Sunday, September 12, 2021

Today's MOZEN: The Horns of the Bull

The path to Enlightment 
 should not been seen as a straight, ascending line. Yes, it has peaks of euphoria. But, it also includes dips of painful revelation. I avoided using the word failure because these lapses should not be seen as such unless you do nothing to deal with the issues that created them in the first place. You must be mindful, i.e. have the awareness that these areas need attention. Then, you must actively work to improve upon them.

Often, at least for me, it's hard work to change these issues because they are against your very nature - that which seems to come to you naturally - without thinking.

My birth sign is Taurus. My lineage/culture is Sicilian. Although both are associated with many admirable qualities like loyalty, integrity, style and class, learning, persistence, and more, they contain others that are less desirable. These include willful pride, stubbornness, a fierce temper, frugality, and judgement.

Because I am mindful that ALL exists within me, I have laid the foundation to perpetuate more of the good stuff and less of the bad.

Two of the negative influences within my personality that I am working so hard to change are my temper and my judgement.

Being a Taurus and a Sicilian is like having the double-whammy for fierce temperaments. I take no shit from anyone - ever - especially if you attempt to bully me. Simply ain't going to work. And, if you try, you are going to get the horns - Big Time! My temper is fierce.

Now, this in and of itself is not necessarily always a bad thing. We need to stick up for ourselves, especially against those who wish to oppress us. We also need to defend others who may not be cable of defending themselves. However, I have to learn when to let go of my anger. Everyone, even those who love us, are bound to commit some personal transgression at one time or another. As I can be so quick to anger (too often), I need to let go of it just as rapidly.

And, I need to be less judgmental. I have always set the highest standards for myself. I expect to give my maximum effort into any endeavor. And, I expect the same from others. However, I need to not only understand but ACCEPT that others set goals for themselves and need only to meet THEIR standards and NOT mine! Different IS better.

This means increasingly my level of compassion for others. Compassion does not judge. It does not ask why is this so? It simply acts to do the right things for the right reasons.

I need to remember these these things.

I'm working on it.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Today's MOZEN: The Arc of Moral Justice - On the 20th Anniversary of 911

In a strange twist of fate, I was watching a program called "The Hunt for Osama bin Laden" on the eve of the 20th Anniversary of the attacks on 911. It told the inside story of the years of effort and the final push to locate and kill the mastermind of 911. Needless to say, it was riveting.

The combat group charged with executing the mission was the Navy's legendary Seal Team 6. These elite warriors trained for months for this very moment - they were inside his compound and the search was on. As they approached the 3rd floor, where bin Laden was reported to be hiding, they heard him say into a cell phone:

They've come from above!

He was shot to death by the Seals moments later.

Think about it. They've come from above.

Just as he unleased countless death from above, so death came for him - alone, in the dark, and at the hand of strangers.

The arc of arc of the moral universe is indeed long.*

*Theodore Parker

Saturday, September 4, 2021



A few years ago, after the election of Donald Trump, I got into a (mostly) friendly argument with a feminist friend. It seems that she took exception to the point that I was trying to make which was this; women bore more responsibility for his election than many would care to admit. Even though less educated white men were Mr. Trump's most ardent supporters, millions of women voted for him as well. Millions.

I tried to further my point by presenting the fact that my disappointment lay with the fact that WOMEN HAVE THE ULTIMATE POWER - they outnumber men in the general population AND they vote in greater numbers. The problem is, unlike the uneducated white men who elect misogynists like Donald Trump, they don't stick together and too often vote against their own best interests!

And, it happens all of the time.

Texas is the latest example.

As we are all aware, Texas, the 2nd largest State in the Country, just passed the most draconian anti-abortion law in the land. In essence, it removes a woman's right to choose. Unfortunately, the damage was further exacerbated by the US Supreme Court's (a Trumpian court) support of it.

Now, despite the fact the millions of women (men too, like me) are outraged by the decision, millions more support it. And, it goes further - millions of women voted for the people (mostly men) who sponsored and passed this awful legislation.

I'm sure I'll catch hell for this but I'm going to challenge you women once again: GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER and VOTE THESE SOB'S OUT.

Or, you will get what you pay (vote) for.



DO IT - NOW!!!!!!

That is all . . .