Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Woman of the United States, the stars have finally aligned. It may have been a tortuous, circuitous path but DO NOT LOSE this opportunity to seize power now!

I challenge each and every voting American woman to stop complaining about the patriarchy and DO something about it!

Throw ALL of your support behind this intelligent, experienced, sassy, YOUNG, powerful woman.

You have the numbers. You've ALWAYS had the numbers. USE THEM effectively. Anything else is acceptance of failure.

If you recall the last time a woman ran for President (remember Hillary?), a very common refrain from other women was that they couldn't vote for her because she was an "arrogant elite". Unfortunately, that's used far too often to describe educated, aggressive, professional women. Please don't use it again.

We KNOW the consequences of our failure to elect a qualified woman. Remember 2016.

Women of America, unite behind Kamala Harris!

I know that I certainly will.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


All word and photos by F LoBuono

The more I think about it, the more I believe I've come to understand The Democratic Paradox.

It's certainly not a new concept, but perhaps because of the critical nature of the current threat to the latest version of American Democracy, it seems particularly important to understand it now.

The very nature, the essential essence of Liberal Democracy, is the absolute freedom of any individual to express their opinion on ANY subject, even to the detriment to the very system that allows that expression.

Yes, even if it means the destruction of the personal liberties at the very core of society itself.

This is the paradox.

But, it doesn't have to be this way - if we are wary.

We must remain vigilant for those who will use the system to break the system. They will come in the name of law and order: just as long as it's their law, their order. Those unwilling to comply will be eliminated, one way or the other.

And, this is not hyperbole. It has happened many times in the past and is threating to happen again. See PROJECT 2025.

Democracy, American Democracy is at stake. Don't be bullied by those who will use the flag to beat you over the head with. Being a Liberal Democrat doesn't mean you have to stand there and take it! 

Democracy is NOT a spectator sport.

Fight The Paradox!


Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Words and photos by F LoBuono

The 4th of July is the time of year that, in addition to firing up the grill, we take a moment or two to think about what it really means to be an American.

At least it is for me.

And should be for all of us.

I'm sure it's probably been said before, but this year it is of particular importance. A huge election looms and choices will be made; choices that will determine the future meaning of what IS an American.

Those of you who have read this blog must know where my sentiments lie and they are as clear as the difference in personality between the 2 men who would be President.

On the one hand, we have the sitting President, Joe Biden, seeking reelection. Even after a disastrous debate performance calling further in question his age issues, he is still the clear choice to represent the America I would like to see continue: inclusive, progressive, compassionate. His record, despite some setbacks, remains solid - as are the people who surround him.

On the other hand, there is Donald Trump, the former President. I'll not mince words. He is a convicted liar and thief. His ego is so bloated that he would not reject the title "king". He mocks the disabled and disrespects woman. And, beyond his personality defects, Trump's draconian policies are reflected in his support from Project 2025, simply put a fancy name for a fascist agenda, one that he would gladly implement. If it were to happen, I feel blogs like mine, critical of the government and the President, would disappear.

And, what's even more frightening, the legacy from his former administration, i.e. his SCOTUS appointees, is already laying the ground work (see their recent decision of Presidential immunity) for it to become the law of the land.

With this in mind, PLEASE reflect on the TRUE meaning of the the 4th of July, i.e. INDEPENDANCE DAY.