Friday, October 22, 2010

Social Commentary 2

I'm no great fan of Juan Williams but his dismissal by NPR is, simply put, disgraceful. The first mistake they made was reacting way too quickly. They should have taken more time to investigate the entire incident. On the surface, Williams' statement appears crass and over-reaching. But, if you hear the entire interview and take that quote in context, he was much more balanced in his approach than NPR would have you think.

And, in a sense, this is even besides the point. In spirit, NPR is supposed to be the embodiment of free speech and thought. Depriving a man of his chosen livelihood for making provocative statements, even those that oppose your POV, is disingenuous on the part of NPR and just DAMN wrong!

Besides, it give the conservative pundits plenty of ammunition to load their cannons with and blast away at (now) liberal fodder! AND, Mr. Williams just signed a big, fat, new contract with Fox. Shame on you NPR!!!!!

photo: F. LoBuono


  1. So how do you feel about the Glee Girls posing for GQ?

  2. It would appear the Juan Williams has had the last laugh.

  3. Yes K51773, he's laughing all the way to the bank!! And good for him.

  4. Nanc, as you well know, I'm a pretty free thinker. So, on one hand, I say "go for it". Hey, I guess it's pretty harmless. The women are young, sexy, and, obviously just having fun. However, on the other, I feel like you can't sit on both sides of the fence. If women don't wont to be treated as sexual objects, then don't act like one. And it's too simple to say men shouldn't look at them that way. That's just not natural. Period.
