Sunday, July 28, 2019

For Cynthia

Words and photo by F LoBuono
Magic only works if you believe that it does.

Let me give you an example.

Here's the backstory:

I have a dear friend who had been stricken with a very rare and aggressive form of cancer. Her chances of survival beyond 2 years were slim at best. As things were turning out, her condition took a decidedly bad turn for the worst over the last few weeks, leaving her health severely compromised. In fact, she was dying. It was time to come to terms with that.

I met Cynthia Imperatore when we were both so very young and innocent - or, at least she was. I was 23, fresh out of college, and a rebel without a clue. She was just turning 18, beautiful, spiritual, so incredibly smart, and entering her senior year of high school - a Goddess in training. We eventually became lovers in every sense of the word. The world was ours and we explored it fearlessly. We made love freely, read existential poetry, and listened to Bruce Springsteen. Baby, we were Born to Run. And, in the beginning, it seemed that, perhaps, we would spend our lives together. However, as is often the case with young lovers, we could not sustain that level of intensity. Besides, there was so much growing to do independently before we could make that kind of commitment to one another - Cynthia was still in high school! So, we ultimately went our separate ways. However, our relationship lasted in various forms for over 40 years.

After our initial foray into coupling proved unsuccessful, Cynthia left for the West Coast and never looked back - at least for the greater portion of her adult life. I went to work here in NY to build a career in television. The breakup was not smooth and, despite my best efforts to keep in touch, she spent many years avoiding me. But, I wouldn't quit her. I just couldn't. There was something between us that I simply could not let die. We had this special, intuitive connection that often went beyond words. Perhaps, we couldn't be lovers, but there could still be love between us in one of its many forms. I spent decades trying to find it. All I really knew was that I wanted her in some capacity in my life. So, from time to time, I would try to re-establish contact with her - mostly unsuccessfully.

Despite my efforts, I had pretty much lost touch with her until about 5 or 6 years ago and the emergence of Facebook. I was scrolling down the day's thread when I noticed her name associated with a drawing of a mermaid. I knew that water and swimming were always a big part of Cynthia's life (hence, the mermaid) and responded simply by saying "I see it", not really expecting any kind of response. Well, she surprised me by actually writing back! Apparently, she had returned to the East Coast to care for her dying mother.

After a tentative campaign of back and forth Facebook messages, we finally decided to meet in person. Again, keeping with the water theme, I asked her to meet me by the river in Nyack. Our reconnection was virtually instant and VERY powerful. The old mystique which had bonded us in the first place was back. It was almost as if the years of animosity and distance between us simply faded away and we were young lovers once again.

At the time, I was still married but the marriage was floundering. So, this rush of intense feelings had me contemplating having a full blown affair with Cynthia. And, we came damned close to consummating our renewed relationship. However, I felt guilty and cheap. Much to her disappointment, I felt that I needed to try and rekindle that feeling in my marriage first. Well, I did try but it didn't work. My wife and I soon split anyway. So, it allowed me to pursue Cynthia, full time, and we became traditional lovers yet once again.

In the beginning, we had great passion for one another and both of us felt that, perhaps, we WERE destined to be together, finally. It was a more mature version of the desire we had experienced as wild kids. However, with time, MY hunger to continue our relationship on the path it was taking faded. I felt that I would have to change too much of myself to give her the type of rapport and support she so desperately wanted and deserved. For as much we had in common, we had some glaring differences. We decided to break it off - again! Of course, it was more my doing than Cynthia's. She never wanted anything but the best for me. However, in the end, it doesn't matter who initiated the separation. The end result is the same.

Cynthia took it badly (who could blame her), claiming that I only used her to soften the blow from the loss of my marriage. This, in my mind, was not the case. It was much more complicated than that. However, I had hurt her and she cut me out of her life once again, presumably for the last time.

Until recently.

I found out a few months ago about her cancer and the terminal nature of it. I so wanted to be with her to fight it but she had made it very clear that she wanted no part of me. And, I respected that until there was no time left to allow anger to linger - her's or mine. She was dying. I simply did not know how to work back into her life. Then, my sister intervened. We had heard that Cynthia was in very serious condition in one of the local hospitals and might not survive for very much longer. So, my sister, also Cynthia's friend, decided to visit her at the hospital and broach the subject. Much to my relief and pleasure, she agreed to see me.

My sister emphasized how serious Cynthia's condition was and urged me to get to the hospital as quickly as possible. And, so I did. 

I found that the urgency was well warranted. She was hooked up to all manner of emergency medical equipment, beeping and hissing. Oxygen was being pumped up her nostrils. Of course, it was shocking. But, I was glad to see that she was far from alone with family, including her brother and sisters, and some close friends crowding the small room.

When it was my turn for an intimate moment, I sat as close as I could to her bed, reached for her hand, and stared into her eyes. As soon as I did, the gravity of her situation was exacerbated. She had lost a tremendous amount of weight. Her dark hair which once flowed like root beer was cropped short and pure white. And, she had fear in her eyes - fear of uncertain future. It was almost the look of terror. I peered so deeply into those eyes, hoping that she could see through mine, into my very soul, and witness the deep and abiding love I had for her - and always would.

I whispered in her ear not to be afraid and to trust in the Goddess for strength. I grabbed her hand as tightly as I could as if to lend her the strength from my own body. Of course, I told her that I loved her - still and forever. She gazed deeply into my eyes and in a barely audible voice asked, "why didn't you CHOOSE me?" I replied that the fault was not within her but, rather, within me. In a whisper she uttered the words I so longed to hear; "I forgive you."

I spent about another hour at her side until I felt that she needed rest more than company. I left her with these words: "Thank you for loving me. Thank you for forgiving me. And, thank you for allowing me to spend this sacred time with you." Then, I caressed her cheek, kissed her on the forehead and left, not knowing if I would ever see her again. It was both terrible and wonderful. Terrible because she was suffering, but wonderful because we had made peace.

Cynthia did survive the night and was eventually transferred to her brother's house under Hospice care. However, her situation remained dire. Doctors hoped for some type of miracle but the reality was she was actively dying.

I was able to visit with her 2 more times there and she did show marked improvement. For my first visit, most of the tubes had been removed as was the oxygen from her nose allowing her to converse more freely. Her voice was more relaxed and intelligible. Also, mostly absent was the terror I had seen in her eyes the night before. She was still fighting but I sensed a certain release, as well. She knew how ill she was and was coming to terms with the fact that her time on this earth was growing short. It was also obvious that the overwhelming amount of love and light that was being heaped upon her was giving her the strength to continue and, if necessary, to pass through.

I returned for another visit the next day and again found Cynthia to be resting and not in any major distress. However, it was becoming more apparent that she was not just tired, she was weary. The fight, with no good end in sight, was starting to take its toll. She explained to me that she was willing to battle this disease just as long as there was a chance to beat it. It was becoming more and more evident that all the fight in the world could not overcome what was to be her fate.

Because she was so exhausted, I did not stay long. I told her again that I loved her, kissed her on her cheek and said I would visit again - as long as she would have me. However, I also knew that every time that I said good bye it might be for the last time.

Her sister informed me via text message the next day that Cynthia had a difficult night and that it might be best that I not visit that day in order for her to get as much rest as possible. She also let me know that I should be prepared to lose her at almost any moment. Knowing the gravity of her situation, I had already prepared myself to here those words - she's gone. Still, it took my breath away.

That night, I got more bad news - my sister called me to tell her that her little dog, Harley, the light of her life, had passed after a short illness. She was devastated. I did my best to take all that was happening in stride. It was all so overwhelming. 

When I woke the next morning, I was not feeling all that well. Obviously, the stress was starting to take its toll. And, I sensed that something was very wrong. There seemed to be a rift in the Cosmos. I told myself that this too shall pass.

I decided to go out to my porch to greet the day. When I did, I noticed that 2 tiny fledgling sparrows had fallen from the nest they occupied in one of the bathroom vents in the apartment adjacent to mine. They were still alive and chirping away. I wasn't sure exactly what to do except find a ladder and try to return them to their nest and hope for the best - at least I could give them a chance.

It was at the very moment that it struck me - 2 birds were out of the comfort of their nest. And, in my heart, I knew what it symbolized: Harley, my sister's dog was already gone. Cynthia was now, too! I FELT the very MOMENT she had left us. I just KNEW it in my heart of hearts. About 10 minutes after that, I got a text message from Cynthia's sister that she had indeed passed a bit earlier that morning. Her sister told me that Cynthia died peacefully in the arms of people she loved and who loved her. There would be no more pain or fear.

And, I wept - deeply.

So, you might ask, where's the magic in that? Well, it all depends on your perspective. From mine, it symbolized a sacred connection - one that transcend time, space, and even language. It is an intuitive bond that 2 people share on a level beyond the conscious. I like to think that Cynthia and I had that from the very beginning of our relationship 40 years ago. It may have transitioned and transformed but it was never LOST. And, I cherish it and HER in a most sacred way.

I always will.

There was so much to love about Cynthia: her physical beauty, staggering intellect, and deep compassion are just a few of many. She loved the ocean, dance, reading, and poetry. At times, because she never married and left no children of her own, she felt like she failed in her life. And, that is tragic - because it's SO untrue. But, in the end, she came to realize the ENORMOUS impact she had on so many - with me at the top of that list.

Every Spring, when the forsythia bloomed, I would tease her by saying, look the earth is alive again because the FORCYNTHIA is back. So, whenever I see their bright yellow flowers, adding color to end the long winter season, I will think of you and smile again. Yes, Cynthia, I believe in magic. We will meet again - some day, somehow, somewhere.  .  .

Saturday, July 20, 2019

When You Think About It: The Roots of Racism

F LoBuono
OK, since the President has brought it up, let's talk about the history of racism in this Country. And, make no mistake about it. Racism and bigotry have been with us so long that it may be in our very DNA.

Right from the very formation of this Nation they have been part of the conversation and our collective consciousness.

Let's use Thomas Jefferson as an example. Virtually every American knows him as the primary author of The Declaration of Independence - the revolutionary document that we hold so dear. What is not so readily known is that he actually wrote ANOTHER draft of the Declaration. It contained this passage condemning slavery* (addressing the English King): 

He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.  This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain.  Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce.  And that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he has obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed again the Liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another.
However, this paragraph was struck from the final, ratified version. Therefore, it is virtually unknown.
But, WHY?
Decades later, Jefferson blamed the delegates from Georgia, South Carolina, and those who represented Northern business interests, for its removal. In other words, they NEEDED slavery to fill their pockets. They sold their souls for a buck! And, racism won out. That's right. We COULD have taken the steps to eliminate slavery and curb racism from the very inception of America. 
19th Century Slave Auction
But, we didn't.
So, we struggle with its ugly ramifications to this very day.
So, please spare me the bullshit when this President says "Make America Great Again" while, at the same time, spewing the hateful rhetoric that KEEPS us from being truly great. . . 

I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!!

Thursday, July 18, 2019


F LoBuono
Let's go to science in an attempt to explain whiteness to people:

White. ... White is the lightest color and is achromatic (having no hue). It is the color of fresh snow, chalk, and milk, and is the opposite of black. White objects fully reflect and scatter all the visible wavelengths of light. White on television and computer screens is created by a mixture of red, blue and green light.

A further explanation of achromatic is needed:


[ ak-ruh-mat-ik, ey-kruh- ]


  1. free from color.
  2. able to emit, transmit, or receive light without separating it into colors.
Biology(of a cell structure) difficult to stain.
Musicwithout accidentals or changes in key.

It is important to glean 2 major points from these definitions. They are: Having no hue - free from color, i.e. it can be argued that WHITE is actually the ABSENCE of color.

Please explain this to U.S. Representative Mike Kelly (R-PA) who defended President Trump's recent racist tweets by saying: "You know, they talk about people of color. I'm a person of color. I'm white. I'm an Anglo Saxon. People say things all the time, but I don't get offended,"

U.S. Representative Mike Kelly (R-PA) speaking at the Turning Point High School Leadership Summit in Washington, DC on July 26, 2018 (Photo by Michael Brochstein/Sipa USA)(Sipa via AP Images)

Trump's 'Merica.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


F LoBuono
There are few absolutes in life; death and taxes come immediately to mind for most of us. Personally, I would add that the Yankees will always be better than the Mets to that short list. And, racists are to be condemned whenever and wherever they are encountered. There is NO middle ground, debatable points, or compromise here. Either you are a racist or you are not. And, it's not sufficient to just say that you don't support racism. That ain't good enough. You must CONDEMN it with every fiber of your being.

A recent tweet by the President in reference to 4 Democratic Congresswoman to, in essence, "go back to the shit hole countries they came from", despite the fact the 3 of the 4 were born here and the 4th is a naturalized citizen, reeks of racism. I don't give a shit how he and the Republican lackeys who blindly support him spin it, that statement is as deplorable as it is pathetic. In a recent vote on the House floor to censure the President for his racist comments, only 4 of 191 Republicans voted in favor of resolution. That's 7.4%. Shame on them. By the way, every Democrat voted in favor of censure.

One might understand how virtually the entire Republican party licks his boots - that's their job as I see it. They are all a bunch of spineless jellyfish anyway. Their continued blind support of his abhorrent tactics is ample evidence of their cowardice. It's even gone beyond mere party loyalty. He seems to have a Svengali-like hold on their very souls.

However, it's the person on the street who continues to fanatically support a man whose M.O. is to bully, intimidate, castigate, and obliterate everyone who may stand in his way. And, the only reasonable explanation is that they feel exactly the same way about their own lives and that of others as he does.

It's deplorable.

So, make a choice here. You can be a sycophant and continue to make excuses for his boorish behavior. Or, you can stand up like a man - or, woman - and scream NO MORE. I'M MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE.

If you don't, you're as lost as he is . . .  

Monday, July 15, 2019


In a recent tweet, the President chided 4 members of Congress, all Democrats, to (paraphrasing): Go back to the shit hole countries you came from.

One of the four included Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, 14th District, who was BORN in the district, which is IN part of the area she represents, i.e. THE BRONX. The other district is QUEENS.

Now, I have family who lived in the Bronx. I also teach at Fordham University that is located at its heart. So, I have some knowledge, and feeling, for what this Borough is about. It is SO unique, SO diverse, that if your not from here, you just might see it as a foreign country! Or, you just might be a bigot, racist, or both.

But, it's NOT. 

IT IS AMERICA. The best that America has to offer. It gives opportunity to millions in the best tradition that is, or WAS, America. Does it have mean streets. Oh, you betcha'! (that's for my mid-Western readers). But, it's also beautiful because it has true heart and soul. It IS America.

'Merica. Trump's 'Merica.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Today's MOZEN: So Simple

F LoBuono
Every religion or organized spiritual pursuit has its rituals, rights, dogma, and cannon. However, since I was raised as a Roman Catholic and received plenty of indoctrination into its teachings (I attended the Madonna Parochial School in Fort Lee, NJ for 9 years - K thru 8th grade), I would like to write this post from that perspective.

Of course, as part of our overall education there was a goodly amount of religious instruction with an emphasis on the Bible, particularly the teachings of Jesus and the New Testament. When I was young, I was intensely involved in the study of the words of the Christ and how they were interpreted in the Bible. My curiosity has not waned but my understanding certainly has evolved. This has led me to do some research to support my new perceptions.

Let me break down my new found insight this way.

The Bible is massive. According to the website, it contains 783,137 words in total (King James version) and typically around 1,200 pages, with the New Testament containing 260 chapters divided into 7,959 verses and about 184,600 words. For relevance, the great American novel, Moby Dick by Herman Melville, a ponderous read, is 358 pages and 94,500 words.

Think about that. No wonder it takes a lifetime to read the whole thing, much less understand it!

So, let me makes this as simple as possible.

You can take all of that blather, dogma, ritual, pomp and circumstance, and break it down to this: live a righteous life. Give more than you receive. Choose compassion over anger. Love yourself and your neighbor even more. Be kind and thoughtful. Seek resolution rather than revenge. Speak truth to power. Protect the innocent. Eschew greed and sloth. Do not judge those whom may be different. Accept fate.

One paragraph, about 45 words.

That's All you need. Well, at least it's all that I need. I have too much life to live than to spend it on a laborious and often contradictory tome. Simple principals, in the end, will take us much further. Yes, it IS that uncomplicated. All you need do is believe.

Friday, July 12, 2019

When You Think About It: We Must Take Sides

F LoBuono
It's simply gotten ridiculous. I can't keep writing the same shit over and over again. And, the way things are, I'm just preaching to the choir anyway, i.e. those of us who are like-minded in our disdain and disgust for our current President and his entire Administration.

Much like mold in a damp basement, our list of righteous grievances grows on a daily basis and is just as toxic.

Today was another classic example.

In an impromptu press conference before he boarded Marine 1, Mr. Trump decided to bring Labor Secretary, Alex Acostawith him, ostensibly to have Mr. Acosta announce his resignation from the Administration and also to show his support for Acosta. The back- story is that Acosta is being forced to resign by the public outcry for his role in the sentencing (or, rather LACK) of convicted (and, recently indicted again) pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein.

After lauding Mr. Acosta for being an outstanding Labor Secretary, reporters questioned the President about his own relationship with Mr. Epstein. Despite numerous quotes (and photos) extolling Epstein's virtues and their friendship*, Mr. Trump NOW denies not only any affection towards him, but claims he hardly knows Epstein. This, of course, is keeping with the President's penchant for distorting the truth when he is not outright lying. In fact, sadly, about the only thing he has said that may prove truthful is his campaign statement that he "could stand in the middle of 5th Ave., shoot somebody and not lose any voters." (and, that seems to be just fine with his supporters - except, possibly, the person he shoots).

However, there were many other instances of not only exaggeration, self promotion, deflection, and distortion, but also of his flagrant demagoguery. This became most apparent when he criticized the New York Times for an article he disagreed with eventually calling them AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. This is an outrage - a classic case of blaming others for his own failings. None other than Thomas Jefferson said this about freedom of the press. And, it is only one of MANY defending the 4th Estate:

"The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep the waters pure." --Thomas Jefferson to Lafayette, 1823.

Think of that - keep the waters pure. Thanks to THIS President, our government has become a cesspool instead.

This man and his lackeys have become the Executive Producers of a reality TV show - the ONLY thing Mr. Trump has done well. It might be entertaining if it wasn't so god damned serious. This is OUR Country. I will not have it usurped by a charlatan!!

So, why bother, you may ask? Why keep drinking poison and wait for a different result? Well, this is why. And, I hope that you will join me in the resistance:
“We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must - at that moment - become the center of the universe.”
Elie Wiesal, The Night Trilogy: Dawn, Night, the Accident

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Today's MOZEN: Consider Adoption

F LoBuono
Recently, there has been a spate of serious miscues regarding couples wishing to have their biological children through In vitro fertilization (IVF) and the California clinic where they went for the procedure. One example had the wrong embryos apparently being implanted into a surrogate causing twin Caucasian boys being born to an Asian-American couple who had planned on having twin girls of the same ethnicity.

Obviously, this is outrageous and unacceptable.

However, for me, there is an underlying message that I believe is worthy of discussion.

My post is NOT meant to deny to others what may be of the utmost importance in their personal lives, but to examine the premise that when you challenge nature, there are consequences. 

What has happened recently to this, and other couples, may be extreme example but there are other, less, outrageous ramifications, as well. The most common of these is multiple births of twins, triplets, etc.

Of course, this does not mean the parents will love these children any less. However, in the bigger picture, is this truly the right thing to do?

Please hear me out and consider this:

There are 107,918 foster children eligible for and waiting to be adopted. In 2014, 50,644 foster kids were adopted — a number that has stayed roughly consistent for the past five years. The average age of a waiting child is 7.7 years old and 29% of them will spend at least three years in foster care*.

I know that we are constantly using science to improve so many things in our life from medicine to transportation to climate. We are given these big brains to use to advance everything around us. However, I would also ask you to consider that we live within nature itself. Life has its own cycle from birth to death. And, there are certainly things that we ultimately have no control over - like death. No one gets out of here alive. So, we learn, or should learn, to live WITH nature and not always look to improve upon it.

So, it may be here. If it is not your fate to have your own children through the so-called normal process, are we not, in a sense, being instructing to find another way? Perhaps, it is Nature's Way of telling us that we should find fulfillment in our own lives by giving a needy child a good, loving home with parents who will care for them as their own.

Just something to consider.

*These are the statistics provided my Adoption Network


F LoBuono
This feature is becoming just too easy. There are simply too many f'd up people in this world. The latest is a woman from Florida who has apparently been spitting and peeing in the homemade ice cream of the store of an adjoining business.

Jung Soon Wypcha was seen repeatedly on security camera footage using the store's ice cream churners as a toilet as well as picking her nose and then sticking the contents in open ice cream containers.

She was arrested by Indian Shores, Florida police and charged with criminal mischief and Florida's anti-tampering laws. She was eventually released when she posted a $50,000 bond.


Monday, July 8, 2019

Today's MOZEN: Dreams v Reality

F LoBuono
Like many kids of my generation I dreamed of either playing in the Superbowl or in The World's Greatest Rock 'n' Roll band in front of a 100,000 people.

There were only 2 things that prevented either of these things from happening:

1. I was too small and too slow to play professional football.

2. As much as I love listening to music, I am completely tone deaf. Can't play a lick.

So, I went to work. And, the rest is history - sort of.


F LoBuono
During a recent sentencing hearing after being convicted for his role in a 2016 Road Rage incident where he stabbed 3 men on an Oahu, Hawaii freeway, Mark Char not only went on a bizarre rant against both the judge and his court appointed lawyer, he actually showed up in Black Face. Yes, good ol' Minstrel Show Black Face. Court attendants believe that Char, who is NOT black, used a magic maker to create the effect. He rationalized the act by saying: 

"Now this kangaroo court is trying to give me a life sentence for me trying to protect and defend myself against the attack from three guys ― in essence, treating me like a black man. So today, I'm going to be a black man."
Mark Char in a Hawaii courtroom
The judge sentenced Char to life in prison with the possibility of parole.


Saturday, July 6, 2019


F LoBuono
Recently, a young woman in Lufkin, Texasdecided to take a gallon container of Blue Bell ice cream out of a Walmart refrigerator, remove the lid, take a BIG lick off the top, restore the packaging, and then replace it back into the fridge. We know this happened because she decided to have her boyfriend shoot her doing it and place the video on Facebook where it subsequently went viral. There is this wonderful close-up of her big, smiling face and fat tongue all over the ice cream. The flavor of said ice cream was not immediately known.

She was identified the next day and could have been arrested with her boyfriend for felony tampering which carries a potential sentence of 2-20 years in jail. However, since she is a minor (17), the case has instead been referred to the juvenile authorities.

Ah, the Price of Fame. 

Nope, you can't make this shit up.


Friday, July 5, 2019

You Can't Make This Shit Up

F LoBuono
While on my way to work this afternoon, driving south on The Saw Mill River Parkway, I noticed in the northbound lane a large, dark brown Range Rover SUV with a very large American flag attached to its rear bumper. In case you've forgotten:

Land Rover is a luxury car brand that specializes in four-wheel-drive vehicles, owned by British multinational car manufacturer Jaguar Land Rover, which has been owned by India's Tata Motors since 2008. The Land Rover is regarded as a British icon, and was granted a Royal Warrant by King George VI in 1951.

Yup, 'Merica.