Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Need a lawyer? How about this guy?!

I was watching some late night TV after my shift the other night when the "1-800-LAWYERS" commercial aired. I'm sure that you've probable seen it: It's a talking head of, I assume, a lawyer who explains why you should use their law firm. Simple enough. I have no issue with the over-all message. It's how it's presented that scares the shit out of me! First, the spokesperson needs an oil change - on his hair. I'm thinking 10W50. He also sports a "Snidely Whiplash" style mustache. It's oh so pencil thin and curls up at the ends - all very sinister. Next, when he speaks, it's in stacato bursts as if he were a carnival barker. After giving a litany of ways you can be injured: "in an accident, in a car, at your job, on the street, by a doctor, or by ANYTHING or ANYBODY you may be entitled to a cash settlement" he urges us to call 1-800-LAWYERS.

I don't know about you guys but I wouldn't call on this guy to deliver me a pizza much less organize and execute my legal situations! But the commercial with this very same spokesman has been running for years. So, they must be successful. God only knows how, but what people will do to make a buck (them AND us) never ceases to amaze me. :)

1 comment:

  1. I have seen this guy and I agree with you. He does look like a Snidely Whiplash doppelganger.

    And he would represent you if you had whiplash. Co-incidence? I think not.

    Here's the link for those that haven't seen it.
