Thursday, May 26, 2011

Today's DOTD: John Edwards

As I am occasional reminded by my good friend Patricia, my DOTD's can't be truly impartial if I can only find Republicans to wear the mantle. Certainly, some douche bags are Democrats. In response, I argue that, certainly lately, the Republicans have provided me with such easy targets! So easy in fact, that I have TRIED to avoid using them. Too obvious is too easy. But, in the interest of thorough journalism, I have given the people what they want (at least as I see it, and it's my blog, so I can!). Well, Pat, this one's for you: former candidate for President, running mate to John Kerry, US Senator, and darling of the the Democratic Party, John Edwards, has been named the Douche of the Day.

In fact, this one is as obvious as the recent Republican misfits who have been given the title of DOTD. John Edwards is the living embodiment of the saying, how far the mighty have fallen. If, as done in some dictionaries, certain pictures associated with certain words are shown next to that word, Edwards' photo would be next to that saying! Epic is, perhaps, not strong enough a word to describe his decline. Handsome, rich, smart, talented, well-liked, a self-made man, Edwards was a serious player on the National stage in 2004 when John Kerry picked him to be his running mate as Vice President. He was telegenic and he used that quality and his exposure from the '04 campaign to make a run at the Presidency in 2008.

Leading up to that campaign in '08, there were strong and persistent rumors that Edwards was having an affair and may have even fathered a child with his mistress. Despite his repeated denials of the affair, Edwards was eventually forced to admit the veracity of the rumors and acknowledge both the affair and the child. All the sordid details about the woman (a film maker shooting a documentary on the campaign), the sex tape they allegedly made together, and his relationship with his cancer-stricken and popular wife, Elizabeth, have been well documented. So, there's no need to rehash them here.

What is now being revealed, in addition to his legal woes (more on that later), is how Edwards changed after meeting his mistress, Reille Hunter, during the '08 Presidential Campaign. People close to Edwards claim that the too good to be true label hung on him early in his career was used more as a compliment than as an insult. He WAS THAT good. Honest, bright, engaging, he was not a huge success by accident. But then he changed. He became very aware of the trappings of success and the "glitz" that came with being a top tier Presidential candidate. Edwards became super aware of his appearance, insisting on only certain designer brands of clothing. He became more interested in the show rather then the go. That is to say he became obsessed with the trappings of the campaign rather the substance of it. In a sense, Edwards became very much a lesser man. He went from CNN sound bites to fodder for light night comedians.

How did this happen? It would be too easy, too simple, too Hollywood, to blame his precipitous decline solely on the affair he had with a gold digging, evil temptress. I was not there and, so, cannot know for sure. No one can walk in another's mind and know their true thoughts. However, did she contribute to his decline? Logic would dictate "yes". She had an affair and a child with a married man. That's a two-way street, honey! She's as complicit as he. But the details of why the affair happened and HER motivation are irrelevant to me. What is relevant is the fact that he, like many other DOTD's that I have documented, lied to the maximum effect and showed themselves to be at the height of hypocrisy! Can you say HUBRIS? It's the weakness of character that gets one to the lofty height of DOTD!

Now, The Justice Department is threatening to bring charges against Edwards for allegedly misusing campaign funds in an attempt to cover up his affair with Hunter. It is being reported that, in an effort to avoid indictment, Edwards and his lawyers are negotiating a plea deal with the Government. This is yet another effort to dodge responsibility for his abhorrent behavior.

At this point, it doesn't really matter to me if the Justice Department does bring charges against him or not. Of course, I want to see justice served. However, in the world of DOTD's this may not necessarily matter, for it can't change my incredibly poor opinion of him. It's a well earned Douche of The Day, John Edwards. Yes, Pat, Democrats can be douche bags too! :)


  1. In addition to the influence of the Mistress, I believe the attention and fame simply brought out his true colors. Fame is like alcohol, you are either a happy drunk or an ugly drunk.

  2. Finally, I can comment again on my own blog again!!

    Anyway, your comments are right on! In fact, they're so good I intend to steal them and use them where appropriate. Don't worry, proper credit will be issued! :)
