Friday, November 18, 2022


It seems that I've been around a lot of death lately. I suppose the fact that I'm approaching 68 years-old has a lot to do with it. I, like all of us, have had friends who have not had their fate allow them to live their lives as long and completely as I already have. It's a privilege, indeed.

Of course, another factor that comes into play is Social Media. For all its ills (and there are many), it allows us an almost instant connection to others whom we would not ordinarily hear about - at least for some time, if at all.

And, it sure seems to be happening an awfully lot lately.

But, then it got me thinking; well, death has always been with us. Always. Just because we are not hearing about it doesn't mean it isn't happening every nano second in every corner of the globe.

Simply put, in the ultimate paradox, there is no life without death.

So, we'd better get used to it - if you haven't already.

I know this is terrifying for most - even those of great faith. And, I understand. It scares the shit out of me too! I love my life and want to live it as thoroughly and as long as I can. But that doesn't mean I can't or don't accept death. It means I'm working on understanding it.

I'm just not ready - yet.

There are cultures that still embrace physical death far more than our modern society allows for. In a tradition we now feel almost barbaric, wakes, including the body of the deceased, were held in a loved ones home. It certainly connected us more powerfully to the fact that we will all meet the same fate - whether we are ready or not. 

I'm getting to the age where I'd better be!

But, all of us, no matter what our age or relative station in life, should experience all the joy - and sorrow - life has to offer. Because, like it or not, someday, we will not have that privilege.

If and where we may wind up after we are done with this gig, I cannot say and never will know - until I do.

In the meantime, I will GIVE THANKS for the very breath of life I now enjoy.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Today's MOZEN: I'M BACK!


As I get more involved with my podcast, BEING FRANK, and teaching at Fordham University, I've been left with less time for my first love, writing. But, I will always return to her because I am compelled to. So, here I am.

I must, however, state that there IS another factor that has curtailed my output. And, that is; how many times can you write basically the same thing - over and over again? It's like the proverbial and legendary Groundhog Day!

Still, it must be said again.

Donald J. Trump is a terrible human being, a grifter, liar, and thief. Of course it involves politics - his suck - but, it goes beyond that - he is just plain bad for our Country for more reasons than I can to write about - again.

So, there. I did say it - AGAIN.


Because, as I write this post, reports have us anticipating an evening announcement where His Orangeness will proclaim his candidacy for President in 2024.

And his minions will roar with approval.

However, this time, hopefully, there is a difference.

You see, this time, based on the very poor performance by GOP candidates, particularly those hand-picked by Mr. Trump, in the recent mid-term elections, those minions have been greatly reduced in number! They seem to eating one another (figuratively, of course).

Look, as is the case with most cults, he will always have his hardcore supporters who, quite literally, would die for him. But, I believe that number will NEVER exceed 30% again.

And, that my friends, is good news. Perhaps, just perhaps, we will live up to what Winston Churchill allegedly said about us: 

You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing - after they have tried everything else*.

*It cannot be verified that he actually said that, but he should have!

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Today's MOZEN: Our Miracle Cure.

Every family has their own urban myths, legends, and folklore.

Ours was the miraculous healing power of a tube of goo known as A&D Ointment.

Despite being only reasonably sure that the ingredients included at least an infusion of vitamins A and D, my mother used it on EVERYTHING - from blisters to burns to gaping wounds. Diaper rash, scratches, hangnails, hemorrhoids, and even sore nostrils from too much blowing could be cured by it.

Applied liberally to any affected area, its incredible healing powers went to work almost immediately. I swear that if you rubbed it on your chin over a toothache, the pain would subside - at least that's what we were led to believe.

And we not only used it on ourselves; our pets were the recipients of the A&D treatment, too. It a dog had any type of rash or wound - yup, you got it - a healthy gob of the goo was applied - usually with great effectiveness.

So, to this very day, if one were to open my medicine cabinet, one of the first things that would come tumbling out would be a tube of A&D Ointment.