Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Brain Droppings 2

I don't know if there is a "post racial" (as some people label this presidency) in this county- yet. Racism is alive and well. And it's everywhere.

Here's a follow up: My biggest problem with the Tea Party is the underlying message of racism hidden under the guise of discontent and anger. Make no mistake about it. From my observations, most anti-Obamaites can't stand the very fact that he is black (at least mostly) and he is the President. Pure and Simple.

I viewed a news story from the CBS affiliate in Atlanta the other day of a Tea Party Rally organized for "Blacks and Latinos". I observed a handful of minorities - at best. Video doesn't lie. Check out any Tea Party rally anywhere in the country and what will you see: old, angry, white folks. This is the state of racism in our country. Yes, indeed. It IS alive and well, and everywhere. Pity!!!!!!

Photo: F. LoBuono Caption: Invesco Field, Denver. Obama's nomination acceptance speech

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