Monday, June 25, 2018

When You Think About It: An Eye for an Eye

F LoBuono
Recently, three incidents involving three different members of the Trump Administration have generated enormous media attention and controversy. First, Senior White House Adviser, Stephen Miller, and Director of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, were heckled out of Washington area Mexican restaurants. Then, Chief White House Spokesperson, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, was denied service at a restaurant in Maryland.

The response to these events further demonstrate the tribalism that is creating the deep fissures so evident in our society today.

Most on the Left celebrated the incidents, basically calling it a tit-for-tat measure. They claim it could be seen as retaliation for the bullying tactics that seem de rigueur for this Administration. The President himself regularly Tweets provocative and incendiary messages that ravage his opponents. He mocked a disabled reporter. He uses inflammatory language when referring to illegal immigration. And, the Conservative leaning Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of an Evangelical Christian baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple.

Some, like my friend, Michael Mackin, an educator and outspoken critic of the President, frame it by saying it is not only our right to create acts of Civil Disobedience against a corrupt Administration, it is our duty. It a recent message exchange, he wrote this to me:

But, this is not normal. We are facing a slow-rolling authoritarian coup. These are acts of civil disobedience. This is the exercise of free speech and free association. This is a rather mild response, social shaming as a peaceful political tool, to the great harm these people are currently doing to our democracy.

I believe that most people of conscience on the Left pretty much echo those sentiments. However, not everyone on the Left agrees. On CBS This Morning, co-host Gail King, normally more liberal leaning, decried the acts for their lack of civility. Many democratic legislators also expressed their displeasure with the tactic.

And, so it is with most on the Right. They are OUTRAGED.

First, they support this President, seemingly right OR wrong and, therefore, have no issue with his, or the Administration's, bullying tactics in the first place. In fact, they will often claim his tough guy image is one of the reasons they voted for him in the first place. However, it does seem odd to me that with this in mind that the Right was SO outraged by the aggressive tactics of the Left. Ms. Sanders, in her afternoon White House Press Briefing, said "healthy debate on ideas and political philosophy is important. But calls for the harassment and push for any Trump supporter to avoid the public is unacceptable."

Once again, the lines have been drawn in a most partisan way, with no end in sight.

My own feelings are more ambivalent. On one hand, I acknowledge the need to confront what I see as an abusive Administration and to do so in an aggressive but non-violent fashion. Anyone who reads this blog, I believe, can readily ascertain that I am a devoted follower of Edmund Burke who famously wrote: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

We must do SOMETHING to put our Country back into the hands of people who put compassion over simply winning.

But, what?

Is virtually accosting these people the RIGHT thing to do? And, here within lies my dilemma: I also believe in the philosophy that virtually every parent teaches their kids: 2 wrongs don't make a right. With this in mind, if we resort to the same dirty tactics as our opponents are we then really any than they are? And, remember, an eye for an eye just leaves the whole world blind.

Plus, I simply do not support exclusion by ANYONE of ANYONE

So, WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT, there simply has to be a better way . . .

Sunday, June 24, 2018


Words and photo by F LoBuono

It was a warm, dry night so I decided to take a walk for my dinner break at work. It was about 10 pm. I figured I'd walk up 10th Avenue to the little bodega about a block away and pick up the Dove dark chocolate bars that I enjoy for an after-work snack. Besides, they're only a buck each!

When I hit 57th Street, I noticed an unusually large number of men walking east, away from the river and towards midtown. There were very few women among them. Upon further observation, I realized that there was something unusual about many of them - they were in various states of dress, and UNDRESS. I saw short shorts, gowns, tiaras, wings, bare chests, tutus, jeans, straps, suspenders, and leather. Apparently, they were all (or, certainly mostly) GAY MEN - unabashedly so. And, they were having a blast!

I mean, there must have been hundreds of gay men shamelessly celebrating with great fanfare and joy. Some were singing. Others were laughing. Still more were dancing. A few even hugged and kissed. They did not bother anyone and, certainly not me!

In fact, I loved it!!

It was the quintessential New York experience. There are few places on the planet that can match us for our diversity and freedom. New Yorkers, in a good way, simply don't give a shit how others live. ANYONE who can survive, and even THRIVE here, is good to go. So, it is with New York's LGBT community. We are Ground Zero for the Gay Rights Movement, and rightly so. The Stonewall Riot and the Sea Change it created assured us of that honor. And, we are damned PROUD of it, too.

And, these boys were out to prove it!!

It was simply exhilarating to be around so much positive energy. There was no violence. There was no anger. There was no judgment - only joy in the liberation of celebrating who you are in all your glory.

I got my 2 chocolate bars at the bodega and made my way back to work. When I got to my station on the fourth floor, I mentioned what I had observed to one of my co-workers and asked, "did a new gay bar open nearby, because there is an army of gay men on 57th Street!" My friend chuckled and answered, "no, no new bar. It's Gay Pride Week in New York and they just held a concert at the pier on the river. I saw them going in and you caught them coming out."

Both of us then agreed that it was a privilege to live in a City that not only accepts differences, but embraces them. That's why I will never understand ANY animosity towards another human being for being different - as long as they're positive. It's all good. LIVE and LET LIVE is liberating, indeed.

So, HAPPY PRIDE folks, we've all got a lot to be proud of.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Today's MOSTLY TRUE SHORT STORY: The Boys of Summer

F LoBuono

It poured like the dickens all night long. But, by 11 in the morning, the sun had vanquished the clouds and the temperature was raising rapidly. The Summer Solstice had arrived earlier and was not about to be denied its existence.

So, I decided to sojourn into town and check out the weekly farmer's market. I was crossing the intersection of South Broadway and Clinton when I noticed a young man and, I assumed, his father, waiting at the bus stop. The boy was pacing nervously while dad patiently waited. He must have been about 10 or 11 and was wearing a #99, Aaron Judge official Yankee jersey. Being a huge Yankee fan myself and since it was such a beautiful day, I decided to engage the youngster:

Hey, how 'bout that great win last night? referring to a dramatic Yankee win the night before.

The boy smiled shyly but did not respond.

Judge is certainly awesome but it was Stanton who came through in the clutch.

Again, no engagement. The boy returned to the relative safety of his dad's side.

Instead, the father responded: That's where we're going - to Yankee Stadium - together!

If his smile would have been any bigger or brighter, I'm sure I would have been blinded.

I replied: Awesome. And, you have a great day for it, too. The gods have smiled on you. Enjoy every minute. GO YANKEES!

I gave them 2 thumps-up and continued on my way. It was then that I felt them - goosebumps! I actually had goosebumps thinking about those 2, together, at the game. It gave me such a strong connection to the times when I was that boy's age and my father would take me to the Stadium to watch his beloved NY Yankees. It was as if I had been transported, even for just a moment, to those innocent times in the Bronx with my father. I have not forgotten - I just needed to be reminded.

Yes, indeed, welcome Summer!

PS: Aaron Judge homered in a Yankee 5-4 win.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Today's MOSTLY TRUE STORY: A Father's Gentle Touch

F LoBuono

It was the Summer between my freshman and sophomore years of high school - 1970 to be exact. And, I was in love for the very first time. Yes, we were just kids but the feeling was so very real. She was the first girl (and, I do mean girl) that I had sexual relations with. We weren't very good at it, but that's a story for another day.

We started dating in the Spring and had grown very close by the end of the school year. She was so innocent and shy. I was loud and boastful. In other words, we were the perfect combination. And, we fell in love. It was innocent and fresh, but also very genuine.

I had plans to work at Palisades Amusement Park for the summer to earn money for the following school year. She was a member of the school choir and was planning on touring Europe with the group for most of the summer. I remember our tearful good-bye when her father loaded her into the family car for the trip to the airport. Of course, we professed our undying love and promised to write religiously. Then she was gone.

The first few weeks went OK. I think that if I didn't write to her EVERYDAY, it was every OTHER day. I wasn't even sure if she was receiving them. Didn't matter. I HAD to write them. Occasionally, I would get an Air Mail envelope with a cool stamp from what ever country she mailed the return from. It was all so exciting.

But, it was also frustrating. I understood that, because of her traveling, she could not write me as regularly as I could her. And, as the summer continued, her letters became few and far between. I fell into a deep depression. I was SO lonely. I felt like I wasn't going to make it through the Summer.

I walked around the house moping and muttering to myself. I lost weight. I couldn't train for the coming football season. I had trouble getting out of bed in the morning. There was no gravity - the world just sucked. God, I was just plain pathetic.

Well, one day, at the height of my misery, I crashed on my parent's bed. I'm not sure why I was there. Perhaps, it was because it was king-sized, I could throw my whole body across it and bury my face in the covers. In that way, I could hide my tears. And, that's exactly what I did.

I'm not sure how long I must have been lying there but, after a period of time, I heard my father enter the room. He didn't say anything at first but, rather, sat down beside me on the bed. He placed his hand on my back and began to rub me most gently while saying, "Frankie, I wish that I could take this away from you. But, I can't. It's a path you must walk yourself. But, remember, I'll be waiting for you when you when you pop out the other side. I promise that this, too, shall pass."

He lingered a few more seconds, rubbing my back. Then he got up and walked away.

Of course, my girlfriend returned and we had a joyous reunion. But, unfortunately, as is the case with most young love, it didn't last very much longer. What did endure was my father's undying commitment to me, my brother and sister, and my mother. He had his flaws, but expressing his love for his family was NOT one of them. My father always let me know that there was NOTHING more important to him in his life than me. Nothing.

So, to him, and ALL the men who became TRUE fathers, we love you and thank you for all you do!

Friday, June 15, 2018

Word For The Day


See more synonyms on
  1. making or having a harsh sound; grating; creaking:strident insects; strident hinges.
  2. having a shrill, irritating quality or character:a strident tone in his writings.
  3. Linguistics(in distinctive feature analysis) characterized acoustically by noise of relatively high intensity, as sibilants, labiodental and uvular fricatives, and most affricates.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

TODAY'S MOSTLY TRUE SHORT STORY: The Ghost of Carson McCullers, Part II.

F LoBuono

When is a typewriter not just an implement for writing? Well, when it's used to create its own form of art.

Recently, quite by happenstance, I met performance artist Tim Youd  while he was, well, typing - on an old-fashioned, manual typewriter on the porch of the home of the legendary Nyack author, Carson McCullers. You can read that account here: What I learned about him from a subsequent meeting was the incredible artistic mission he is currently embarked on.

Apparently, Mr. Youd is on a 10-year quest to retype famous American novels, word for word, on the old typewriters they used AND in the locations from where they were actually written, like William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury in Oxford, Miss, or Jack Kerouac's Big Sur, actually IN Big Sur, and so on. He's hoping for 100 before he's done. He's already retyped about 55 novels so far in the 5 years since he began the project.

I met him in Nyack because he is currently working on McCuller's 1946 novel, Member of the Wedding, which she wrote while living here. He intends to type the entire novel (as he does with all of them) on a single sheet of paper to create a type of visual art where the entire novel is consolidated into a compressed area. He then displays the "novel" sheets as individual works of art.

In our brief conversation, I related to Mr. Youd our rich literary tradition with the likes of McCullers, Charles McArthur, and Ben Hecht to name just a few of the famous writers who called Nyack home. I think that he was pleased to continue it.

You can read in detail more about Tim Youd's extraordinary endeavor here:

Today's MOSTLY TRUE SHORT STORY: The Ghost of Carson McCullers, Part 1

F LoBuono

It promised to be a rare evening, especially by this Spring's standard of mostly dreary days. A flawless sun, still blazing, was destined to lose it's battle with the impending night. Still, it would provide enough warmth and light for a last, leisurely sojourn into town. It hasn't been quite the same since the loss of my beloved companion, Rexie, but life goes on and so must I.

So, I began my trek in the standard fashion: heading south down Broadway before reaching the heart of town, then heading west on Main Street and retracing my steps in the opposite direction. In other words, I walk a big circle. Boring, perhaps for some, but not for me. I get to see and be seen. I stop and share some conversation with friends, or not. Sometimes, I walk in total silence, lost in thought or simply soaking in my environment. My little strolls have never failed to give me the perspective I need to strike the balance I need for my life.

I had completed about three-quarters of my journey and was passing the lovely, old white Victorian that had been home to the great author, Carson McCullers. It is not widely known that, despite being recognized as a Southern writer where she was born, she wrote many of her most important works here in Nyack. The house lies at the edge of town, so it is usually very peaceful and quiet. That evening was no exception. A gentle breeze rustling the early Spring foliage and the cacophony of birds were the only sounds I heard. That was until:

Tat. Tat. Tat. Tat. Rippp. Zing. Tat. Tat. Tat. Tat. Rippp. Zing

punctuated the evening's muted sounds.

I'll be damned, I thought to myself, but, that sure as hell sounds like a typewriter. An old-fashioned,bang-on-the-keys, manual return typewriter! And, it seems to be in the direction of the old McCuller's house. My god, could it be the ghost of Carson McCullers? 

There is goes again - Tat. Tat. Tat. Rippp. Zing.

And, the closer that I got to the place, the louder it became. It appeared to be coming from the porch of the house. The home itself is surrounded by tall hedges, so I had to look for a gap in them to see exactly where the sound was coming from. Finally, I found a break that allowed me to peer far enough in to see that, yes, indeed, it was the sound of someone actually typing - on an old, manual typewriter.

Sitting at a small desk, porch light overhead, was a man I would say was in his mid-forties. He was wearing a baseball cap and sported a close cropped, grey beard. And, he was banging away at the keys of what appeared to be an old Underwood or similar typewriter. I was too far away to see for sure. One thing for certain was that he sure knew how to use it as he continued to make that sound:

Tat. Tat. Tat. Tat. Rippp. Zing.

Carson McCullers on the porch of her Nyack Home (circa 1965)
I lingered in the shadows for a few more minutes, simply listening and taking it all in. I did not want to be seen or even make a sound so as not to interrupt the continuity of his thoughts or the rhythm of his writing. Eventually, I continued my journey the last 2 or 3 blocks to my apartment, content with the thought that her legacy, in one form or another, would live on.

Interestingly, a few days later, I was once again meandering through town when I spotted him - and typewriter. This time he was setting up shop in front of the Pickwick Book Shop in the heart of town. I approached him to ask why he was doing what he was. Turns out that he's not really a writer at all - but, is actually a visual and performance artist named Tim Youd. He is living in Los Angeles but traveling all over the County for a 10-year project to re-type, word for word, 100 great American novels IN the actual places they were written AND with the actual machines they created them with. He had already accomplished 55 and was in the process of recreating McCuller's Member of the Wedding where she wrote it - Nyack, NY. And, he types the entire novel on a single sheet of paper! It's an incredible project producing remarkable results.

Artist Tim Youd

More coming on Mr. Youd and his project in The Ghost Carson McCullers, Part II.

My Underwood Typewriter

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT:Just Another Reality Show

F LoBuono

Make no mistake about it. President Trump just scored a brilliant public relations victory with his historic meeting with North Korean dictator, Kim Jung-un. Whether it actually produces tangible, positive results for the United States is the subject of much debate and intense controversy. However, in my view, the so-called optics where brilliant - especially for his base. The summit captured the attention of the world in a way that few ever have.The President, especially when standing next to his diminutive counter part, appeared as a colossus. Score, Mr. President!

But, this should not be a surprise. As I have written previously on this blog, Mr. Trump is a type of savant - that is a person who is almost completely deficient in most ways but is totally brilliant in one. And, for this President, that is in marketing himself. Most experts, including those who support him totally, acknowledge that he used the lessons he learned as a HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL REALITY TV HOST most effectively in his unprecedented drive to the Presidency.

And, WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT, he is still using those skills with great effectiveness.

This latest escapade is a shining example. The all show and no go summit was a perfect backdrop to present Mr. Trump as the Imperial Leader. In fact, there are times when I believe he wishes he could BE the type of leader Kim Jung-un is! The praise he heaped on the Korean Supreme Leader was perfectly calculated to produce a smiling, beaming foil for the President's "show". Brilliant. As to the stated goal of denuclearizing the peninsula, no one can really say if it was actually achieved. Little, if any, verifiable substance came from the opportunity for REAL world peace.

But, that's not the point - it sure looked good. And, THAT'S what matters.

If it was a genuine attempt at making lasting peace and not just another Reality Show Episode, I would support it 100%. But, in my mind, it is what it is.

And, remember, you get what you pay for . . .

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Today's Mostly True Short Story: Stove Lessons

F LoBuono
Recently, the ancient stove in my apartment finally gave up the ghost. I had burnt my last meal with it. So, I made arrangements with my landlord to get a new one. The delivery was scheduled for a Saturday morning.

The truck pulled up just about on time. I was surprised that only one man popped out of the cab to deliver and install the new one while removing the old one - I'm on the second floor! I greeted him and offered my assistance. He thanked me and politely declined my help.

Further shocking to me was that he was not a young man. Although well-muscled, he sported short grey hair and a drooping, virtually all white, Fu Manchu style mustache. He wore a short-sleeved T shirt exposing his hairy arms that were covered in tattoos turned a gun metal blue with age. I noticed that he seemed to walk with a slight limp as he prepared the truck to make the delivery.

While he was disconnecting the old unit, we struck up a conversation. I discovered that he was not a young man, indeed. He was 64! He also told me that in the last few years alone, he had undergone 4 heart bypass operations. I was amazed that he still appeared healthy and fit and told him so. Of course, he said that he wasn't sure at his age how long he would be able to continue this line of work. But, he assured me that he could do the job!

During our conversation, I told him that I worked for a major TV news outlet. Of course, that led to further discourse on the current state of our Country. Because I worked for TV news, he made the assumption that I would be "anti-Trump".  Rather than simply labeling him as a Trump supporter, I decided to engage him by saying, well, I wish he would just tell the truth from time to time. He lies constantly. He kind of evaded that statement by telling me how Obamacare caused him to pay far greater premiums and lose his long-time doctor. Now, for a man who has had 4 open heart surgeries, that IS a big deal. Nothing else seemed to matter.

Now, I GET IT. This was a hard working, family man with 4 grandchildren who just wanted to live a long, healthy life. He worked hard so he EARNED it. And, he was willing to fight to keep it. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it's admirable.

In my mind, the problem is with the man he put his faith in to make that happen - Donald J. Trump. In the short term, he got his personal physician back and that was enough to not look further. Mr. Trump, in his mind, had delivered on a promise. Now, in fairness, and I hope this doesn't come across as arrogant, but he was not really capable of understanding things in a bigger picture. He wanted what he wanted and he was willing to support anyone whom he thought might deliver. And, Mr. Trump pushed all the right buttons. He was not very concerned with issues that he did not see would effect him as directly. This is certainly understandable. But, the question remains - is that way of thinking the BEST way to our COLLECTIVE future?

Sweating profusely, he finished the job - new stove in, old out. I handed him a $10 bill for his efforts. He thanked me and quickly shoved the sawbuck into his pocket.

This is typical of most working people in this Country. They are good people - hard working and honest. They sacrifice themselves for the good of their families. This is indeed admirable. However, it also makes them vulnerable to snake oil salesmen, i.e. those who will tell them anything they need to hear just to get elected, then violate that trust. Sound familiar?

So, what is the solution?

People of conscious need leaders who can deliver a message that resonates with ALL Americans! How can we create a nation of INCLUSION rather than the path of exclusion that we are currently on? They need to convince people that a compassionate society is not good for just SOME, but for ALL. They have to let them know that a little sacrifice in one area can produce greater benefits in others. Now, this is the challenge - to get people to act beyond their own self-interest. When we can, we will have our Country back.

Friday, June 8, 2018


Words and photo F LoBuono

It is the black specter that haunts the recesses of our very being. It lurks deep, dark, and icy cold within the subconscious. In one way or another, it has affected virtually all of us. Can anyone truly say that, at the most difficult and desperate times in their lives, they have not at least considered it?  If they say they have not, I believe they're lying.

But, SUICIDE is not just a bad dream. It is far too real for far too many. And, it seems to be getting worse. The CDC reports that suicide rates are up 30% since 1999. *

The recent deaths by suicide of 2 very successful, highly visible celebrities, designer Kate Spade and TV host and chef, Anthony Bourdain, have focused our attention on this disturbing trend.

Outwardly, both appeared more than capable of handling the stress of their high-profile lives. Spade was known for her generous and easy-going personality while Bourdain played his "bad boy" image to maximum effect. Each person really crafted their own empires from nothing. So, with all that fame - all that success - all that adulation - all that money - the question remains, how could this have happened?

Well, this reinforces the idea that NO MAN IS AN ISLAND. Wealth and success are NOT guarantees of happiness! Family, friends, and an open heart and mind are. Do not isolate. Share your life with others. You are NOT alone.

This morning, when I heard the news of Mr. Bourdain's passing I was not only depressed, I have to admit that I was a bit frightened, too. If someone of Bourdain's towering personality could be affected by mental illness, what are we mere mortals to do? And, like virtually everyone else, I have felt the sting of failure, loss, disappointment, rejection and loneliness. Yes, the thought has crossed my mind; to be, or not to be.

But, almost miraculously, while watching the morning news, I happened to catch a piece on CBS This Morning. It was a regular Friday component of the program called Note to Self where the subject writes a letter to their younger image. This morning's segment featured Francois Clemmens, an actor who had a recurring role on the seminal children's program, Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. As a gay, young black man, Clemmons faced incredible obstacles. He was forced to live in the closet for most of his young-adult life and suffer through numerous indiginities. Of course, when things got particularly difficult, he too contemplated taking his own life. But, with support from Fred Rogers, the creator of the program, and others, Clemmons, who was known as Little Buttercup as a boy, learned to love himself and spread that love. It was in sharing that emotion that he overcame his depression and continues to live a full, rewarding and productive life. **

So, if you think that you have reached the point of no return, think again - there is ALWAYS hope. If you give love, it is love that you will receive and you shall be saved.

Francois Clemmens: One day you will go on to college and continue to sing so that you can travel all around the world and touch the lives of many people. When you give yourself, Buttercup, folks will have a taste of that sweet life, and begin to believe in themselves again. They'll know that love does exist and that there's much more that all of us can do when we choose to do it together.

Rockland Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)



Thursday, June 7, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Failure Is Not An Option

F LoBuono

Hiding you head in the sand doesn't work - that usually just winds up exposing your ass anyway. Ignoring it and hoping that it goes away isn't very effective, either -that's just kicking the can down the road. I've tried taking the happy idiot route to forget. I have the idiot part down just fine but, I need some work with the happiness.

No. Quitting is not the answer

The only way to deal with the endless parade of exaggeration, bloviation, disinformation, fabrication, defamation, vilification, calumniation, distortion, distraction, evasion, fraudulence, hyperbole, prevarication, and downright LYING on the part of this Administration is to look them right in the eye and spit - figuratively, of course!

Our Country, at least as we have known it, is being fundamentally changed by an Administration that has a particular brand of so-called Patriotism that pledges America First. This catchy slogan may appear attractive at first glance but, upon further analysis leads to a much darker truth. And, that is; at what cost? Will we sell our souls to put aside the great American ideals such as compassion, inclusion, altruism, and a deep, inherent sense of fairness and justice to a man who will stop at NOTHING to get his way - simply so that he can say "we won". Won? Won what?

No, my friends, it is too important to quit now.

The legendary Mission Control Commander for the Apollo 13 lunar launch, Gene Kranz, in an effort to rally his team to save the mission and its astronauts, said it best: FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION.

There is no question that many of us are frustrated to the point of distraction. Most of us are tired of the endless bickering that has pitted neighbor against neighbor and friend against friend. I know I have lost a few of both through this argument. Still, this is a war of sorts - for the hearts and minds of the American People. How are we to see our way through this dilemma? Well, there are ways: Involvement. Take a stand. Write. Scream. Vote. BE HEARD!

Monday, June 4, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Irony

F LoBuono

Fareed Zakaria, the outstanding journalist who specializes in international affairs for CNN, was recently invited to Rome by President Trump's former senior adviser, Stephen K. Bannon, to conduct a wide ranging interview. It was subsequently broadcast on CNN.

I watched virtually the entire interview. In reality, it provided no new insights for me. Bannon is what he is and he will not change. He is a man with a plan that he has provided for an Administration that seems to support it whole heartily. For the sake of simplicity, let's call it New Nationalism, i.e. a desire to put America First, even at the expense of good, sensible international relationships. I find it as dangerous as it is confounding. And, as I say repeatedly: You get what you pay for. I was NOT surprised.

However, I did find a great deal of irony in many aspects of Mr. Bannon's plan, and especially that the interview was conducted in Rome. It appears that Bannon is on a European tour of sorts, meeting with various international groups that share his view of Economic (if not RACIAL) Nationalism. In the interview, he sighted growing like-minded groups in Italy, Hungary, France and elsewhere as his proof that he is at the forefront of powerful people's movement - a la Donald Trump's in America.

For me, the irony lies in Mr. Bannon's Catch-22 logic: He supports Nationalism in each individual country he visits which ultimately can come to mean that, at some point, as a foreign national, if they have there way, he may not be allowed back into THEIR countries!

So, WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT, in the end, it's a self-defeating policy. International Nationalism???

But, that seems to be typical of this administration and the people who support it. Logic, as well as veracity, seem to be terms inconsistent with their policies. Comparisons to National Socialism (i.e. the Nazi Party) may seem extreme but the frightening template is certainly being put in place. The President is currently setting himself to be seen as ABOVE THE LAW. Nationalism, Isolationism, condemnation of the press, and a tenuous relationship with the facts and the truth will lead us down a ruinous path. History has SHOWN us that.

Remember, you get what you pay for. It's time to return the merchandise.

Sunday, June 3, 2018


F LoBuono

Altruism is a noun defined as
  1. the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others (opposed to egoism)
It sounds wonderful, doesn't it? But, it also sounds kinda' hard, too, right? I mean, first, it takes practice. In other words, it doesn't necessarily come naturally. Then there are the other, tough words in the definition to contend with like unselfish, concern, and devotion. Sounds like a lot of hard work to me. And, lastly, we have to be mindful about the welfare of others. Jeez, that's asking an awful lot for someone else's benefit!

Well, WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT, that doesn't necessarily have to be the case. In fact, with a different mindset, it really can be the opposite.

Let's look at altruism in a different way, i.e. The Easy Way. Think about it as actually not giving a shit. See - it's SO EASY - especially the concern part. Let me give you a practical example: Gay Marriage. Instead of getting all worked up about what anyone is doing in the privacy of their own bedrooms one should simply not care - at all. It has no baring what-so-ever on your own behavior. So, once again, why should you give a shit for something that doesn't concern you? And, the best part? You don't have to even THINK about it. You just let it go.

This mindset can be applied to most life situations. You don't have to give a shit what clothes someone else wears, or how many piercings they have, or how many tattoos adorn their bodies, or how long their hair may be, or what color their skin is, or what level of education they have. You simply need not care. You may not have to support it but, at least, you shouldn't have to care about it - so don't. In fact, I think they coined a phrase that may be easier to understand than the subtleties of altruism:


Now, let's go out there and not give a shit - in a good way.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Today's MOZEN: To BEE or Not To BEE

F LoBuono

In the course of the last week or so, two of the Country's most famous comedians made statements that landed them in hot water to say the least. First, Rosanne Barr, host of  ABC TV's top rated comedy show of her own name, produced what most rational people would consider a blatantly racist Tweet. Afterward, she exacerbated the situation by blaming it on her sleep medication. Then, Samantha Bee, award winning host of her own show on TBS, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, used a vulgar expletive during the taping of her program when describing a photo of Ivanka Trump and her toddler son. Contrary to Barr's response, Bee assumed responsibility for her statement and immediately apologized. Barr seemed to suffer the more serious consequences having her show cancelled by ABC. Bee, so far, despite some public outrage, has only lost a few sponsors and her show has not been cancelled.

I believe there are a number of important issues to be discussed and points to be made here. And, it has nothing to do with entertainment news. It's much deeper than that.

First, and foremost, I am an ardent supporter of the 1st Amendment, i.e. the RIGHT to Freedom of Expression. And, I believe that to be across the board. NO ONE has the right to stifle the thoughts and words of another - yes, even hate speech. People are allowed to be assholes. They are even allowed to be fucking vulgar. It's too fucking bad if you don't like it. There is a simple solution: don't support it. If my writing is too intense for you, don't read it. That is your choice. It is NOT your choice to prevent me from writing it.

The consequences of my actions are a different thing entirely.

So, it is with the case with these two ladies. NEITHER should have their show cancelled. Even though there are distinct difference in the two cases, the ultimate outcome should be decided in the court of public opinion - if you find what these women say to be offensive, you have the final word - don't support them in any fashion!

THIS is the American Way - it's called FREEDOM TO CHOOSE.

However, there are a few key distinctions to be made in the two cases: Ms. Barr's Tweet was made independently of her program and reeked of racism and bigotry. It was not said in the context of her program to make a point. Without that context to counter it, the statement could only be interpreted as her own twisted version of race relations. Despite her efforts, and those of her supporters, there simply is no excuse.

As for Ms. Bee, her supporters claim that although her statement may have been vulgar, it lacked the vicious race baiting of Ms. Barr's. This may be true, but I was not upset because it was vulgar - if you haven't noticed, I swear like a fucking stable boy. I sure as shit ain't no Boy Scout! It was the NATURE of the comment. It was ugly and mean-spirited. It was calculated to create the most pain. Therefore, I was left to wonder if Ms. Bee was not being as guilty as the people she looked to chastise.

I understand the point that she was trying to make about the hypocrisy of a beautiful photo of mother and son (as the Trump photo was) while her father's policies are separating immigrant mothers from their sons! Well, THAT'S what she SHOULD have said. And, saying that others have said so much and more is not a valid excuse. I don't see the moral equivalence - bad behavior is just that, no matter where is comes from or who creates it. Also, I'm shocked that a woman would use a term so universally reviled by other women that to use it is to cross some imaginary line in the sand.

Look, I get it. In the tradition of Lenny Bruce, Dick Gregory, George Carlin, Richard Prior and other, socially conscious comedians, the good ones are always looking for an edge. It's how they get remembered! But, it has to have a point - otherwise, it's just vulgar crap.