Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Today's MOZEN: A Love Letter

Words and Photo by F LoBuono
It was the quality of the light.

I had just walked into my bedroom, which is on the west side of my apartment, when I first noticed it. Thunderstorms were being predicted for the rest of the evening and into the early night. And, they were beginning to gather. The setting sun, hanging low in the west, was mustering one last hurrah before night would win the battle for the remainder of the day. It pierced the coming darkness and storm clouds to fill the sky with a diffused but still intense light. It was if the entire cosmos was permeated with a heavenly glow.

It would not last long.

I knew that I only had a few minutes before the moment would be gone forever. But, if I hustled, I thought that I might be able to capture its magic with my cell phone camera before it was consumed by the night. The new, and spectacular, Mario N. Cuomo Bridge that spans the Tappan Zee  and the Hudson River is only a few blocks from my apartment. Knowing that the bridge would have just been illuminated for the evening, I was hoping that it would provide a good contrast between its brilliant display of lights and the gathering storms and impending darkness.

Grabbing my cell phone and rain gear I made a mad dash out of my back door and down towards the small park on the Hudson at the end of my street. Unfortunately, some of the early evening splendor that had first caught my eye was lost. But, the light still had a strange and wondrous quality to it. In the distance, I could see the illuminated bridge was indeed cutting a swath through the gathering night. My sojourn would not be in vain.

After a few minutes, I was at the river's edge and marveled at the beauty that lay before me. The Tappan Zee is located at one of the widest spots on the Hudson, looking as much like a lake here as it does river. In the distance the radiant bridge was shinning like a new dime, its light cleaving the storm clouds and reflecting in the wide expanse of the calm Hudson.

I made a few photos that I was pleased with and stayed a few more minutes to reflect on the beauty of the place. Then, I started walking the long block back to my apartment. Just before I got there, I heard someone playing trumpet scales. Whomever was practicing did not appear to be a novice as the notes played were powerful and sure. Perhaps, they were warming up for a gig instead of merely learning. One way or the other, when combined with the beauty of of the early evening and its gathering storms, it provided another special moment that, if you take a few seconds to notice, makes living here truly a privilege - one that I never take for granted.

After tarrying for a few more seconds, it started to rain and I moved on, heading back to the place I've always belonged . . . 

I love it here.

Saturday, May 25, 2019


Most people are familiar with Nero (37-68 A.D.) who ruled ancient Rome as emperor from 54 his death by suicide in 68 A.D. Unfortunately (for him), his name lives in infamy as he is most known for his debauchery, avarice, barbarity, political cruelty, and sloth. He was a womanizer, married multiple times, and carried out numerous illicit affairs. He was accused of murdering his mother and pregnant wife. Although never definitively proven, it is highly likely that Nero started the cataclysmic fire that destroyed most of Rome in 64 A.D. Critics claim that he began the fire to clear room for his spectacular private residence, the Domus Aurea (House of Gold).

Nero came to power under dubious circumstance and consolidated his power with ruthless brutality. He was known to be narcissistic and incredibly self indulgent. But, he staged elaborate displays like gladiatorial games and lavish, decadent parties to highlight his wealth and power. And, in the beginning it worked. Because of this, people saw him as generous, kind, and accessible. They envisioned the young Nero as the antidote for the previous emperor, Claudius, a doting, old man. In fact, one of the first things Nero did was roll back most of the policies put in place by Claudius.


However, the love affair between Nero and the people of Rome didn't last long. It seems he cared little for truly ruling the people and much for his own self-enrichment. As he consolidated his power and became more and more in love with his own image, the people of Rome become less and less enamored with his reign.

He crushed his political opponents in the most barbarous ways, purging most of the Roman senate.  And, he NEVER accepted responsibility for ANY of his actions, blaming others when convenient, and making them pay dearly - like immolating early Christians (a convenient scapegoat) to use as human torches to light his garden. His lavish spending, tax breaks for the wealthy, and ill advised conflicts on foreign soil (including Judea and Gaul) all contributed to an uncertain economy and a distrusting populace.

Eventually, the people of Rome had enough. Acting on behalf on the people, the Roman senate declared Nero "an enemy of the public". He knew that his days were numbered and attempted to escape the city. When the attempt failed, he took his own life, vainglorious to the end, uttering with his last breath: "What an artist dies in me".

This may seem extreme to some but I see a disturbing amount of parallels between Nero and our current President, Donald J. Trump. Trump, like Nero, seems obsessed with his own image. He constantly refers to himself with glittering superlatives like "the greatest ever". Trump, once seen as an alternative to the standard politician has, so far, been woefully inadequate for the job. His tax breaks for the wealthy have helped the economy (and, many of his wealthy friends) in some ways but has proven problematic for most working class people. He creates policies that seem to enrich himself and his family (like using Trump properties for official government business). Trump also loves to use bluster and pomp to solidify the image that he is the man in power. Perhaps without the violence, he still brutally oppresses anyone in opposition to his position and status. And, he edges us closer everyday to conflict in the Middle East, particularly with Iran.

Yes, my friends, the comparisons are too real to ignore. Like the Roman people and its senate, WE have the power to change it. and, the time is NOW!!! He is an enemy of the people . . . 

Friday, May 17, 2019

When You Think About It: SUPPORT CHOICE!!!

F LoBuono
When asked about abortion, most of the men I know claim, that given the choice, they would not have one. I have to admit that when confronted with that question, my answer would be the same.

And, you know what? What I think when it comes to a woman's body has no fucking bearing on the decision that ONLY she can make!!!! And, the same should be true of ALL men.

As I can never know what it ultimately means to be black (because I am not and never will. be), I can only relate so far as to what they experience. So, whatever comment I may make as to that experience must be viewed through that prism. The same can be said for speaking of a woman's body. I can NEVER know what it is like to be pregnant - what that means physically, mentally, and emotionally. Therefore, I have no RIGHT, either legally or MORALLY to impose my judgment on her. And, no other man does as well!

That's why this is about CHOICE - a WOMAN'S CHOICE to do what is right for herself, her body, and her family.

What is being perpetrated on women from these proposed draconian anti-abortion laws in Georgia, Alabama, Ohio, Missouri, and other States is an assault on women's rights to control their own bodies and, therefore, their own destinies. And, of course, the overwhelming majority of those voting these measures into law are WHITE MEN.

Shame on them for imposing their beliefs where it simply does not, and never WILL, belong.

Let me say this as clearly and concisely as I possibly can: I whole heartily support a woman's right to choose what is best for her body and will defend her right to reproductive freedom with my last breath.

Let's fight these bastards - before it's too late and we lose ALL of the freedoms so many have sacrificed so much to achieve!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Today's MOSTLY TRUE SHORT STORY: Oh, The Spanish Station

Words and Photo by F LoBuono
I was in the CBS News Record Room, a control center that is responsible for taking in and recording breaking news video from all over the world, when I looked up at one of the monitors and noticed a woman and a bearded man engaged in a deep kiss. If fact, it was so intimate that when we were kids, we might have described that kind of kiss as sucking face.

I remarked to my co-worker who was manning the room with me: 

"that's one helleva' kiss!"

He responded with: "that's just the Spanish station".

Without missing a beat, I said: "oh, that explains it".

Then, we both went back to work. 

Monday, May 13, 2019

Poetry: My Town

Words and Photo by F LoBuono

I strolled in a gentle rain
under a canopy of lavender and purple wisteria,
the smell of lilac in the air,
a cacophony of Spring birds
and the sound of Jack Hammers on the NY State Thruway
serenading me.
Yes, this is my town.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Today's MOZEN: Deep Thinking

F LoBuono
It's no secret, I'm a deep thinker. I was going to say BIG, but that would not be entirely accurate. I don't have huge goals for myself. My needs are simple as are my wants. But, I give enormous amounts of time to thinking about the so-called Ways of the World, i.e. how things happen and, more importantly why. And, I go deep within myself in an attempt to fathom the answers.

There are those who find those answers within a religious context. They rely on organized scripture and a designated set of rules to provide comfort and solace with events they can't explain or understand. In other words, they rely on their faith to solve mysteries they are otherwise incapable of understanding. I have tried that and it simply does not work for me - it's just too convenient to attribute complex happenings in our lives to unseen and incomprehensible forces.

And, that does not mean that if we continue to search we will find the answers - some questions are indeed unanswerable. But, that's OK if you come to a place of peace known as acceptance. Things are simply because life designates them to be.

Still, I search, often to the point where I have to stop before I am consumed by that search. I have to work hard at learning to accept. And, it's difficult for me to do so without exhausting all possibilities of finding out why first.

Most of my queries involve human nature: why do human beings behave in the ways that we do? And, of all those behaviors, the one that vexes me most is: how and why can we be so sublimely compassionate, merciful, and kind while at the same time be wantonly cruel, callous, and hateful? One just need open any Facebook thread to see exactly what I mean. At the top of the page may be a post of someone who went to great lengths to save an abused, suffering animal while at the bottom is the story about the person who perpetrated that heinous abuse in the first place!

It's enough to drive me crazy! And, no, I don't have that answer - yet.

However, what I am sure of is, for me, the only way to counter evil in the world is with love. Every time that we see an evil act committed we must counter it with a selfless act of kindness. And, it doesn't have to be direct. Often, the evil has already been committed and it may be too late to effect that particular situation. But, that doesn't mean that NOTHING can be done. Remember the Law of Karma. What good we put back into the Wheel of Life is not just local, it is universal. So, when we encounter cruelty, stop it on the spot if you can. If that is not possible, at some point, counter it with a selfless act of kindness, anywhere and at anytime.

Now, if I can just remember that the next time I want to choke the shit out of the next person who cuts me off on the West Side Highway.

That is all . . . 

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Today's MOZEN: Only the Tool

F LoBuono
In a highly critical, 6,000 word essay in the May 9th edition of the NY Times, Chris Hughes, who co-founded Facebook with Mark Zuckerberg 15 years ago, laid out his case against the internet giant, siting the damage he says the website has done to the American political landscape. Among his charges are that Facebook has failed to protect the privacy of its users for the sake of profit and that nefarious entities use its resources for their own illicit and often illegal purposes. Hughes claims the harm caused by Facebook so great as to be sufficient reason for its very dismantling.

Many, including Mr. Hughes, argue that Facebook has gotten so large as to be unmanageable. It has become impossible to filter the overwhelming amount of information that surges through its circuits. Much of that material is not only false or misleading, it's downright hateful. White Supremacists, Black Nationalists, Christian Fundamentalists, Islamic Extremists, Zionists, Neo-Nazis, Skinheads, Anti-vaccinators, Holocaust deniers, Neo-Confederates, Anti-LGBTers, Radical Right-To-Lifers, Anti-immigrant, and a host of other misanthropic organizations have used Facebook to spread not only misinformation but a polarizing doctrine of fear and loathing. This has caused great discord among the population. In fact, it may be argued that some of these sites (see Russian trolls) actually spread enough disinformation and discord as to have effected the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election.

Mr. Hughes and others claim it is Facebook's duty to recognize and eliminate these bad seeds before they have time to germinate on their site. If Facebook cannot accomplish this, it should be disbanded.

I see the urgency of recognizing and confronting this threat but I do not agree with the notion that it is solely Facebook's fault this is happening and is wholly responsible for countering it. Therefore, it should not be disbanded or even censured.

First, Facebook, when used properly, can be an incredible source of good, valid information. In fact, I'm using its platform at this very moment to share my thoughts with you. And, I look forward to your responses to this post - whether you agree with me or not. In other words, it can be an effective forum for the exchange of ideas. It's also a great connector. I have used it to rekindle relationships with many long-lost friends. Of course, there are those that I'd rather forget but that can be handled easily through your Facebook privacy settings anyway. I control my privacy!

Second, I am a HUGE supporter of the 1st Amendment, i.e. the right to Free Speech. No government has the authority to silence our voices. And, even though Facebook is a private entity, it still has a responsibility to protect our right to speak our minds. And, remember, so-called Hate Speech is still protected under the Constitution. However, at the same time, speech that encourages violence against groups or individuals is NOT allowed and must be regulated. Identifying these groups and combating their message is Facebook's greatest challenge.

Still, the bottom line is this: as my father once told me, Frankie, a tool is just a thing - it doesn't create anything. It is in the hand of the craftsman that it becomes something special. It is only as good as what you create with it. So it is with Facebook. It's just the tool. What we do with that tool is OUR responsibility! We can't rely on them to verify every piece of information that appears on the site. It's up to us to use our good sense and the means available to make sure the information we seek (and are shown unsolicited) is proper and accurate. We have to stop practicing Cognitive Dissonance and seek out only the material that supports our POV's. THAT'S how we fall prey to those who would feed us the misinformation that serves only their nefarious needs.

Don't be fooled. Remember, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Friday, May 10, 2019

When You Think About It: Say NO to Violence

F LoBuono
In a discussion with a few co-workers, one who has school aged children, the question came up: why do these school shootings keep happening? What is is different today from when we were kids?

People claim that this is a complex issue with no simple answer.

My response is simple: BULLSHIT

The answer for me is that we live in a society that worships violence, that chooses the right to bear arms over the safety of its children. In other words, we are awash in blood.

Let me give you an example that you may have missed that sticks with me: have you seen the latest ads for Army recruitment? In a word, they a spectacular! The commercials are highly produced and, obviously, incredibly expensive to make: dozens of Humvees, .50 caliber machine guns blazing from their turrets, speed across an expansive field. Fighter jets scream overhead. Commands are barked, soldiers respond immediately, guns blazing. And, it all looks like one of the hundreds of video games played by millions of kids around the world.

Studies say that there is no direct link between violent video games and acts of mass murder. But, it must have SOME effect!  If we constantly normalize violent behavior, why should it not become, well, normal? In fact, it's more than normal for many - it's actually fun. And, they don't have the mental capacity to differentiate between the fantasy of a game and the reality of the violence it mimics. Let's get back to the Army commercials - young people need to understand the commitment it takes to serve in the military. One need to be willing to sacrifice their own lives and, potentially, take others. This is not a GAME. It is a deadly serious business and needs to be approached as such. If we treat it like a game, we will NEVER come to terms with the pervasive violence in out societies. The commercial looks like a glitzy video game on purpose - young people WANT to play.

And, gun violence in the Black communities has reached epidemic proportions. A 15 year-old boy was just arrested in Yonkers, NY for the shooting death of an innocent 18 year-old bystander. And, this happens EVERY DAY. Why? Because guns and violence are seen as a right of passage in underprivileged communities - a gun makes you a big man, a power-broker, a force to be reckoned with. Again, we ask, why? Well, virtually every "hero" in too many African-American movies, man or woman, solves his or her problem with ultra-violence. Even great actors and role models like Denzil Washington have taken roles in extremely violent movies. They need to stop.

A a society, we have to start dealing with the hard reality that, until we acknowledge our obsession with both guns and the violence they bring, these horrible tragedies will continue to happen, if not increase.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Today's MOSTLY TRUE SHORT STORY: They're Back!


I was on one of my daily sojourns from my apartment in South Nyack into the heart of town to run some errands. I deliberately call it a sojourn because it's more than just a walk. For me, it is a physical, mental, and emotional experience. I breathe. I see. I listen. I think. I rejuvenate.  As the word sojourn suggests, I tarry often, taking in all that is offered because the trip is more than just the destination.

And, it was a particularly beautiful late Spring day. They have been rare this year. So, the warm sunshine and mild temperature made the trip even more enjoyable. With everything in full bloom now, every garden and yard were just exploding with color. And, if that weren't enough, I could even smell the lilacs which were now at their height. Man, it made me SMILE!

I was just a few blocks into my jaunt when, out of nowhere, I heard it - the unmistakable, high-pitched clicking sound of a swallow. I looked up quickly to locate exactly where it was coming from and, sure enough, there she was, a swallow engaged in the flying acrobatics they are so well know for. I was simply delighted! I had almost forgotten that they make their appearance in Nyack around this time every year - mid to late Spring. It is one of the surest signs that, despite what the weather may say, Spring is here for good with Summer not far behind.

At first, I was a little alarmed that I had spotted only one. Swallows are known to fly in great numbers. In fact, there are usually so many that I call them squadrons. But, then I also remembered that they arrive gradually, in waves. She must have been from one of the advance parties.

Anyway, it sure made me smile and I continued my journey secure in the fact that things were as they should be.

On the way back, I started to hear and more of their distinctive calls, especially as I got nearer some of the church towers, one of their favorite gathering spots. Yes, the swallows were returning to Nyack, gradually, but still in great numbers. They always appear to me to have such great joy in their very existence. They remind me to be the same - to relish in the simple acts of just being alive and free.

I finished my sojourn under the dance of the swallows. Yes, they are back, indeed.

Monday, May 6, 2019

When You Think About It: It Ain't That Hard

F LoBuono

Folks, it just ain't that hard. You don't have to be a political scientist, an economist, or historian to get it. No advanced degree is necessary. All you need be is a decent human being with a reasonable sense of what is right and wrong. In other words, if you have any type of moral compass you must come to the realization that our Country is being run by an administration that sorely lacks one.

Day after day, tweet after tweet, lie after lie, the President gives real meaning to the term Bully Pulpit. It's obvious to me that this policy of trampling anyone or anything that Mr. Trump perceives as opposition, simply fits his personality. It flows right from his heart and soul. There is no pretense. It's what comes most easily to him. In other words, it's his nature. We all have one. And, it is often expressed in us from the very beginning, as infants. We've all met babies who we describe as having a wonderful disposition, easy going and affable while others are labeled difficult, taciturn, and gloomy, even before they can speak.

So, it is with this President and his Administration.

At their core is a mean spirit that is at the center of every decision they make. Think about it - from an immigration policy that is calculated to inflict maximum suffering on migrants by separating their families to rolling back environmental policies that would have insured us clean air and water for generations to come, the Trump Administration rules by its gut - one that is filled with venom and bile.

And, it's not just Mr. Trump. He surrounds himself with others whom have hearts as black and souls as vacant as his. The architect of the Administration's so-called Immigration Policy, Stephen Miller, a.k.a. The Man With Dead Eyes, was so loathed in his high school that he was named the least-liked boy of his graduating class. *

You can counter that the Country's economy is booming and many of our traditional foes like Iran are on the defense. But, even these positives come with caveats. Many would claim the economic boom is a carryover from the Obama Administration and Trump's foreign policy could lead us to another protracted foreign military engagement.

But, that is not what I am debating here.

Once again, it comes down to how we wish to define ourselves as a Nation. Do we reflect the behavior of a bully? Do we want to bluster with our chest puffed out, pointing fingers at all who disagree? Do we want to be known for gaining respect through intimidation (if that's even respect at all)? Do we wish to be ruled by what's in our pockets instead of our hearts and souls? Or, do we wish to be known as a Nation with a conscience, a true heart, and a deep soul - one that creates rather than destroys, welcomes instead of excludes, and bases its doctrine predicated by decency and compassion.

The choice, again, is ours . . . 


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Today's MOZEN: It Is What It Is

It really shouldn't surprise me. Perhaps, it's the optimist in me. But, I had the temerity to anticipate at least a modicum of honesty from Attorney General William Barr.

I was wrong.

After stating his name, in about 4 hours of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Barr did little beyond bloviate, prevaricate, equivocate, evade, elude, and generally bullshit his way through the questions relating to his handling of the recent Mueller report.

In other words, when he wasn't spinning his version of the truth, he was flat out LYING. Perhaps, the most glaring example to me was his complete denial of a conversation and correspondence he had with Mr. Mueller regarding Mueller's displeasure with Mr. Barr's controversial summary of the report long before it became public knowledge that he actually did.

Mr. Barr's laid-back attitude masked his deeply routed disdain for the Committee's authority and RESPONSIBILITY to ask serious, penetrating questions. Let's face it, he is very good at what he sees as his job - and, that is to protect the power and integrity of the Office of the President.

Now, it is important that I state here that Mr. Barr's legal stance is to support ANY President against the threat of indictment. I believe that he would hold this stance for any President he might serve. He has made that clear in earlier writings and statements. It just so happens that he was CHOSEN BY THIS PRESIDENT for this very reason! It's as brilliant a move by the Administration as it is evil.

Mr. Barr kept the panel at arms length by never losing his cool - even when pressed - while repeatedly reinforcing his ultimate position - that he will protect the President at almost any cost.

And, he ain't gonna' change. He is what he is. And, it is what it is.

It may seem simple for most to charge this Administration with ineptitude but that would underestimate the firm grip they currently have on how our Country is run. This is just another example. They will use any means necessary to consolidate their power and, where possible, expand it. And, I don't believe that Impeachment is the answer - that's a short term solution - VOTING is. Use your power in 2020 and VOTE THEM OUT - ALL OF THEM.

F loBuono