Saturday, April 4, 2015

Today's MOZEN: A Meditation on Spring

Words and photo by F LoBuono
It was the first truly warm day of the still virgin Spring. And, it was glorious. The winter had been so long and brutal. Even fans of the season (of which, I am NOT) found the incredibly long duration to be punishing. But, with an explosion of sunshine and a warm breeze blowing out of the southwest, it was all virtually forgotten. The crocus and lilies were finally poking their colorful little heads through the fresh earth. One could take a leisurely walk into town without calculating how long you could go without exposing your skin to the danger of frostbite. You could tarry during your sojourn to have a civil conversation with neighbors you haven't seen in months. You might even consider taking a seat on a park bench to watch the world go by without the fear that your butt might freeze to the bench. You would notice the return of the song birds to brighten your day. And, for the first time in eons, you could open a window in your home and smell the fresh air.

How wonderful it all was.

It made me consider that if, without the contrast provided by such a bleak winter, the first, real Spring day would feel as good? I think that, perhaps, it would not. Sure, a bright, sunny day is a blessing at any time and in any place. However, without the depth of feeling provided by knowing that those days are indeed special, I don't think the feeling would be as intense. It is the yin and yang that is life. Without darkness, can we truly appreciate the light? Without pain, can we really know joy fully? Without loss, can we ever be entirely grateful for what we have? Without the darkness and cold of Winter, would we hold the light and warmth of Spring as dear?

Persephone has returned to the earth and we share in her joy.

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