for their fealty.

Let’s take the man chosen for one of the most important Cabinet positions of them all, Secretary of Defense, a position with enormous power and therefore responsibility, as just one example.

Pete Hegseth is a Special Forces trained combat veteran whose main claim to fame was his position as a Fox News weekend anchor. He also headed 2 failed veteran’s charities. Mr. Hegseth’s drinking habits are apparently also the stuff of legend. Despite his stellar service record, there is no other experience on his resume that would suggest an ability to manage the Governments largest department.

His recent Congressional confirmation hearing clearly demonstrated what we can expect not only from Hegseth but from the entire Trump Administration. Through his testimony we should prepare for the following: Toxic Masculinity where men run the show and women are relegated to supporting roles - Christianity is the National Religion - Torture of enemies is acceptable - Might Makes Right -  Complete fealty to the President is required. Those not willing to pledge will be purged. In other words, he (and the others) intends to implement the Project 2025 agenda.

What is equally disturbing to me is the fact that the Republican controlled House AND Senate are in virtual lockstep with Mr. Trump and his plans for our Country. There is a strong chance that Mr. Hegseth as well as other controversial nominees will be approved. Nothing can stop them now.

It’s not hyperbole to state that by voting for Mr. Trump as well as a GOP controlled Congress, this Country has clearly made its choice to fundamentally change what it means to be an American. It’s MAGA now and with it comes a new ethos, one with less compassion and equal justice under the law while increasing fear and loathing.

Many of my friends cry foul stating that they did not vote for Trump so he’s not “their” President. Well, unfortunately this is not the way things work here. The People have spoken. What they have said breaks my heart.

Friday, January 3, 2025



As I sit at my new laptop computer (a relatively inexpensive model that I purchased for myself as a guilty pleasure) in front of a warm, raging fire (gas, but still) on this early, cold, gray Christmas morning my favorite Christmas movie plays in the background. My partner Amanda is asleep as is my other constant companion, our cat, Tuxedo Joe (and Stella, too). So, I can be alone with my thoughts – and my new computer.

The movie is “A Christmas Story”, the 1983 classic based on the childhood memories of growing up in a Cleveland suburb by the humorist, Jean Shepherd. It’s one of my favorite films on so many levels. It is well acted with great chemistry between the principals. It also has a great story line and message. And the writing? Oh, the writing! It is witty, crisp, and endearing. Some of the lines have become legendary. Who remembers: “you’ll shoot your eye out kid” or “it must be Italian, f-r-a-g-i-l-e"?

Also, the ethos of it reminds me of my own childhood. Even though it takes place at a time slightly before my own, there are enough similarities to that family and how they interacted among themselves and within their community to remind me very much of my own life growing up in a suburb of New York City, Fort Lee, NJ. The mother and father in the movie could have been my own. And the main character, Ralphie, and his brother could have certainly been me and my younger brother, Joe.

But, perhaps, most importantly, the ultimate message is a true Christmas one; cherish life’s moments, all of them. In the end, it’s all we have.

There is a scene in the movie when the young narrator, Ralphie, is taken in by the beauty of a Christmas morning snow dusting outside his bedroom window, secure in the knowledge that he is safe and warm at home with people whom he loves and who love him. And he opines, “all's right with the world.” The Italians have a similar saying “a di la.”  It’s a feeling, often all too fleeting, that for that one, singular moment, you are secure in your own time, place, and skin. It could be sharing a family moment on a Christmas morning, an unexpected message from an old friend, or a warm kiss on a cold morning It’s whatever fills our hearts with a feeling of well-being. It’s relishing the simple joy of living fully.

Oh, how we wish we could make them last, even just for a moment longer. But we can’t. That’s why it’s so important to not only savor these moments, but to continue to actively create them. The days of huge family dinners with my mother, father, grandmother, aunts, uncles, and cousins are long gone for me. That’s just the way my life turned out. But I refuse to dwell on the past. Treasure it? Yes. Regret its loss? Never. That’s why we need to continually make new moments to treasure, no matter how simple they may be - like a new computer, a roaring (gas) fire, a hot cup of coffee, a wonderful movie, and another Christmas to have lived.