Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Make YOUR Choice.

Words and photos: F LoBuono

Here is a synopsis  of President Trump's platform on his domestic, international, economic, immigration, gun control, and civil rights policies:

fear-and-loathing. Noun. (uncountable) The type of anger and distrust generated when politicians or representatives of the American legal hierarchy (i.e. District Attorneys) clash, or disagree, with the people they are paid to represent, causing a threat to the people*.

In an effort to conquer, he has effectively divided us by his incessant lying, megalomania, bluster, and bullying. Make no mistake - he is not alone. Sycophants like Stephen Miller, Kellyanne Conway, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Steve Bannon and a host of others are there to encourage and support him. He is the MOUTHPIECE of a master plan to change what the very meaning of American will become: greedy, selfish, defiant, paranoid, isolated, aka, America First.

Still, if THAT is your vision for America, continue to support them. Many will find comfort in their plan. They truly believe what they are selling. I get it. However, if not, it is YOUR mission to stop them with the power to you hold:



Monday, October 29, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Until I'm BLUE In The Face.

F LoBuono

No matter how hard I try, I simply cannot write it away - the HATE. The churning, vile, putrefied stench of its Medusa snake-ridden ugly head is rising again.

We see it every single day.

Charlottesville, Va.

Jeffersontown, Ky.

Aventura, Fla.

Pittsburgh, Pa.

And, it's getting worse!!!!!

I fear that no matter how much I scream, in today's current political climate, it falls on too many deaf ears.

It struck me last night when I learned that one of the victims of the massacre in a Pittsburgh synagogue was an elderly women, 97 years-old, with her two younger brothers. No description of that horror would ever be sufficient to capture the pure evil of this act.

My cousin. my sister, with me, and my nearly 95 year-old mother, Stella


And, if that isn't horrific enough, what's even more DEPLORABLE is the FACT that there will still be many who will see the monster who perpetrated this act as a HERO.


Think about that - MANY. . .

Then, this morning, the GOP revealed it's new ad designed to gain momentum going into the looming mid-term elections. Allow me to simplify it for you - it's RED MEAT to the base: you're making more money - immigrants will destroy your way of life - our way or the highway - with the emphasis on MONEY.

And, we STILL wonder why these things happen????

It was painfully obvious to me that the Republicans have not changed their stripes. They have chosen MONEY over MORALITY.


It saddens and sickens me.

But, that's just one man's voice. I can write this shit until I'm BLUE IN THE FACE (pun INTENDED). It won't change an f'n' thing if we don't act.

The choice is clear for moral people.



*The original post contained a claim that the 97 year-old victim was a Holocaust survivor. This has been proven to be untrue and the mistake has been corrected.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Today's MOZEN: We STILL Get What We Pay For

F LoBuono

In light of the traumatic events that have unfolded in the last few days (letter bombs/synagogue shooting), I felt it important that TalkFrank make a statement.

Unfortunately, it is not a new mantra. In fact, it's one that I have repeated over and over again:

We get what we pay for.

Led by our President, the direction this Country has chosen is becoming one of exclusion instead of inclusion, animosity instead of compromise, and greed over compassion. And, make no mistake about it, with Mr. Trump in the bully pulpit a steady stream of fear and loathing fuels his base and whips them into a frenzy of invective: hate thy neighbor, condemn thy neighbor, fear they neighbor.

Now, this is not to say that EVERY supporter of the President is evil and malicious. That's simply ridiculous. However, what I am claiming is that he has created an atmosphere that breeds the kind of violence that only seems to be increasing, i.e. HATE CRIMES.

It is more than disturbing.

But, we can change it - ALL of it. And, it is SO simple. There is already a process in place that can rectify the situation. It's called THE VOTE.

If you feel that our Country is heading for a place that you no longer feel comfortable living in - CHANGE IT! Of course, if you agree with Mr. Trump's vision of America, by all means, vote your conscience. But, then, be prepared for the consequences because -

We get what we pay for!!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Moral Ambiguity

F LoBuono
There really is no such things as moral ambiguity - at least their isn't in this case. A Saudi journalist and an American resident was just BUTCHERED by the SAUDIS in the SAUDI Consulate in Turkey.

After more than a week of dicking around, the Saudi government finally admitted what the entire world seemed to know - the journalist Jamal Khashoggi was indeed murdered in THEIR consulate. Then they concocted a fantastic cock-and-bull story about an interrogation and fist fight that went terribly wrong.

Really? Really.

What has been leaked to the press by the Turkish authorities investigating the case has been nothing short of terrifying. It seems that Mr. Khashoggi was deliberately set up by the Saudis and was subsequently TORTURED TO DEATH with him being dismembered while still living!!!

The question remains, WHY?

Mohammed bin Salman
Apparently, Mr. Khashoggi had the audacity to perform his job as a journalist and question some of the policies of the Saudi Government and, in particular, those of its current ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. For this, he paid with his life.

This is not new for the Saudis. Recently, they publicly beheaded 48 people, including some dissidents, in a period of just 4 months.

Saudi Arabia had carried out nearly 600 executions since the beginning of 2014, more than a third of them in drug cases. Nearly 150 people were put to death last year in the kingdom, where convicts are beheaded using a sword. The Guardian (4/26/2018)

So, where is the moral dilemma here?

Well, there certainly shouldn't be - and, WOULDN'T be, if not for the actions of our president, Donald J. Trump. From the very beginning, Mr. Trump has sowed the seeds of doubt as to what really happened, consistently siding with the Saudi version of the story and asking for patience and understanding.

Again, we ask WHY?

Well, there are many reasons. But, one in particular stands out as particularly foul and egregious:

Getty Images

It seems that Mr. Trump's love affair with the almighty $$ shapes virtually every decision he makes. He claims that it's not ALL personal (although it is reported that Mr. Trump and son-in-law Jarod Kushner have MANY business dealings with the Saudis). He touted an un-verified arms deal of $100 billion as further reason to believe them. So, that means he has not only put a dollar sign on the value of a human life, often for his own gain, he has severely damaged the reputation of the United States as a country that will NOT TOLERATE assaults on common human decency.

"I get along great with all of them," Trump said of the Saudis at a 2015 campaign rally in Mobile, Alabama. "They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much!" CNN (10/16/2018)

The United States, as represented by Washington, D.C., was once seen as a shinning city on a hill - a beacon of freedom and fair play. I fear that as long as this man is in charge, who aligns himself (hoping to BE like them) with despots and tyrants like Putin, Kim Jong IlDuterte, and bin Salman, the light has gone out. And, darkness reigns . . .

My friends, there is no moral ambiguity here.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Today's MOZEN: How Can This Be?

F LoBuono

How can this be?

How is it that SO much of our Country opposes President Donald J. Trump while a lesser, but still significant amount, see him as the Second Coming? Remember, he LOST the popular vote by nearly 3 million. Still, over 60 million Americans went to the polls to elect him and, many still give him their undying loyalty.

Donald Trump lost the popular vote by the greatest margin in Presidential History.

Getty Images
How is it that what appears to so obviously lame, brutal, banal, and bellicose to, literally, most of us (virtually all polls show 60% disapproval), fails to diminish the rabid allegiance of his followers? In fact, it actually bolsters their support of him.

Most polls show an average 60% disapproval rate of the President.

So, the question remains: How can this be?

I have to admit, that when I think about too much, it can bring be down - sometimes, even lower than whale shit! A 40% very vocal and dedicated minority is dominating the course of our Country. And, it's in a direction I believe will ultimately lead to disaster.

Often, those in opposition to my position ask me to look past his character flaws, his bombastic speech, and obvious megalomania and focus on his accomplishments.

Well, I have 2 issues with that:

First, what accomplishments? Whatever little he has managed to achieve has been offset by his blunders. There is some movement on North Korea while our relationship with Iran has deteriorated badly. The tax cuts implemented by his Administration have ballooned the National Dept to dangerous levels. Our health care and immigration policies are in shambles. The environment is in danger of collapse. The Stock Market, once booming, is experiencing severe fluctuations. And, the latest murder of a journalist by the Saudis has become an international embarrassment for Mr. Trump and his entourage.

But, as I've said before, I am not a political scientist and have never played one on TV. So, that is not necessarily the focus of my discontent.

The character flaws are.

How can you ask me to accept traits that I find abhorrent? I do not tolerate liars and he lies - constantly. I detest bombast and that's one of Mr. Trump's favorite attributes. He is an unapologetic bully. I eat bullies for breakfast and always have. He is an inveterate philanderer. I respect women far too much to consider that kind of boorish behavior. He mocks the disabled. I have done my best to aid them in any way that I can.

And, I could go on.

Tom Tingle/The Republic

So, how can this be?

How can people continue to support someone who appears so deliberately flawed?

Well, I may have come up with an answer:

Human Nature.

Some members of our species get it and others will never. And, we see examples of that every day - if we would just take the time to notice.

I did so on my way to work this afternoon.

Today, I took the new Mario A. Cuomo Tappan Zee Bridge. It's a beautiful new structure with wide, high speed lanes. Like most bridges, the roadway starts out flat before it rises to center span. Inevitably, people slow as they begin the rise. WHY? There is no traffic before them to slow them down, so why do they decelerate? It's because they are not paying attention. You have to adjust your acceleration to accommodate for the incline. MANY people fail to to do so. Of course, this unnecessarily slows EVERYONE down. I avoid this by simply setting my CRUISE CONTROL which maintains a steady, consistent drive across the entire span - and, then avoiding the idiots who have not done the same.

It's so simple. But, it takes AWARENESS and CONSIDERATION, something that Trump supporters seem to lack.

Here's another: People who insist on driving well below the speed limit in the left lane. We see them everyday taking their sweet-ass time in the lane that is meant for high speed or passing. It forces everyone to break the law and take dangerous chances to get around them. It's especially frustrating when all they have to do to take their time is move over one lane. And, if you try to force them to move over, you're the bad guy! Why? They don't know that what they are doing is against the law or, they simply don't care. Either way, it SUCKS.

This is what we must deal with when dealing with Trump supporters - people who are either ignorant of how things work and/or disregard the fact that it impacts EVERYONE.

If you find traction in what I have written you and want to create change, we DO have recourse:





Friday, October 19, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Forgiveness In Broken English.

F LoBuono
Recently, while channel surfing, I stopped at a story being reported by our local news channel. Apparently, a women from New City, NY was accused of killing a pedestrian with her motor vehicle and then leaving the scene. In a teary-eyed confession before a judge, the woman was pleading guilty to the crime, expressing extreme remorse for her actions, and claiming that she would have certainly stopped had she realized that she had actually struck someone. Since driving while intoxicated could not be proven, it was deemed an accident. Therefore the crime, a misdemeanor, was for actually leaving the scene of accident without reporting it, not vehicular manslaughter, a felony. The names are unnecessary for this post. However, their ethnicity should be noted: the driver was White, the victim, Hispanic and an immigrant.

Leaving the scene of an accident without reporting it is a misdemeanor, not a felony.

Apparently, the judge felt her plea and contrition genuine and, since the crime was considered a misdemeanor, instead of jail time, he sentenced the woman to a year's probation, a $500 fine, and a 6 month suspension of her drivers license.

Of course, many saw this as a travesty of justice. How could a man's life only be worth probation and 500 bucks? Could it be that a white woman's freedom is worth more than a Latino man's life?

However, in a post sentencing interview with members of the victim's family, who apparently emigrated from Guatemala, one man who identified himself as the victim's cousin took no exception to the punishment. In fact, he actually applauded it. Responding to the reporter's question he said, in heavily accented, but completely understandable English:

No. I am not angry with the decision. I think it was just. Putting her in prison will not bring my cousin back. And, if she spends time in prison, who will take care of her children?


With everything currently happening at our border, THIS is the type of person we should be in fear of? This man, who despite his own loss still looked to find the good in a horrible situation, should be discouraged from entering our Country?

Now, in fairness, I can't say whether or not the victim or any members of his family had entered the Country illegally. However, in a sense, that's besides the point. The mood created by the current Administration's draconian policy on immigration, particularly from those attempting to enter our Southern border, either illegally OR legally is one of abuse and exclusion.

I suppose that when we paint with such a broad brush, as the President regularly does (remember: they're rapists, etc.), we only look for the bad in people, never the good. And, when we do, we are doomed to wallow in mediocrity. It is our diversity, filled with people or character - like this man, that makes us great. It we lose that, we lose all.

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Monday, October 15, 2018

Today's MOZEN: It IS Personal

F LoBuono

Recently, I posted an internet meme of a photo featuring a group of women at a Trump rally staring at the President with adoring eyes. The copy associated with the photo, shall we say, "questioned", that as women, how they could so willingly support a man who in so many ways has shown his disrespect for women? 
(photo below)

Of course, as I had hoped it would, the post promoted a solid thread of responses. As most came from people with sentiments similar to mine,  they agreed with the overall theme of the post. Others, of course, took exception.

Here is a literal quote from one of those in opposition:

personal attacks is all you got

That's it. No capital. No punctuation. Direct grammar.

Well, that's both correct and incorrect.

It is incorrect because I have more ammunition to support my case against this President and his administration than simply personal attacks. I have, and continue to, list my grievances to his policies and those who administer them.

However, it is also correct because it IS personal. Mr. Trump does not display any characteristics that I personally admire or would seek in a friend, much less a leader:

He is a bully.
He is a braggart.
He is a womanizer.
He is a liar.
He is a glutton.
He is greedy.
He is a fraud.

So, I pose this to the gentleman quoted above and his other supporters:

Of my own version of The Seven Deadly Sins listed above, which ones do YOU ignore and which do you suggest that I should also?

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Lines Are Drawn

F LoBuono
Do you want to attempt to understand human nature and how it has brought us to our current state of dis-union? Just go on any social media thread in reference to what I'll call The Blasey-Ford/Kavanaugh Affair and read the comments.

To use today's abbreviation vernacular - OMG!!!!

The vitriolic condemnation of one or the other party, depending on one's point of view, is nothing short of astounding to me. According to the clear lines drawn, one OR the other is either a hapless victim or, an evil liar and shameless cad.

The lack of so-called physical evidence to support Dr. Ford's claim of sexual assault on the part of Justice Kavanaugh followed by a circus-like Congressional hearing and sub par FBI investigation did little to resolve the issue. In fact, it created even more doubt and tension.

Certainly, Dr. Ford's testimony was compelling to say the least. Justice Kavanaugh's rebuttal, while at times contentious, was, in its own right, equally powerful. This only escalated emotions on one side or the other to a fever pitch.

There are those whom support Dr. Ford completely and without reservation. In doing so, some have gone so far as to label him a serial rapist. Now, by his own admission, Justice Kavanaugh experienced some wild times typical of most college students at the time. And, the question of the assault will never completely go away. However, to label him as a serial rapist is simply absurd. In truth, he has his staunch defenders who will vouch for his work ethic, morality, veracity, and qualifications.

Yet, at the same time, since he had the most to lose, in a sense, his motivation to be less than truthful MUST be considered. Still, he and his family have also suffered from the consequences of what occurred.  Now, this has nothing to do with his fitness to sit on the bench of the US Supreme Court - that is a discussion for another day. I am simply trying to put things in perspective.

Of course, some of those who support Justice Kavanaugh do so by attacking the credibility of Dr. Ford, calling her an inveterate liar and charlatan whose testimony was politically motivated and, possibly, even purchased in some bizarre George Soros conspiracy! This is as completely ABSURD as labeling Justice Kavanuagh a serial rapist!! What could possibly have motivated this intelligent, educated, peaceful women to fabricate a story that would thrust her into the National spotlight and force her to publicly relive a most painful chapter in her life? She did THIS for political or financial gain? What did she actually have TO gain? So, this is simply ludicrous! Furthermore, I am completely shocked by the amount of women who have taken this tact, vehemently condemning her.

And, she, too, has paid dearly for her courage, receiving daily death threats.

For many, TOO many, the situation is not only Black and White, it has become a struggle between Good and Evil. And, one or the other is either one or the other. There seems to be no reasonable middle ground with which to built some type of consensus. And, it's tearing us apart.

People, we must find a way to express our opinions with passion and commitment but without the virulence that has plagued far too many discussions. Without a platform based on SOME type of mutual respect, there can be NO progress. Remember:

Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.    Plato

Friday, October 12, 2018


F LoBuono
It was a rare summer's day; certainly hot, but not too humid with beautiful, azure skies - in other words, perfect weather for a ride on the Harley.

At 63, I no longer harbor any Born To Be Wild fantasies. My best riding days are behind me. I've already been down three times on my motorcycle and NONE were my fault. As roads get more dangerous with more and more people distracted in their driving, highways have simply gotten untenable for much riding. Remember, cars surround you in steel. All you have to protect you on a motorcycle are your wits and a thin pair of jeans.

So, if it ain't perfect, I ain't ridin'!

But, THIS day was flawless and the road was calling.

I removed the protective cover from my machine and fired her up. My plan was to take Route 9W, a picturesque, two-lane rural road near my home in Rockland County, NY, and then open her up on the Palisades Interstate Parkway (PIP), another bucolic, but faster, highway down to the George Washington Bridge and return. The total distance was about 20 miles and should take about a half hour.

The ride down 9W was smooth and uneventful - just as I like it. After about 10 or 15 minutes, I reached the PIP. I gunned her onto the highway and cruised up a long incline at about 60 mph. The machine was running perfectly, the roar of my exhaust providing the soundtrack for my ride. All was right with the world.

Suddenly, out of my side-view mirror, I noticed a pale blue, late model convertible Mustang quickly gaining ground on me from the left lane. As they got a little closer, I could see that it was a car full of young women, their long blonde hair blowing wildly in the wind.

In a flash they were by me, music blasting, signing and laughing at the top of their lungs. And, I could smell their perfume.

It was then that I remembered exactly why I ride . . .

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Today's MOSTLY TRUE STORY: Pulling a Kavanaugh

F LoBuono
When I was a young man in college - just an ordinary, run-of-the-mill State University, a.k.a Rutgers -not a fancy/smancy, elite private school like Yale - I experienced many of the same drinking hi-jinks described by newly crowned Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanuagh during his confirmation hearings. In fact, there were enough similarities in our behavior that had I not accomplished them a few years before him, I would have called those escapades PULLING A KAVANAUGH. However, going forward, I believe that we can still use that term for most loutish behavior caused by the extensive inebriation of young men.

I must make one thing perfectly clear at this point: contrary to the accusations leveled against Mr. Kavanuagh, I have never been accused of sexual misconduct, nor will I ever be.

Perhaps, my finest (or, lowest, depending on your point of view) moment while PULLING A KAVANAUGH was at the Glocka Morra Pub on Manhattan's East Side during a Saint Patrick's Day in the mid-1970's. A few of my college buddies, most of whom, incidentally, were of Irish descent, and I decided to cut our school day short and head into the City for some real celebrating!

As it was the ultimate Irish Holiday and I was in the company of so many Irishmen, we had to partake in the ultimate Irish beverage - Guinness Stout. And, ingest we did - imbibing until I was virtually blind. I can't vouch for my friends' condition because, quite frankly, I was too drunk too remember but, I'm pretty sure that we must have had a good time.

What I do CLEARLY recall was how incredibly sick I was the next day. I mean I had the mother of all hangovers! I swear it was so bad that even my hair hurt. I threw up so much that, at first, I was afraid that I would die. Then, I was afraid that I wouldn't. The slightest noise sent shock waves of agony through my brain. I also remember my father laughing at my condition while saying:

Feels good, doesn't it? Bet you'll think twice about doing that again.

He was only partially right. Despite his advice, I still continued to have Bacchanalian episodes. However, I did so without indulging in Guinness - ever again! In fact, not only do I refuse to drink it, I can't even SMELL it. To this day, I won't go near a Guinness. The pain associated with recovering from the aftermath FAR outweighed the pleasure of drinking it in the first place. I suppose that was at least SOME sign of maturation.

And, that, my friends is the essence of PULLING A KAVANAUGH. However, the difference between Brett and I is that I will not be sitting on the bench of the United States Supreme Court.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Today's MOSTLY TRUE SHORT STORY: The Heart of Town

Sunrise South Nyack - F LoBuono
It's no secret. In fact, if you read this blog at all, it is an established fact - I love where I live. I have since the first day I moved here over 30 years ago.

And, there are a multitude of reasons.

I experienced another today.

My first stop on my almost daily sojourn from my apartment in South Nyack into downtown Nyack was the Korean-American grocery store, Park's Village Market,  near the corner of Broadway and Main. First, it is no accident that a town as diverse as Nyack would have a Korean-American deli at the corner of the quintessential American intersection. It's owned by the Park family. I was at the check-out counter with my usually daily supply of fresh fruit. Doing my part for the environment, I placed the tallied items in a canvas bag that I always bring with me. The Asian woman who works most days behind the counter, offered:

What happened to your red bag?"

It took me a second to realize what she was talking about when I remember I had always used a bright red shoulder bag to carry my bootee. I used it so much, it had gotten, shall we say, ratty. Today's satchel was just plain white. When I did remember, I smiled broadly and said:

Oh, THAT one. It's been retired. My girlfriend said that it was getting a little embarrassing. So, she gave me a new one.

The woman thought that was just hysterical. Her laughter was contagious and we had a good belly laugh together.

I made my next stop at the liquor store, Palmieri's, near the opposite corner to resupply my bourbon stocks. Perhaps, I shouldn't admit to this but I've been there enough that the owners know me, too. The young, dark woman behind the counter, by her appearance an Indian or Pakistani-American, chatted politely while I made my purchase. Smiling broadly, I wished her a good day and continued my sojourn.

Heading south on the east side of Broadway (I used the west side when I was heading north), I approached the Art Cafe when I spied a group of mostly older women excitedly greeting one another at the cafe's entrance. It was obvious by their love and enthusiasm that they were friends who had not seen one another for some time. As I got closer, I noticed a distinguished looking older gentleman with a shock of wild white hair on his head and a silver topped cane in his hand among the ladies. He fixed his attention on one particular woman and heard him say with a thick Yiddish accent:

Ooooh, dahling. You look fantastic. Just beautiful. Only, please don't tell my wife I told you so!

They both laughed hardily as I strolled past them. I couldn't help but grin broadly.

About a block later, just on the edge of "downtown", I was passing a parked car. Latin music was blasting from the open windows. As I got closer, I could see a young, dark-haired woman behind the wheel. She was singing, unabashedly, along with the music blaring on the car radio. I swear I saw that car rockin'!

As I strolled further from the heart of town and more into the residential area, the bustle of business was replaced with the drone of the ever-present leaf blowers. They serenaded me for the remainder of my journey home. It completes the picture of a day in our villages.

People are rightly concerned about the new boom in high-density housing. It is bound to have SOME effect on the village. There will be challenges to infrastructure and the environment. These issues must be addressed. But, we must also temper our findings because our villages have always been about the PEOPLE who make it. May it always be that way. But, for now, they are still easy to find . . .

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Pontius Pilot 2018

Words and photo by F LoBuono
In the end, it turned out to be a brilliant move. Once again, the Republicans have demonstrated their mastery over the woeful Democrats by outmaneuvering them in their quest to place Brett Kavanaugh on the bench of the US Supreme Court.

After a contentious HE SAID-SHE SAID hearing organized by the Senate to address allegations of sexual misconduct by Judge Kavanaugh brought by a college professor, Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford, something had to be done to quiet the outrage it caused. The details of the accusation have been discussed ad nauseum to this point, so I will spare you a repeat of the details. What is important to know is what came out of those hearings: a commitment to delay the confirmation vote on Mr. Kavanaugh until the FBI could launch a thorough, but limited in scope, investigation of the alleged incident - all to be completed in a week or less.

In the beginning, the plan was met with guarded optimism by members of both political parties. After all, a little investigating is better than none - right? And, according to the GOP, they were all for being fair, right? A few of them even went so far as to suggest they might change their votes to negative should the investigation turn up any impropriety on the part of the judge. They would come off smelling like roses! Of course, the Democrats felt that, perhaps, THEY had pulled off a fast one - they had the judge just where they wanted him. The FBI was bounded to rake up some muck.

And, you bought it?

As it turns out, it was the the GOP's twisted plan right from the very beginning: PRETEND that you care and organize a sham of an investigation, seriously limited in scope by the White House itself, and when it finds nothing, simply throw your hands in the air and say, I TOLD YOU SO. Then, they will follow their feckless leader in lock step.

Now, folks, I'm all for due process. I've gone on record as saying so. No one person's word should be held as more truthful than another's. But, there must be a PROCESS. This so-called investigation was nothing short of lip service. Hell, in addition to dozens of valid witnesses, the FBI didn't even interview THE PRINCIPALS IN THE CASE!

THIS is thorough?

And, I'm not blaming the FBI. They were just pawns in the bigger game, too.

No, it was all part of the plan from the very beginning. They pandered to the Democrats and STILL won. Because they didn't truly look for corroboration, none was found. So, just like Pontius Pilot, the GOP, too, can wash their hand of the dirty deed. Shame on them.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Today's MOZEN: The Schoolyard Bully

F LoBuono
Another day, another outrageous display of a bilious, belligerent, blowhard of a bully. Yes, unfortunately, I am, yet again, referring to our illustrious President, Donald J. Trump.

Last evening, at another one of his self aggrandizing rallies designed to throw raw meat to his base and pump up his already enormously inflated ego, Mr. Trump decided to attack the veracity and, therefore, integrity, of Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford who recently testified to an alleged sexual abuse encounter with his nominee to the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh.

It was not only the fact that he had the audacity to challenge Dr. Ford's motivation for her testimony, he did so in the most infantile manner - like a 12 year-old school yard bully might, changing the manner of his speaking so that his tone took on condescending air. To complete the image to match the tone of his voice he should have finished his statement by putting his thumbs in his ears, waved his hands going, NAH, NAH, NAH, NAH, HA and then stuck out his tongue!!

The only thing more pathetic than this image was that of the crowd cheering behind him. But, then again, we must remember, he was in Mississippi. And, for your information, Mississippi is 49th in the Nation in education. So, no real surprise there.

Until the FBI issues its findings on the investigation of the alleged incident, it remains a He Said-She Said conundrum. Without some type of corroboration, we may never fully know the truth. I get that. I have my own, personal feelings as to whom is actually telling the truth. But, that has no bearing on how Dr. Ford should be treated. Beyond the legality of the situation, there is the emotion of it. There is no doubt that both figures in this scenario have suffered their own brand of emotional distress, certainly none more so than Dr. Ford. As the antagonist in this case, she knew that she would face the ire of many for the shear timing of her accusations among other issues. Still, she persisted and testified, boldly, calmly, and, confidently. She earned almost universal respect for her testimony. On the other hand, Judge Kavanaugh, while steadfastly maintaining his innocence in his response, was aggressive, defensive and belligerent.

And, for HER efforts, the Bully-In-Chief used the schoolyard tactics of a juvenile to discredit her.

It's shameful - at least it is to most rational human beings. But, for me, I expect little else from this man. And, I haven't since he mocked a disabled NY Times reporter while on the campaign trail.

And, as I say all of the time: YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. And, we bought a banal, beefy, bastard of a bully . . .