Friday, April 12, 2019

Today's MOSTLY TRUE SHORT STORY: Goodbye Old Friends.

F LoBuono
It was like losing a bunch of old friends, ones that I had spent so much of my childhood and young adulthood with. They taught me many things and took me on countless adventures to exotic locals all over the world. They made me laugh and they made me cry. They entertained me when I was lonely and filled me when I was empty. They made me think and, most importantly, they made me FEEL. There was Jack, Ernest, F. Scott, William, Virgil, Kurt, Hunter, Alan, Mary, Carson, Harper, Robert, Herman, Thomas and too many more to mention. I am a lucky man to have so many to call "friend".

Yet, I never met any of them personally, but still felt like I knew them all intimately. Each one contributed to the man I am today.

But, there came a point when I simply could not keep them anymore.

Of course, I'm talking about my books.

Recently, I sold my house which means downsizing. Even though I hadn't lived in the house for nearly 7 years, I was still storing some of my personal belongings there. And, that included my rather extensive collection of books. I had so many covering topics from history to motorcycles. Many were paperbacks but still others were rare bound editions. They encompassed a lifetime of learning and mental stimulation. I knew I could count on them to comfort me in times of trouble and make me laugh when I needed it most. The answered my questions and peaked my curiosity. But, at some point, physically, they simply take up space - a luxury I no longer had. In the years since I moved to my apartment I had already filled it to near maximum. Priorities needed to be set or there would be no living space left to have. Storing boxes of books, already read many times over and mostly collecting dust now, could not be justified. They just had to go.

But, the question remained: how could I dignify the passing of so many good friends?

Simply dumping them was not a viable option.In fact, the thought of treating them with such disrespect was anathema to me. They deserved a better fate.  I considered taking them to the old book store in town or to the local library but it seemed to me that they had their own issues with recycling books. Then, it occurred to me that I live in a village loaded with erudite people. And, my apartment is located very close to a busy bus stop. So, I took 2 crates loaded with my friends and placed them near the bus stop. Of course, I added a sign "FREE BOOKS TO GOOD HOME" to further entice perspective takers.

Well, in less than a day, the crates where empty. And, for good measure, the crates where gone, too! I can only hope that my good friends did, indeed, find their way into new, worthy homes where they will experience new life providing those families with the same life lessons I hold so dear.

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