Monday, January 16, 2012

Where's The OUTRAGE?!

This was going to be another installment of DOTD, but I thought that even Douche of the Day was not a strong enough moniker for today's subject, Haley Barbour, until recently the Republican Governor of Mississippi. In one of his last acts as Governor, Barbour pardoned over 200 inmates, setting them free on the streets of Mississippi. Some of the 200 included rapists, arsonists, robbers, and murderers. WTF?!

Now, those of you who are regular readers of the blog are familiar with my generally left-leaning ways. I make no apologies for that. Therefore, one would be correct to assume that I believe in rehabilitation and redemption when it comes to crime and punishment. And I don't support the death penalty. I just don't believe that the State can justify the taking of a human life as punishment for the taking of a human life. However, that does not mean that I don't believe in a PUNISHMENT that fits the crime. And in the case of murder, that punishment would entail the loss of your freedom FOREVER, i.e. life imprisonment with no possibility of parole. If you take a life, you lose your freedom - period! So, with this in mind, I find it unfathomable that a man elected to serve and protect the citizens of Mississippi would see any socially redeeming value in doing this.

Furthermore, where is, in particular, the Republican outrage? The GOP is supposed to "the party of law and order" and one of their own pulls one of the biggest boners of all time - and they say nothing?! Another WTF?! Where is the freakin' indignation? Where are the other Republicans who should be screaming for his head? Oh, that's right, I forgot the Republican motto: Do as we say, not as we do!

I watched a clip of the former Governor on Fox News (he refuses to be interviewed by anyone but Fox - surprise, surprise - again!) trying to justify this move under humanitarian goals. He used the antiquated defense that these criminals had committed crimes of passion and had been rehabilitated. He argued that those who commit crimes of passion (like murdering your wife because you were pissed off at her) where the easiest to rehabilitate and the least likely to commit another crime. WTF?! - again. Where does he get this shit?!!! Every criminal psychologist that I saw interviewed all said what a load of crap that is!! Even the term crime of passion is antiquated and wreaks of sexism!! Sad.

Mississippi will never be mistaken as a state that produces the best educated citizenry in the country. In fact, it perennially falls near the bottom of the barrel when it comes to educating it's children. Well, with a man who is as well respected there as the former Governor STILL is, now I know why!!!

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