Saturday, January 8, 2022


It may be an understatement to say that we live in challenging times. The COVID virus is reeking havoc in so many ways and the current political climate hasn't been this polarized since the Civil War!

Yet, WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT, we also live in wonderous times too - and in ways that have become so ordinary that we hardly take the time to notice.

I just experienced one such event - 

On a brutally cold January evening I went into my bathroom to take a shower. As I entered, I turned on the lights with the flick of a switch. I activated my small heater to make the room nice and cozy. Then, with virtually no effort, I opened the valves and clean, clear, HOT water flowed freely.

At that moment, it occurred to me how much in our lives we take for granted. I tried to imagine what a Herculean effort it might have taken to do the same thing just a few generations ago - fetching the water to fill a tub - cutting the wood to create a fire to heat the water - providing light and warmth to the room, etc., etc.

And, this is just one example of so many ways technology has improved our everyday lives. Again, think about it: phones, cars, planes, trains, food shopping, TV, the Internet, garbage disposal and so on are all available to us with virtually NO effort.


So, take a moment to realize that life consists of two sides of the same coin - we experience new challenges that are unique to our time while at the same time we are equally privileged to enjoy the luxuries that these life and times have to offer.

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