Thursday, May 9, 2019

Today's MOSTLY TRUE SHORT STORY: They're Back!


I was on one of my daily sojourns from my apartment in South Nyack into the heart of town to run some errands. I deliberately call it a sojourn because it's more than just a walk. For me, it is a physical, mental, and emotional experience. I breathe. I see. I listen. I think. I rejuvenate.  As the word sojourn suggests, I tarry often, taking in all that is offered because the trip is more than just the destination.

And, it was a particularly beautiful late Spring day. They have been rare this year. So, the warm sunshine and mild temperature made the trip even more enjoyable. With everything in full bloom now, every garden and yard were just exploding with color. And, if that weren't enough, I could even smell the lilacs which were now at their height. Man, it made me SMILE!

I was just a few blocks into my jaunt when, out of nowhere, I heard it - the unmistakable, high-pitched clicking sound of a swallow. I looked up quickly to locate exactly where it was coming from and, sure enough, there she was, a swallow engaged in the flying acrobatics they are so well know for. I was simply delighted! I had almost forgotten that they make their appearance in Nyack around this time every year - mid to late Spring. It is one of the surest signs that, despite what the weather may say, Spring is here for good with Summer not far behind.

At first, I was a little alarmed that I had spotted only one. Swallows are known to fly in great numbers. In fact, there are usually so many that I call them squadrons. But, then I also remembered that they arrive gradually, in waves. She must have been from one of the advance parties.

Anyway, it sure made me smile and I continued my journey secure in the fact that things were as they should be.

On the way back, I started to hear and more of their distinctive calls, especially as I got nearer some of the church towers, one of their favorite gathering spots. Yes, the swallows were returning to Nyack, gradually, but still in great numbers. They always appear to me to have such great joy in their very existence. They remind me to be the same - to relish in the simple acts of just being alive and free.

I finished my sojourn under the dance of the swallows. Yes, they are back, indeed.

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