Friday, October 29, 2010

Message to the Tea Party

Hey T.P.ers, I get the anger, and disillusionment. The government, in too many cases, has let us down; taxes, the economy, the war, etc. I hear ya'. I feel your pain (didn't someone else already say that!). So, I GET IT!

What I don't get is the people you've chosen to change the course of our nation! They're all bordering on insanity or, at least, incompetence! Here are just some of the candidates you've picked to advance your platform of discontent: Angle won't answer even the most basic questions. Whitman is almost as elusive when it comes to the issues. O'Donnell thinks she's a witch. Paul hates just about everybody. Paladino just plain hates. And the "Queen Bee", Palin, makes up words at a rate faster than I do (but I make mine up deliberately!).

How will these people truly make a difference?! How CAN they make a difference? T.P.ers often complain that too many politicians are "elitists" and "over-educated". Since, when is pursuing a degree from some of the most challenging universities in the country (and, therefore, demonstrating intellect) a liability?! I don't want someone who didn't have the persistence or chops to complete an advanced degree making critical decisions for me. I certainly don't want someone who is out of touch with me making those calls but I DO want someone who can think their way out of a paper bag!!

So, guys, when you can present me with someone who meets that basic requirement and is NOT a mental defective, I'll listen AND even consider voting for them.

Have a nice day! :)

photo: F. LoBuono caption: Independence Hall, Philadelphia.


  1. "I certainly don't want someone who is out of touch with me making those calls but I DO want someone who can think their way out of a paper bag!!"

    Love it,

  2. You're preachin' to the choir here, but I don't think the Founding Fathers believed we should be governed by career politicians either. When you look at the pedigrees and the credentials, of our elected officials, well...

    There should be some place in the middle, someone with street smarts, common sense and passion. YOU, perhaps?

  3. I guess I'll just have to run for POTUS, won't I! :)
