Monday, February 29, 2016

Today's MOZEN: It's Time to DUMP TRUMP

Words and photo by F LoBuono
If you are a follower of this blog it is no secret that I find the GOP field of Presidential Candidates atrocious and its front runner, Donald Trump, abhorrent.

Simply put, I not only strongly disagree with them politically, I found that none of them have any socially redeeming value either. None. They lack ANY of the qualities I find essential in a leader:

  • Superior intellect.
  • Experience. 
  • Political Savvy.
  • Honesty. 
  • Intuition. 
  • Vision. 
  • Compassion. 
  • Empathy.
And, surprisingly, the man who works the hardest to appeal to the lowest common denominator, i.e. fear and loathing, Mr. Trump, leads by a wide margin. I said surprisingly because at the beginning of the campaign season no one thought him to be more than a showman looking to make a quick buck off of the notorariety. Well, that still may be the case but no one is taking him for granted anymore! If he performs as well as he is predicted to on Super Tuesday he is virtually assured the nomination.

No shit.

The P. T. Barnum of our time will be nominated to represent his party for the position of the most powerful person on the planet. It's sad and pathetic that a man who drips of narcissism, reeks of self promotion, panders to bigots and racists, fosters fear and loathing, and promotes greed as a virtue, would even be CONSIDERED to fill a such a lofty and powerful position.

In fact, it's more than sad and pathetic - it's DANGEROUS.

This man cannot be allowed to represent American values - our values of inclusion, opportunity, choice, respect, and REAL freedom.

I was going to write some happy horseshit about baseball and the rights of Spring. But, that can wait. This shit is just too important to ignore.


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