Monday, December 30, 2019

Today's MOZEN: The Joke Was on Me

F LoBuono
In light of the recent spate of anti-Semitic attacks in and around the NY Metropolitan area, I thought of relating a story from my youth on how I was taught to respect EVERYONE.

I must have been about 11 or 12 years-old. My mother and our next door neighbor were in the kitchen of our home making small talk. I listened patiently to their banter and, at one point, I thought that I would contribute to the conversation by telling them a joke I had heard at school that day. I broke in during a lull and said, "would you like to hear a funny joke I learned today?" My mom replied, "sure Frankie, we love jokes". The joke itself was in 2 parts - first, a question - then, the answer - just 2, simple sentences. So, I asked the question and waited patiently for the answer. When my mother and friend could not fathom the answer, they asked, "OK, we don't know. Why don't you tell us?" So, I did.

Now, even after all these years, AND, despite the fact that I was only a child, I'm proud to say that I'm STILL too embarrassed to even repeat the actual joke. Let me just say that it was anti-Semitic at its very core. But, of course, at that age, I didn't even know what that meant.

Well, my mother and her friend's response educated me -IMMEDIATELY.

Instead of the belly laughs I was expecting, my joke was met instantly with stone-cold silence. Then, my mother said sternly, "Frankie, that's not funny AT ALL. In fact, it's offensive." When I looked to my mother's friend for a possible reprieve, she was also shaking her head in a negative fashion. My mother continued, "making fun of ANY ethnic group is NEVER acceptable in this house, Frankie, and NEVER will be. Do you UNDERSTAND?"

I hung my head in shame while nodding in acceptance at the same time. And, now, even 50 years later, I can vividly remember the embarrassment I experienced at that moment. Stella's message had its desired effect. It was one also shared by my father. From that day forward I have always done my best to eschew jokes and slogans that are not only offensive by their nature, but harbor hidden prejudices and stereotypes.

It was a message well learned and one that not only ALL parents, but ALL adults, should teach their children. The world would be a better place if they did . . . 

Friday, December 27, 2019

Today's MOZEN: The "Rules" of War

Edward Gallagher. Photo USA Today
The SEAL, Edward Gallagher, US Navy Chief Petty Officer and decorated veteran, was acquitted in July, 2019 of multiple charges in the murder of a teenage ISIS fighter. However, he was found guilty of violating military law by posing for photos with the body of that ISIS fighter. In a highly controversial move, President Trump reversed the military court's decision and ordered Gallagher's rank and pay reinstated claiming that we "must protect America's warriors." The Department of the Navy and many veterans were outraged by the President's move claiming that it would destroy the discipline and Honor Code used by our military (and, most of the world's, too). Secretary of the Navy, Richard Spencer was actually dismissed by Mr. Trump for his vehement criticism of the affair.
CPO Gallagher and SEAL team 7 pose with the body of ISIS fighter
Well, CPO Gallagher is back in the news again - and, it ain't good.
Confidential video obtained by the NY Times shows previously unreleased testimony of members of Gallagher's own SEAL team 7 who call him things like toxic, a psychopath, and evil. In fact, it becomes apparent that they were actually afraid of him - his own men! It contradicts the testimony made by some of the men at the trial, suggesting that they were ultimately intimated into lying for Gallagher. 
William T. Sherman
Even though I have never experienced combat, I have always been fascinated by how soldiers react under the extreme distress of war and have studied it closely. And, I was always most taken by the words of famous Civil War general and proponent of Total War, William T. Sherman: "war is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over." In other words, the only rule of war is to end it, i.e. victory or death. The Japanese lived this in their warrior code known as Bushido. Simply put, they chose death over the dishonor of surrender. In the vicious WWII Battle of Iwo Jima, only about 1,100 men out of a force of 22,000 Japanese survived. It is also why they could be so brutal on prisoners - they had no respect or tolerance for those who surrendered rather than fought to the death.
US Marine with the corpse of a Japanese soldier, Iwo Jima
Now, this post is not to judge. Having not experienced combat directly I have absolutely no right to. But, I want to understand. Therefore, I have to rely on the experience of those who have and ask them, can there be rules when the only options are win or die? Was Sherman right when he said "the crueler it is, the sooner it will be over?" Would we be more likely to avoid war if we lived by that credo?

This is a theme that has been explored by many films including The Bridge Over the River Kwai  when the Japanese prison camp commander smacks the leader of the British prisoners in the face with a copy of The Geneva Convention (a book delineating the rules of war) while saying, "this is WAR. Don't speak to me of rules". Or, Apocalypse Now when the main character, Colonel Kurtz, speaks with admiration towards the cruelty exhibited by the Viet Cong.

So, I would like to ask all those who have directly experienced the horrors of war and combat for their feelings on this subject: ARE THEY RIGHT? Are men like CPO Gallagher truly wrong under the circumstances? Are they just dealing with the ultimately reality of win or die? Are we being delusional when we limit war? Or, is that just the ultimate oxymoron? I would like to understand.

F LoBuono

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Today's MOZEN: Ollie, The Love Machine

Words and photos by F LoBuono
The Holidays can mean different things to different people. And, I'm not talking about culture or religion. Rather, I mean it from an emotional perspective.

For most, the Holidays are a joyful time, full of family, food, fun, and, of course, presents. However, for others it is a difficult period, replete with loss and loneliness. Instead of yearning for it to come, they can't wait for it to be over. I'm pretty sure that applies to some whom are reading this post. Or, we know someone effected in that way.

Personally, I have felt both. I have been overjoyed to spend quality time with family and friends. But, I have also been stung by the angst of having spent (for various reasons) some holidays alone. So, I often ponder what we can do to alleviate that feeling in ourselves and others.

And, I may have found a possible solution.

This past Christmas day, I had the good fortune to spend a lovely afternoon with most of my family at my cousin's place in New Rochelle, NY. Where we used to get together frequently, as we aged, family gatherings have become fewer and further in between. So, it was indeed a pleasure to be there.

When I arrived at my cousin's, virtually the entire family was already there. However, I noticed that my cousin's husband and their little dog, Ollie, were missing. When I inquired as to why, my cousin told me that they were just out for a walk and would be back shortly. Surely, after a few minutes, they returned.

Ollie and Stella
As soon as the door opened, Ollie, the teacup Yorkie, who weighs all of about 2 or 3 lbs., sprang into action. With his little stub of a tail wagging at 100 mph, he tore into the house with an infectious enthusiasm. He approached EVERY single person in the home, kissing everyone and wagging his entire body just to give, and get, some loving. He didn't care if you were man or woman, old or young, he was going to give you some love and affection and, in return, receive the same. At one point, he even jumped into my 96 year-old mother's lap to kiss her face. She squealed with delight.

Ollie and Stella
After about 10 minutes he settled down a bit to get into the serious business of mooching the pre-dinner appetizers we were all enjoying. But, he made me realize that whatever we give to life is what we get back. So, when we have a chance to share love we should do so with reckless abandon. As a little 3 lbs. dog demonstrated, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

So, when you're feeling down, don't dwell on it. Get up. Get that tail wagging again and spread the love. You won't regret it.

Thanks for reminding us, Ollie!

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Today's MOZEN: Live in the Light

F LoBuono
Recently, in addition to decorating a small Christmas tree, I lit my first Menorah for Chanukah (aka Hanukkah). Now, this might not be a big deal to most people, but it certainly is for me, and for two reasons:

1. I'm not Jewish
2. I'm not particularly religious

I was raised a Roman Catholic and even attended Parochial school for 9 years (K-8th grade). And, I was actively involved in that religion for most of that time, even serving as an Altar Boy for many years. So, I am well versed in the teachings of the Catholic Church. However, I have not practiced that form of religion (or, ANY for that matter) for most of my adult life.

The whole concept of a single, omnipotent being (a white-bearded man at that) pulling the strings for the entire universe just didn't square with me anymore. The idea of divinity, as practiced by the great religions, did not sit well with me, either. WHY must there be a Supreme Being? Isn't it enough that things simply are? The ritual and dogma became completely implausible for my rational mind. In fact, it was even more than that. The doctrine became so thick with preposterous tenets as to completely obscure what is the simplest of messages - and, one that I live by: LOVE conquers all. It is the most powerful force in the Universe. Without it, society would collapse and left to his own devices, man would perish, too. But, with LOVE anything is possible. This, I believe, is meant by the Biblical prophecy of The Word Made Flesh, i.e. the coming of The Christ.

Therefore, I keep it simple.

So, why then would I choose symbols so clearly associated with 2 of the world's great religions: A Christmas tree for Christianity and a Menorah for Judaism?

Because they symbolize the things that ARE important to me - LOVE and LIGHT.

Chanukah, also known as the Festival of Lights, commemorates the Jewish victory over the Syrians in Judea around the year 168 BC. In order to celebrate their triumph, Judah Maccabee, the leader of the Jewish revolt, ordered the Holy Temple to be rebuilt and an oil lamp lit to consecrate the altar. Even though the lamp had only enough oil to provide light for one day, it burned for 8 - hence the reference to light overcoming the darkness. The eight candle Menorah symbolizes this so-called miracle.

However, I don't need to know why the lamp burned for 8 days instead of 1. I'll leave that to the mystics and clerics. What I do relate to is the metaphor of adding more light to a dark world. The Jews were under the yoke of oppression, i.e. the blackness of tyranny. Freedom, then, is represented by the light, even if created by just a single lamp, that shines in the hearts of men.

So, now, I light a Menorah.

Decorating a Christmas tree is a Nordic tradition that has become the universal way for Christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Christ. For true believers, it is the fulfillment of prophecy. God's only Son will be sent to the world to rid us of Original Sin (whatever that is). And, this is where I get lost in the dogma: there is the Trinity, the Virgin birth, Herod and the Innocents, and so on so forth. The tale has become so steeped in religious doctrine that it, again, fouls the message - The Christ, a.k.a. The Prince of Peace was sent to be a beacon, a light to a dark and violent world. Whether or not he was divine is irrelevant to me. It's the MESSAGE he brought that counts:


It couldn't be more simple. Let's keep it that way and simply live in the light of love.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Today's MOZEN: The Words ARE The Man

F LoBuono
A familiar tactic employed by Trump supporters in defending him is to say something like, "well, I don't really like what he says, but I do like what he does?"

Oh, really?

That has to be one of the lamest excuses that I've ever heard. The two things cannot be separated! He IS what he SAYS. His language is course, bombastic, mendacious, misogynistic, antagonistic, bilious, bellicose, and imbecilic. And, so is he.

In the past, with rare exception (think George W. Bush to name one) we have relied on our President's words to not only sooth and unite us, but inspire us, as well. In fact, their words can become immortal. Who can forget JFK's "think not what you Country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country" or, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address? From Mr. Trump we got covfefe, Nambia, Two Corinthians, and many more malapropisms.

It might be funny if they were not coming from the Leader of the Free World.

Besides, what has he REALLY done to improve our lives and strengthen our Republic?

Let's see - North Korea is back to firing missiles. Iran is increasing their nuclear capacity. Children are being separated from their families at the border. Aid for the poor, including Food Stamps, has been eliminated or curtailed. The National deficit has ballooned. LBGT rights have been limited. Veterans have been deported. Coal has not returned. Manufacturing is down. The trade war with China has been disastrous so far. Farms are foreclosing. Russia is more powerful than ever. Our greatest allies have been insulted. NATO has been weakened. White Nationalism is on the rise. And, the number of hate crimes has risen significantly.

Just to be fair, unemployment numbers are at an all-time low and many consider the economy to be robust. However, some economists would say that this success is in spite of Mr. Trump, not because of him. So, if money is your best measure of success, then, by all means, continue to support him. However, if money does not define you, use YOUR words, SPEAK OUT, STAND UP, BE COUNTED and say NO to Tyranny.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Today's MOZEN: The Day of Reckoning

F LoBuono
Donald J. Trump, the duly elected 45th President of the United States, has been impeached.

Yes, I said the duly elected President - because that is a fact.

Under our system of government, he was the legitimate winner. 

However, he was NOT elected by the will of the people. He failed to reach that bar by nearly 3 million votes (*2,868,686 to be exact), the margin of deficit of those cast for his opponent, Hillary Clinton. He was elected by a quirk in our system known as The Electoral College. Again, this is a matter of fact.

Therefore, the Republican argument in his defense, that the Democratic inspired impeachment is subverting THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, is simply BULL SHIT. He was NOT elected by The People. He was elected by The System. And, the numbers are staring them right in the face - nearly 3 million of them.

Donald J. Trump has been impeached because he flaunts the law, as he did in his nefarious dealings with Ukraine, and then dares you to do something about it, as in Contempt of Congress. He bullies and blusters his way to get whatever he wants, attacking all who stand in his way. And, the spineless Republicans who so blindly support him are intimidated by these tactics. Their shameless cowardice is now on display for the entire Country (and, world) to see.

But, there are still enough people in this Country, including those in power, who will stand against this insolent, pompous fool, and for OUR Constitution.

Yes, the WILL OF THE PEOPLE will be honored and the RULE OF LAW will be preserved.

The Day of Reckoning is upon us.

We shall serve no king . . . 

*2016 United States presidential election
Running mateMike PenceTim Kaine
Electoral vote304227
States carried30 + ME-0220 + DC
Popular vote62,984,82865,853,514

Monday, December 16, 2019

Today's MOZEN: Graceless

Photo: Vox


When people ask me why I am so opposed to our current President and his Administration, I tell them that it has gone well beyond politics. And, my reasoning is pretty simple. I would NEVER support a man so lacking in ANY of those qualities as defined by the word, grace. And, I am shocked and angry that despite this fact, many still do. Perhaps, if that rare person who actually reads my post and supports him actually exists, they can educate me as to what qualities they see in the man to foster their admiration. Thanks. 

F LoBuono

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Today's MOZEN: ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

F LoBuono
If you are easily insulted by vulgar language, you may want to avoid this post. Because I have something to say - again. And, I'm going to be blunt, direct, and vulgar. Perhaps, if I scream it loudly and filthy enough, it may make a difference. However, in our Country's current climate, I doubt it. But, it must be said anyway.


The debate on the Articles of Impeachment being drafted against President Donald J. Trump continues well into this Thursday night. And, it keeps going around in circles with the Democrats insisting they have the evidence to support impeachment while the Republicans counter that they have no such thing.

And, around and around it goes.

What is so distressing to me is that the GOP steadfastly supports a man who is simply a terrible human being. And, there IS evidence of that. One just need read Mr. Trump's daily Twitter feed to see it. Every single day brings a new adventure in childish, mean-spirited bullshit.

Instead of celebrating the remarkable accomplishments of 16 year-old Greta Thunberg who was named as Time's 2019 Person of the Year today, the 73 year-old President mocked her with this gem:

So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!

Are you fucking kidding me??? What kind of petty, jealous, immature asshole would do such a thing to a young person who has done everything in her power to save the environment in which she must grow into?

I'll tell you what kind - a bilious, bellicose, bulbous, buffoon does. An immature asshole does. A loser of a schoolyard bully does. Chill? Chill? Go fuck yourself you selfish, fat pig (sorry to insult pigs).
And, THIS is the man the GOP has chosen to support with unfailing loyalty? To LEAD our Country? Really? What the fuck?! Open your goddamned eyes and save your souls (AND, THE COUNTRY) before it IS too late.

Fuck him - and, fuck you if you still support this fool.

SHIT. . . 

Friday, December 6, 2019

Today's MOZEN: Absolute Corruption

F LoBuono

This is all you need to know to understand why Donald J. Trump, the 45 President of the United States, will be impeached in The People's House, i.e The United States House of Representatives before Christmas, 2019:

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.*

Even if it ultimate fails in the Senate, an impeachment must be done to send a very clear message that NO ONE is above the law. It is our Representatives' honor-bound duty to protect us from those corrupted absolutely, i.e. The President and his minions. Fortunately, the majority of Democrats have indicated they will do their DUTY and precede with it.

Regrettably, the Republicans control the Senate and have chosen Party over Country and, therefore, it will die there. However, history will not treat those Senators kindly. They looked away when they should have been staring at wanton corruption right in the eyes. Perhaps, the GOP is truly blind. Or, have they simply sold their souls?

*Between 1837 and 1869 he was known as Sir John Dalberg-Acton, 8th Baronet. He is perhaps best known for the remark, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men...", which he made in a letter to an Anglican bishop.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Today's MOZEN: Sic Semper Tyrannis

F LoBuono
Listen and listen good. Outside of the very little I learned about politics in a high school civics class, I don't know a damned thing about it - except that it appears to be a dirty business. So, I'll not comment on the state of the political turmoil that the Trump Administration and the lackey Republicans who cower in his presence seem to have inflicted upon this Country.

However, I do believe that I have a good understanding of human decency. And, I see NONE of it in Mr. Trump, his administration, his party (the GOP) or ANY of his family or friends.


What I see is a bully, a braggart, and a man obsessed with his own image. I see someone who is a phony in every sense of the word - from the way he lies about his business acumen, his education, and his wealth, to his ridiculously dyed pompadour hair and orange skin glow.

And, just as deplorable, if not more so, are the sycophants in the Republican party whose blind allegiance give Mr. Trump the license to continue his boorish behavior. SHAME ON THEM - ALL OF THEM.

How anyone who supports him got past his mocking of a disabled reporter during the campaign (and, despite their protestations that "he didn't really") and still elected him President is beyond my comprehension - unless the explanation is that you're as twisted as he is.

So, screw the politics involved with Impeaching him - it's beyond my understanding. What is not hard for me to fathom is that allowing his unabashed assault on decency and THE RULE OF LAW to go unchecked will give him a title that is (or SHOULD BE) anathema to ALL Americans - King.



Monday, December 2, 2019

Today's MOSTLY TRUE STORY: Death Takes a Stroll.

F LoBuono
It was a perfect night for a walk - yeah, perfectly miserable. We were in the midst of a winter Nor'easter. You know, the ones where first it rains, then it snows, then it sleets, and than it does all three at the same time. In other words - not your night for a leisurely stroll into town.

But, I've never been one to let a little shitty weather keep me from a nice sojourn - especially once cabin fever sets it. And, I had a bad case of it. I actually had the last two days off and, for me and my insane work schedule, that's like an extended vacation. I needed to move.

So, I got the foul weather gear out and girded myself for a schlep downtown. I planted the image in my brain of a nice whiskey in a warm tavern at the end of my journey for any extra incentive that I might require.

With a stiff, northern, gale-force wind in my face, pelted by ice crystals, I kept my head down and trudged my way to the promised land. I had traveled about 3 or 4 blocks to the edge of town when my eye caught a figure coming in the opposite direction and across the street. When I looked more closely I had to do the proverbial double-take. It was a tall, thin figure, hooded, and covered in a full-length, black cape. He was also wearing a ghastly mask of a pure white punctuated by black as coal eyes and a mouth frozen in a scream. It was as if Death was taking a leisurely stroll.

When the figure noticed that I was watching, he extended his arm and hand and gave me a friendly wave, saying nothing. Then, never breaking stride, he continued on his way and, me, mine. All in a sojourn to my town - Nyack, NY. Doesn't surprise me at all. . .