Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Social Commentary: A WTF Moment/follow-up

The dispute between labor and the governor of Wisconsin continues to fester and grow. So much so, that I felt it necessary to add a few more thoughts to my original ones on this subject.

If you look at what's happening with an independent focus, the situation seems pretty clear; the Governor has won. He has forced state workers to make significant monetary concessions to help reduce Wisconsin's budget deficit. The Union is willing to significantly reduce its pension and health care cost demands. It seems that the Union has negotiated in good faith. They seem to have grasped the concept that change is not only inevitable, it is ESSENTIAL. And they have complied. Yet, Republican Governor Scott Walker has not acknowledged his triumph. No, he wants to go much further before he declares "victory". So, he has steadfastly refused to budge or EVEN NEGOTIATE with the Unions or their supporters. He claims that this tactic was one of the campaign promises on which he was elected and he intends to deliver on it. Therefore, he is going to go through with it, no matter the consequences.

Walker was elected with a good deal of Tea Party support (surprise, surprise - a white, male Republican!). And his current position is in line with Tea Party rhetoric. And, therein lies the dilemma. On the surface, the Tea Party mantra of less government, fewer (if ANY) taxes, and holding elected officials accountable is indeed laudable. However, if you read between the tea leafs, you'll see that the motivation to achieve these goals is ANGER and, in some cases, HATRED. When you allow these two, destructive emotions to set your agenda, you are doomed to failure. They may produce results in the the short term, but in the long run they only beget a defeated, splintered society. The impetus to change is mean spirited in its nature, creating a disenfranchised populous.

By attempted to bust the Unions in Wisconsin (and that, ultimately, is exactly what he is attempting to do), Governor Walker is sending a clear message to the entire country; thou shall not negotiate or compromise with those now in power. Think about the hypocrisy. This is a man elected by people who clamored for a less intrusive government. And how does he implement that? He does so by imposing the government's will (his) in an attempt to remove workers' RIGHT to NEGOTIATE. If this is not a mean spirited assault by a powerful government then I don't know what is! The governor claims that these are desperate times, calling for desperate measures. This may be true but, as shown by his actions, he is disingenuous. This is not an honest attempt to balance a budget. If Walker were truly interested in doing that, he would be sitting with his PEOPLE, i.e. the Unions, and negotiating, in good faith, what can really be done to reduce the deficit AND still maintain a good standard of living for those who have worked far too hard to achieve it.

THIS is the American Way. So, put that in your TEA CUP and drink it.

Photo: F LoBuono

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