Friday, November 5, 2010

Social Commentary: The Politics of "NO"

They're back!! Yes, unfortunately, the HATERS are back. And, after the recent election, they are in full force and as vitriolic as ever. Emboldened by the results, they have crawled out from under their rocks or emerged out of one of their caves to screech "we won, we won, now let's get that bastard Obama"! Mitch McConnell, the pasty faced, old white dude who happens to be the Senate minority leader, laid out the future for his party, the GOP: do everything in their power to make sure that President Obama is not re-elected in 2012. It is there mission, their mantra. WTF!! This is why you voted these people in?!! Most of these people ran on a platform to change Washington, that they would end "partisanship" and "business as usual". So, what's the first thing they do: promise to disagree with EVERYTHING on the President's agenda if it does not jive with their direction and philosophy. They will dig in their heels and just say "NO" (Nancy Reagan would be so proud!). This means that, in two years, NOTHING will get done. NOTHING! How is that change, at least for the better? They promised to "end the politics paralysing Washington". Please tell me how this is going to work?

Obama, to his credit (or, perhaps not), has often extended an olive branch to the Republicans. He did it again after the election, calling for a White House meeting of leaders from BOTH parties. What did the Republicans do when he extended his hand? They told him to stick it up his ass!! Shameful! This is the way to create a consensus? This is the way to move OUR country forward? They lied and you bought it - hook, line, and sinker. Their sole purpose is to gain control and forward their misguided agenda.

Now, you may say this is politics and that the Democrats do the same thing (and they do). However, this election was supposed to be about a "new way". People won by promising to end "politics as usual" in Washington. And, what is the first things they do when they get into power: promise to get more power! Did you ever hear "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely"? Well, the Mitch McConnells of the world are absolutely corrupt.

Let me leave you with this: a rumor is going around that President Obama's "vacation" to India and the Far East is going to cost $200 million dollars a day. A day?! Where do they get this shit?! How could anyone spend $200 million a day?! And yet people bought it as FACT. True, he is booking entire hotels when just a few rooms are needed. But that's not his choice. That is done by the Secret Service for security reasons. One might ask, "why go then"? Well, the countries he is scheduled to visit are extremely important trade partners and, therefore, key to our economic recovery. They are also important allies in our efforts to fight world-wide terrorism. If he didn't do things like this the HATERS would be screaming that he's not doing enough.

Well HATERS, you can't have it ALL ways: you can't have change AND business as usual. You can't claim a man is not doing enough and then criticize his efforts when he tries. All I can say is OPEN YOUR EYES AND WAKE THE F' UP!!!!!! You've been bamboozled.

photo: F LoBuono


  1. Love seeing Karl Rove rear his ugly head again...

  2. Obama did NOT extend an olive branch to the republicans-on tv yes but not in real life. The last two years he has ommitted their input from every bill, and meeting. Anytime a republican said something, it was answered by Obama with "WE WON". That is why there was no compromise, and no republican votes on his bills except on the one with the two RHINOS from Maine who btw, days are numbered cause they will not be re-elected. So please, do not say that OBama is going to work with the republicans-history tells us otherwise. Hopefully I'm wrong...

  3. You sound pretty sure of that, Jeanie. What are your sources? Were you there? You put "We WON" in caps and quotes. Do you know if that was actually said?

    Now, there was a clip on The CBS Evening News during their post-election coverage reporting that the Administration's initial approach towards the GOP was less then gracious, taking a "we won, get used to it" attitude. I'm sure that this is not unique to this administration. It seems most, if not all, have a "to the victor belongs the spoils" attitude. And that sucks. However, I believe there have been many instances of Obama extending an olive branch. In fact, he has become, much to his detriment, know as too much of a compromiser. The rap is that he is weak because of it. As I mention in the text of the blog, detractors cannot have it ALL ways: he can't be damned if does, damned if doesn't.

    Thanks for your input. Let's keep going!!

  4. Karl Rove is so full of shit he should have brown eyes.
