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The term Ugly American was popularized in 1963 by a movie of the same name starring Marlon Brando about an American diplomat serving in Southeast Asia struggling with the clash of cultures. The expression was often used as a pejorative to describe the perceived arrogance of Americans, especially when traveling abroad. It was an attitude expressed by many Americans that thought our wealth, freedom, laws, and very Democracy made us better than any other society. To quote a crass phrase, we acted as if our shit didn't stink.
We felt as if we were immune to the class stratification, bigotry, and racism that was found in so many foreign societies. In essence, we dripped of privilege.
Whenever I traveled abroad I was very aware to keep that term in mind. I always did my best to respect whatever local culture we were visiting and the people people who lived it. They certainly had as much to give me as I them, perhaps more so.
Although the term is generally associated with travel it can also be used to describe the Zeitgeist of many Americans. The type of Americans who chant Love it or Leave it, America First, and Make America Great Again, i.e. the type of people who assaulted the Capitol on January 6, 2021 - Trump Supporters.
The crowd that did their worst to stage a Coup on our legally elected government at the behest of a rogue President were The UGLIEST AMERICANS - ignorant, overwhelming white, spoiled, privileged fools, taken advantage of by a snake oil salesmen. The crowd was ripe with goons, their Stars and Bars flags flowing. Trump banners and hats were visible everywhere. Wannabe soldiers of fortune paraded in their phony tactical gear and militia insignia. Even half-naked savages in phony animal pelts made an appearance.
They came because he played on their fears that their way of life, of what little white privilege that had left, was about to be ripped away by others who simply wanted their share of the so-called American Dream. You know - brown people, black people, yellow people, gay people, trans people, Jews, and anyone who didn't look like them, talk like them, worship like them, or think like them.
I watched the assault on TV with my mother, sister, and my mother's aid, a beautiful black woman named Melissa. As we watched the crowd get more out of control and serge towards the Capitol, I remarked to Melissa, "wow, look at all the black folks there!"
She responded, "I don't see any black people."
I said, "exactly."
Ugly, white Americans.
Like a bunch of spoiled brats who didn't get their way for their birthdays they decided to ruin the party for everyone and rampaged virtually unchecked.
Yet, they claim to be ordinary Americans.
They may be but I say, who the fuck do they think they are to negate MY voice - the one, who along with over 80 MILLION other American voices, said ENOUGH, BE GONE. We want our Country back!
Four years ago I had to acknowledge that my candidate had lost the election and that a man I had no respect for would become our new leader. I never liked it, but I accepted it. I didn't give a shit that he won on a technicality. Under our laws, Donald J. Trump was the duly elected President of the United States. And, even though I detested him as I man, I NEVER challenged his right to the Presidency. In the beginning, I even resisted calling him anything but Mr. or President Trump - because that's what he was. And, I was willing to support any policy that I felt he attempted for the good of the Country.
However, those policies NEVER came. I never supported a wall that Mexico would never pay for. It was never completed anyway. Promised Health Care reforms never happened. Environmental safeguards were dismantled. No coherent measures were ever taken to combat the deadly Covid-19 pandemic. North Korea remains a nuclear threat. Russia still runs roughshod over our elections. Our allies now refuse to meet with our representatives. And, our Country hasn't been this violently divided since the deadly Civil War.
Still, I never even contemplated having Mr. Trump illegally removed from office. There is a huge difference between opposing his platform and participating in an attack designed to overthrow our legal election process! When his first Impeachment ended without a conviction, I may have been disappointed but I ACCEPTED THE RESULT - because being a true American means accepting the Rule of Law.
What was exposed on that rueful day in January was the UGLIEST part of America staged by The Ugliest Americans: the racists, the bigots, the homophobes, and the ignorant. And, unfortunately, I fear that they will always be with us. We are not perfect and never will be. We can't be. That is not realistic. However, there are those of us who still believe that this Country can move forward together and once again make this a land of opportunity for ALL. It can be a land of strength through compassion if we want it to be. There is still more of US who believe than there is of THEM who don't - yes, them.
Unfortunately, it must be that way. January 6th proved that. That behavior IS America, too. I don't believe that we will ever truly eliminate this mindset from our ranks. But, with the right leadership, I think that we may be able to at least control it - to resign it to the backwaters of the American psyche from which it came.
And, they can take The Ugliest American of Them All, Donald J. Trump, with them.
Long Live President Joe Biden.
Long Live The United States of America.
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