Monday, May 9, 2011

Photos of London: Final Edition

Even though I have hundreds more, I'll spare everyone with this final installment of my exclusive photos from the Royal Wedding in London. I hope to have my written account on the blog within a few days.

I found out that the "Union Jack" is the flag of Great Britain. It includes Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. The flag of England is a simple cross on a white background.
A traditional English pub.
A typical London Street.
The Central Methodist Hall across from the Abbey where we had a roof-top shooting position. The Hall had a magnificent rotunda, 3 story pipe organ, and an incredible entrance. More below.
The Bell Tower of Big Ben.
The sun setting on Parliament.

This now peaceful place inside the fearsome Tower of London held the scaffolding where many nobles, including 3 wives of Henry VIII were beheaded.The White Tower of the Citadel. It is the oldest part of the structure and dates back to William the Conqueror in @1070 AD.
The whole city of London is a wonderful combination of new and old as shown by this shot taken from the Tower walls and looking back into the modern city.
One of the apartments that held noble prisoners. This one held Sir Walter Raleigh.
A Royal Marine guards the Crown Jewels on display at the Tower.
2 views of the fearsome Tower of London as you approach it from the Thames River. For many, it was their last view of freedom.

The modern city of London.
One of it's ancient streets.
Two views of the magnificent foyer at the Methodist Center.

The 3 story pipe organ inside the Methodist Center.
The roof tops of London.
An ancient city and STILL a busy one. Traffic whizzes by the Abbey.
The Guard leaves Buckingham Palace
Alon Salzman attending to Sharon Osborne inside the Palace studio.

Just some of the 7,000 journalists who were in the city covering the wedding.

The "Today Show" studio at Buckingham Palace.

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