Monday, February 7, 2022

Today's MOZEN: An Epiphany

By definition, an epiphany most often occurs at the most unexpected moments and under the simplest of circumstances.

So it came to pass for me just the other day.

It's no secret that when it comes to Winter, I don't really dislike it - I detest it. For me, it has few redeeming values. And, it's not a matter of mere inconvenience. It's dangerous to drive or, sometimes, even walk. Pipes freeze. Cars crash. People and animals die from exposure. And, I find it downright painful. It hurts to be cold!!

People will extoll the virtues of clearer skies, less humidity, no bugs, and fresher air. OK. Perhaps. I've tried to be ZEN about it - you know, accepting for what it is. But, I've always endured winter much more than enjoyed in it.

Well, I decided to BE Zen and go for a walk on an absolutely frigid day - because in February MOST days are frigid and I needed to GET OUT! As I was adding my fourth or fifth layer of just undergarments and bemoaning that fact that if it were Summer, I would have already been in a pair of shorts and out on the streets, I had my epiphany: no matter how hard I tried to convince others that Winter sucked, I would NEVER change their minds. Those who DO enjoy Winter and frown on Summer weather can defend their choice with equal passion (they're wrong, of course LOL).

And, that's OK!!

There are cases where no compromise can be accepted, e.g. racism, bigotry, wanton hate. However, it's a BIG world with plenty of room for MANY opinions, especially when it comes to matters of taste and preference. Somehow, we seem to have lost the ability to share our differences in a way that brings understanding instead of hate. With rare exception, it's OK to have differences in opinion.

You know, I say TomAHto and you say TomAto kinda' stuff.

I can live with that. Even when I'm cold.

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