Monday, April 27, 2015

Today's MOZEN: The Birthday Post Mortem

F LoBuono
First, the element of surprise was used with devastating effect: I had no idea what was happening. Really. I had hoped to run into some friends but what I found was beyond my wildest expectations. There can be no greater joy than to be with family and friends and bask in the bright light of their love and warmth, especially on your special day. And, I most certainly did.

Still, I have to admit a certain "uneasiness" with it all. I am SO grateful that I find it difficult to express the depth of that feeling. The well wishes and expressions of love were simply overwhelming. I couldn't possibly find the time to properly respond to them all. And, this makes me feel a bit guilty. Also, believe it or not, even with my VERY healthy ego, I am so veryhumbled by it all. I am not worthy - at least I feel that way!

So, I guess it's best to keep it basic and simply say, THANK YOU, ALL. May all the love and light shared with me be returned to you - with interest!!

1 comment:

  1. At such a large gathering I think everyone will agree that a minute to speak with the guest of honor is, well, an honor. You certainly gave all your guests some face time and it is safe to say an excellent time was had by all.
