Monday, September 28, 2020

Today's MOZEN: Lipstick on a Pig


Illustration by Kaya Mar

We New Yorkers (New Yawkas in the local dialect) are often seen as arrogant by other Americans. I believe that's because we have never had an issue with speaking our minds and telling others exactly how things are - take it or leave it. The choice is yours.

And, THIS one is telling you:

No one knows Donald J. Trump better than we who live and/or work in his hometown. He is a liar AND a thief. He was never anything more than that. And, he never will be - title or not. You can put lipstick on a pig and it's still a pig (no insult to pigs). You can package Mr. Trump as King Midas in a made-for-TV unreality show and what you're left with is still a sad, broken, lying sack of shit.

You can prove yourselves to be like minded if you vote for him. That is your right and privilege. However, we in New York have this for you: FUCK THAT. . . 

F LoBuono


  1. Exactly!! I'm from upstate NY--Albany area--and we also knew he was an asshole. A self-obsessed, reality TV star. How did he end up president and cult-leader. I'll never understand it, as long as I live.
