Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Brain Droppings: Fun News of the Day.

As reported by various N.Y. media outlets, health officials are warning that hundreds of people at a Massapequa, Long Island Catholic Church may have been exposed to hepatitis A during the receiving of communion at the church's Christmas day mass. Although rarely fatal, hepatitis A can cause nausea, vomiting, black urine, and other tasteful symptoms.

Of course, this once again proves my theory that organized religion may be hazardous to your health!

It was also been reported that former V.P. Dick Chaney's recent heart procedures are in an effort to prepare him for an eventual heart transplant. If this is indeed the case, then it will be the first time that he has actually had one - a heart that is. :)

photo F LoBuono of Rex, the Wonder Dog


  1. Wait, wait, don't tell me! Cheney's getting a transplant? WTF? Tell him to come to AZ where our REPUBLICAN Governor has instituted the equivalent of 'death panels' and determined the state won't pay for life-saving transplants of men much younger and smarter than Mr. Cheney.

    Go figure.

  2. The black urine is a real treat.

    Maybe Dick Cheney can have that too. Let's keep him around a little longer so he can shoot someone else in the face.

  3. Cheney has nothing to worry about - he's wealthy. What a douche!

  4. He'll shoot his eye out shoot his friend and take his heart
