Friday, October 11, 2019

Today's Mostly True Short Story: Conversations at the Liquor Store

Just when you think that, just perhaps, this Country is coming to its senses regarding the thuggery being employed by the Trump Administration, something like this happens:

I stopped at the local discount liquor store in an upscale, Northern New Jersey town to resupply. While I waited at the counter, I eavesdropped on the conversation between the clerk and a customer. The clerk was effusive in his praise of President Trump's most recent appearance and speech at a campaign rally in Minneapolis. It went something like this:

Did you catch any of the President last night? He is just brilliant. He was supposed to speak for just one hour and he went on for two and half. There were 70,000 people going crazy on every word - especially when he said "the only reason Biden was made Vice President was because he kissed Obama's ass." Trump is just awesome!

The woman replied: I haven't seen it yet but I intend to on UTube with my husband. I can't wait! Trump is just the greatest.

Now, I call these Mostly True Short Stories because I can't quote the people verbatim. However, it's close enough to the truth to capture the spirit of what was said.

These were nice, clean, middle class suburban people - in other words, our neighbors. And, 63,000,000 others feel the same way.

If you are one of those 63 million, I respect your right to support whomever you feel serve your interests. But, I have to admit that I also feel sorry that you see things that way.

However, if you are like the MAJORITY of this Country (and, the world) you will reject his cruel agenda and vote him OUT!!!

It is your RIGHT and your DUTY. SAVE DEMOCRACY!!