Saturday, August 27, 2022

When You Think About It: Not Too Much To Ask


Many people are screaming bloody murder over President Joe Biden's latest attempt at reducing the crushing student debt incurred by millions of Americans, both young and old, while receiving their college educations. The plan calls for forgiving up to $10,000 for people making less than $125,000/year and $20,000 for disadvantaged students who received so-called Pell grants.

Of course, the majority of people expressing the most outrage seem to come from the party of NO, i.e. the Republicans. However, there are many other, fair minded Americans who also believe that the measure goes too far.

Their argument generally goes something like this:

I worked 96+ hours a week while I was going to school just to pay my own tuition.


No one ever gave me anything! I paid my loans back. Why should I pay for anyone else's?


Poor financial planning on their part does not constitute a crisis on mine. They should have planned better.

Of course, there is some validity as to what they are saying. After all, speaking very personally, that's EXACTLY how I managed to go to college.

First, I worked regularly while I was attending Rutgers University in Newark, NJ. And, I commuted, mostly because it was cheaper. I so desperately wanted to go away to school but I realized that it was beyond my financial means. Also, the cost of my education was incredibly reasonable. When I started there in 1973, if my memory serves me correctly, I was paying about $40/credit. At the 15 credits/semester required to receive a degree that's $600/semester!

That's right, not including commuting costs, books, and other expenses, that's $1200/year.


I would challenge anyone in America to provide the quality of education I received at Rutgers-Newark for $1200 year.

I still had to take out small loans to get by - and paid them back, with interest.

But, that's ancient history.

Here are the numbers today: The average cost/year for a college student, including tuition, books, supplies and daily living expenses = $35, 551 (private and public institutions). Considering student loan interest and loss of income, the ultimate cost of a bachelor's degree = more than $500,000*.


So, what was very doable for me has become virtually impossible for most.

Still, the question remains, why should I pay for someone else's education?

Well, I look it from 2 points of view. First, I don't have school aged children or grandchildren, yet I pay school taxes - gladly - which brings me to my second point. We do these things because they are the right things to do. In order to have a great society we need to take care of one another - and that includes the opportunity for EVERYONE to receive as much education as they are suited for.

It's also in our best interest to facilitate this because a highly educated society benefits ALL of us. And, this is not to take away from those who pursue a different vocation. They also provide valuable services for our society and should be rewarded accordingly. And, generally speaking, they ARE. But the pursuit of a career as a mechanic cannot be compared to those who pursue a career in medicine.

I know that this can leave us feeling cheated. I understand. Why should these people have advantages that no one gave us? Well, look at this way - because they are disadvantaged in ways that we could never even imagine.

And, let's deal with the situation at the source, i.e. why has the cost of a college education increased 179.2% over the last 20 years?!**Also, we need to address the interest rates charged on these loans which can be as much as 14.99%.***

Remember, we are all in the same ocean but not necessarily in the same boat. Some have ships, others canoes. Some are simply swimming. Let's give everyone the tools they need to handle the storm.



Monday, August 22, 2022


In response to the Draconian policy initiated by Florida's cretinous Governor, Ron DeSantis, of banning books in schools that might evoke feelings of so-called woke culture I would say this:

ALL books should be read by EVERYONE (or at least as many as possible), even those we might find objectionable. True freedom of thought, by definition, includes exposure to different ways of thinking and points of view that we might find repulsive or even disturbing.


Because they expand our minds by our attempting to understand those who may think (very) differently than we do, thereby expanding our ability to fathom (if not agree or totally accept) others.

The same goes for school children - with a certain caveat: they need to read under the guidance of others, particular those trained to mentor them through the entire experience, i.e. TEACHERS.

And, this is why Florida is hemorrhaging teachers!

Why would any eligible educator wish to work under such debilitating conditions? I know that I certainly wouldn't.

As for the Governor's prideful boast that "woke culture comes to Florida to die" - seriously?

Asking your constituents to deliberately dumb themselves down so as to not accept the concepts of fairness, equity, peace, love, acceptance, intelligence, and curiosity because it does not fit HIS vision of America is simply deplorable.

Stand up. Be heard. Say NO to Ron DeSantis and Florida - they have finally earned the moniker, FLORI-DUH!!!!    

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Today's MOZEN: The Cult of Trump

One of the definitions of a cult is as follows:

an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers:

Of course, by definition, this applies to the followers of Donald J. Trump. Even after a virtual mountain of evidence continues to pile up against the object of their great veneration, they steadfastly refuse to see the fact that Mr. Trump was never about them, never about America. He throws them red meat and they cobble it up like starving wolves - even if that meat is rotten. He could come into their homes, shoot their dog, and they would blame the dog!

Because they are part of his Cult of Personality, they have become incapable of even considering the truth - that he is a thief and a grifter who's only goal is to enrich himself and his family.

And, always has been.

Once a person becomes a member of a cult their return to normal society can be difficult and often requires professional mental health intervention. Some never recover and, if fact, would rather die than desert their so-called savior (see Jim Jones).

So, with that in mind, the only way to defeat them (him) is through our shear strength in numbers and vote out anyone and everyone who continues to support him and his war chest of lies! Remember, despite his totally unfounded claims to the contrary, Mr. Trump NEVER won the popular vote, i.e. not matter how loud or violent they may become, there are simply not enough of them!

DON'T BE AFRAID! WE HAVE THE NUMBERS! The solution to this mess lies within our reach. We just need use the power that has been given us. Exercise it.


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Today's MOZEN: The End

Many years ago, when I was still married, I had a nightly sleeping routine with my then wife.

When we went to bed, no matter how the day went, I would rap my foot around hers. Of course, there were times when we engaged in a more complete embrace. But, at the very least, I always maintained that little connection. Even if we had a rough day with each other (which was probably more times than we would both care to admit), I always practiced that ritual; my foot rapped around hers.

Well, near the end of our marriage, that little physical connection, like our emotional one, became more and more tenuous. Still, I managed to hang onto that little bit of contact, even if it was barely by a toe.

Then, one day, she simply took her foot away. Not even a toe could be found to touch. The connection was broken - in every way.

And, it was over . . .