Monday, January 12, 2015

Today's FrankieFunFact 1/15/2015

Henry Hudson
In his search to discover the legendary Northwest Passage, Henry Hudson made three, mostly successful trips to the New World, the first in 1607. During his third and final voyage aboard his flagship Discovery, his crew, fed up with Hudson's tyrannical rule, mutineed. Hudson, along with his teenage son and seven loyal crew members, was cast adrift in the bay that would eventually bear his name. They were never heard from again. That was June, 1611.


  1. Very interesting, any theories on what may have happened?

  2. Considering how wild the wilderness of the Hudson Bay region is and they were given little in the way of provisions, most historians believe that they perished at sea. However, there are myths and legends that say he was taken in by local natives and became a great chief. :)
