Thursday, December 30, 2010

Today's DOTD: Christine O'Donnell

Today's Douche of the Day is Christine O'Donnell. O' Donnell is well known for her failed attempt to win the U.S. Senate seat for the state of Delaware. She was a surprise winner of the state's Republican primary and was heavily supported by the Tea Party. With their help, she raised a state record of $7.3 million dollars in campaign funds. She is equally well known for her quirkish behavior such as her admission to "dabbling in witchcraft". Perhaps more disturbing than the quirks are the inconsistencies in her finances and background. In fact, she has not held a full time job in years and has difficulty in explaining just how she supports herself.

And this isn't the only thing that she has had difficulty in explaining. During the campaign, when she wasn't ducking questions on her qualifications to become a U.S. Senator, she was often overwhelmed by questions on domestic and international policy - you know, things that you would want a Senator to be versed in, like education, and the economy, etc. She hung her hat with the Tea Party mantra of don't tread on me. Well that, along with a pretty face and bubbly personality (sounds like someone else I know. Oh, you betcha, wink, wink!) is not enough to get you elected - at least not in most states! She was soundly trounced in the general election.

Now the AP reports that she is the subject of a criminal investigation by the Federal Government into misuse of campaign funds. Adding fuel to a fire that was started long ago, 2 former campaign workers have claimed that she used campaign funds for personal expenses, particularly to pay her rent.

Of course, O'Donnell made the talk show rounds defending her position, denying any wrong doing, and claiming the charges were a political witch hunt started by powerful democrats and disgruntled employees. Of course, she's right (wink, wink). I'm sure that this is the way the game is played when there is this much political power at stake. So, you'd better have all of your ducks in a row.

I have always thought that the slogan, where there is smoke, there is fire, is quite telling. And in O'Donnell's case, I'm choking on the damn fumes! She claims that, since she used her apartment partially as a campaign office, she was told that she could use her campaign funds to pay her rent (remember NO VISIBLE MEANS OF SUPPORT). Ah, dah, no! Sorry, that's against the rules. And you should know the damn rules! Besides, how are you going to support your constituency if you can't even support yourself!!

Look, it's beyond the fact that she is ultra conservative and I, obviously, am not. I have always appreciated a good challenge from an astute political opponent. But this woman is a boob! Yes, she may have some charisma. Yes, she may have some "charm". But she can't think her way out of a paper bag (I find myself winking again)! Do you REALLY want people like this running the country? REALLY?

I wish that she would simply just go away. However, this will not happen soon as she has already signed a book deal (interesting that this women who, apparently, rarely READS one should WRITE one - oh, I'm winking again). I suppose that will be the end of her money woes, at least for the foreseeable future.

Let us add to her honors by naming her Douche of the Day Christine O'Donnell.

PS: you can read more specifics at The Huffington Post website.


  1. these moron right-wingnuts want non-thinking figureheads that will parrot their ideology. Wait until these clowns find themselves out of work before retirement age only to find that when they need their Social Security that the politicians they voted for eliminated it.

  2. Read "Tears Of A Clown" by Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank. You'll enjoy it.
