A few years ago, after the election of Donald Trump, I got into a (mostly) friendly argument with a feminist friend. It seems that she took exception to the point that I was trying to make which was this; women bore more responsibility for his election than many would care to admit. Even though less educated white men were Mr. Trump's most ardent supporters, millions of women voted for him as well. Millions.
I tried to further my point by presenting the fact that my disappointment lay with the fact that WOMEN HAVE THE ULTIMATE POWER - they outnumber men in the general population AND they vote in greater numbers. The problem is, unlike the uneducated white men who elect misogynists like Donald Trump, they don't stick together and too often vote against their own best interests!
And, it happens all of the time.
Texas is the latest example.
As we are all aware, Texas, the 2nd largest State in the Country, just passed the most draconian anti-abortion law in the land. In essence, it removes a woman's right to choose. Unfortunately, the damage was further exacerbated by the US Supreme Court's (a Trumpian court) support of it.
Now, despite the fact the millions of women (men too, like me) are outraged by the decision, millions more support it. And, it goes further - millions of women voted for the people (mostly men) who sponsored and passed this awful legislation.
I'm sure I'll catch hell for this but I'm going to challenge you women once again: GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER and VOTE THESE SOB'S OUT.
Or, you will get what you pay (vote) for.
DO IT - NOW!!!!!!
That is all . . .
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