WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT, what is the wind?
After all, we can't see it.
Yet we know that it exists.
We don't/can't see the actual movement of the atmosphere (i.e. wind/breeze) itself. What we do see and hear are the effects that it produces.
We see and hear it when travels through the tree leaves. We feel it when it gently (or not so gently) caresses our faces and blows through our hair. We've harnessed the power of the wind to drive our ships to new discoveries and, now, even light our homes.
So, it is entirely accurate to say that the wind may be unseen but it is a force none-the-less.
Well, WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT, can't the same be said of the so-called Spirit World?
We can't see Spirits (at least most of us can't LOL). Yet, there are times when we can experience their effects.
Strange, unexplained things happen to us all of the time.
Sometimes, it may be nothing more that an intense feeling of a presence of someone lost long ago. Or, perhaps, just when you've given up hope of finding your keys or cell phone, intuition makes you look in one, last, unlikely place and, voila', there they are.
There are also those times that we classify as divine intervention, i.e. the moments when a more logical, worldly explanation simply won't do.
My mother shared a story that embodies this notion: Many years ago, when my younger brother was an infant, he began to choke on his food. My mother couldn't clear his passageway and the situation turned dire. She claims that in her most desperate moment, her deceased father appeared to her and instructed her to hold my brother by his heals while smacking his back. This did the trick as she was able to dislodge the food and he began breathing again.
Of course, the logical explanation was that she performed the right procedure to clear the obstruction. What is not so easily explained is how she got the knowledge to do so when she had no previous idea how.
Perhaps, it was just the wind . . .