Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Today's DOTD: Glenn Beck - again!

When I first came up with the concept of Douche of the Day, I was hoping that I could select from a field of candidates that were less than obvious. I wanted to be challenged to find someone who met the criteria of unbounded selfishness, self-promotion, general disregard for any rational thought or human decency and still flew under the so-called radar. I still strive to achieve that goal but, sometimes, the obvious can just not be ignored. So, once again, Glenn Beck has achieved the lofty status of DOTD.

His latest crusade is to get thousands of people to gather in Jerusalem for a Restore Courage to Israel rally, similar to the sham he organized at the Lincoln Memorial in D.C. on the anniversary of MLK's famous speech there. WTF?! Israel?!

First, let's get one thing straight: the only reason Beck, or any other fundamentalist Christian, has any interest in Israel and it's people has nothing to do with some form of Christian altruism. It is to fulfill the Biblical prophesy on the return of Jesus Christ to earth. It basically says that Christ can only return when the land of Israel is the hands of the Jews. I won't get into specific detail here but you can look it up. It's common knowledge in those circles. So, Beck, a born-again Mormon, needs to have Israel in Jewish hands for him to realize his own religious fantasies about how the world will end with the 2nd coming of Christ and he will be called to heaven as a reward for his faith and perseverance with the other faithful during the rapture. Yeah, him, Rush, Newt, Arnold, Sarah, Mitt, Michele, and the other hypocritical, Tea Party Ass-kissing sycophants can compare notes on how many people they screwed to get to heaven!

Second, he delivers his message in such a whinny, wimpy way that I get visibly upset whenever I watch it (which is not often - just enough to see what the moron is up too). The other day he launched into this tear-filled, falsely sincere, rant about how the world is going to hell (literally) and how god was compelling him to do something about it. And he'd have to do it where it all began; in Israel. Give me a freakin' break! I almost lost my lunch right there in front of the TV. Yet, thousands, no MILLIONS, of people actually buy his shit. I understand the appeal at first; he sounds so sincere, so intense, so thoughtful, so American. Well, folks, let me say this about that - he so full of shit. It's just an act that he uses to line his pockets with YOUR money. And, perhaps, the saddest thing of all is that Beck has become so delusional that he's starting believe his own shit!! :)

So, I apologize for being so obvious, but I couldn't help myself. Glenn Beck is, once again, DOTD!

PS: Speaking of OBVIOUS, how about that Arnold. The Republicans just keep getting better and better! :) :) :)


  1. Damn! I wish I believed in the Rapture. This douche bag would be the very first one that should go!

  2. In his case, I would like to call it the "rupture" instead.
