Monday, January 16, 2012

Social Commentary: Unions

Most people, detractors AND supporters, really don't understand what Unions are really all about. Detractors claim that Unions make workers greedy and lazy, taking their well-meaning employers for all they're worth. Now, now, we know that this is not really the case. In fact, if it were not for the Unions, the opposite would more likely be true; employers would ride up one side of its employees and down the other. I just need mention safe working conditions, limited work weeks, and child labor laws as just a few of the very positive effects that Unions have had in the work place. Detractors would say that, from time to time, Unions over-reach in their influence and hamstring businesses with unrealistic pension demands. But even this is debatable. Many would argue that what is won through negotiation is fairly won and, therefore, puts the Unions beyond blame. Besides, Unions are often asked to "give back" from contracts fairly won. Employers virtually never are. Unions provide strength in numbers that can be used as leverage against the massive financial resources wielded by the companies they negotiate with. Without that numerical advantage afforded through Unions, employees would be left alone to stand up to the awesome power of THE COMPANY; one that can afford VERY expensive lawyers to do their negotiating.

However, Unions are not the miracle organizations that their supporters would have everyone believe. There is only so much a Union can do. It is, after all, limited by the very contract it negotiated with its employer. Either it's in the contract or it's not. There is, usually, not much left to interpretation. Therefore, in my experience, Unions do not prevent you from getting abused, they get you properly compensated for being abused!! My last assignment was a prime example of this. We went to Iowa and New Hampshire with a smaller crew than the one we produced the same events with 4 years ago. This is part of the new work environment of doing more with less that has been incorporated by most businesses. So, me and my coworkers put in extraordinary amounts of hours to complete our assignments. I worked a 21 hour day, a 16 hour day, and a score of 12-14 hours days. There simply was no other way to get it done. And we did get it done. And we made a nice piece 'o' change! And we earned every, stinking penny!! Without the protection of our contract, negotiated by our Union, the company would have found a way to get the same production from me for a fraction of the cost. Without the protection of a Union, how many of us have heard an employer say, "if you won't do it, we'll find someone who will"? Well, because of the Union, they can't! They would have to pay the next guy at the same rate they are paying me. Getting something for nothing (or NEXT to nothing) is NOT necessarily "evil" on the part of the company. BY THEIR VERY NATURE, businesses must serve their own interests, which, ultimately, is their bottom line. The Union helps to maintain balance in that equation. And god bless them for it! :)


  1. And I thought you were just sitting around doing nothing and getting Union wages.

  2. Unions need to make a revival, only 15% of workers are unionized. Its sad when people who should be represented by a Union have been made to believe they are evil.
