Wednesday, October 16, 2019

WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT: It's in the Numbers

F LoBuono
Folks, it's really pretty simple. President Donald Trump's base will never be shaken. Never. And, instead of seeing that as a negative, they actually wear it as some sort of perverse badge of honor - you know, the shoot someone of 5th Avenue thing. So, we're not even going to bother to go there. We'll give them their due. This post is not for them.

But, WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT, ultimately, who cares?

His hard core followers, although surprisingly (at least to me) substantial, still generally hover in the range of 36-44% of registered voters. For arguments sake, let's average it to 40%. Now, do the math. That leaves a significant majority of people, i.e. 60%, who either flat out oppose him (and, his Administration), or have not decided on a Presidential candidate at this point.

There are at least a few important take-aways from these numbers:

First - of that 40%, nearly 90% of those are Republicans. Vote them out. All of them.

Second - of the 60%, most are Democrats. However, a significant number of Independent voters are on that list. They are the key. Independents must stand with others who vehemently oppose this Administration.

Lastly - GET OUT THE VOTE. Post election studies, including one by The Pew Research Center*, have determined that is was people who actually DID NOT VOTE that swung the election in Trump's favor. 

So, WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT, if like-minded people, those of conscience, stick together, AND motivate others to get involved, we simply cannot lose. It's in the numbers.



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