Friday, December 3, 2010

Which Super Hero do you identify with?

Let's have some fun! Which Super Hero do you identify with most? For me it's The Incredible Hulk. Why choose a green, illiterate, raging brute to bond with?
First, he is largely misunderstood. He only rages when he is provoked in the most egregious way. There are always plenty of warnings to transgressors before the transformation and ensuing destruction. And, come on, be honest, who among us has not wanted to RAGE at someone or something that has pushed us to the point of explosion? If only we had The Hulk's awesome power to make those evil doers regret ever even thinking of pissing you off! But, within the raging exterior is a gentle soul who just wants to be left alone.
Second, is the awesome physical power he possesses. He is after all, INCREDIBLE. His massive physique gives life to a raging inner spirit that simply cannot be defeated or even contained. It has to be so liberating to think that you are indeed unstoppable. You have the ability to press your will, should you choose, on any situation. Yet, at the same time, he seems to posses an inner, moral compass that allows him to control his rage just enough so as not to seen as purely evil and destructive. Simply put, he is a force to be reckoned with. NO ONE fucks with The Incredible Hulk!
And lastly, he communicates in simple, direct language like, "Hulk smash"! There is no ambiguity in his speech. He says what he feels and leaves nothing to interpretation. Let's call it an economy of words (something, obviously, I lack in my own life!). There is beauty in its simplicity.
So, in many ways The Incredible Hulk is just like me at the same time as being everything that I am not. But this is the beauty of living vicariously through a comic book character: it's you and, often, so much more.