Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Social commentary: Islam and Peace

Photo: F LoBuono

You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war. Albert Einstein

It's been said by Muslims around the world, over and over again: "Islam is a religion of peace. Islam is empowering to women and the underprivileged". Well, it's one thing to say it and entirely another thing to live it. I keep hearing "peace, peace, peace" from the world's Muslims but all I keep seeing is "violence, violence and more violence". Virtually every hot spot on the planet is caused by some type of Muslim extremism. Women are threatened with flogging in Saudi Arabia just for simply wanting the right to drive a car. Gay women are raped as a "re-education" policy in Muslim controlled Somalia. Christians and Jews are threatened with violence if they openly practice their religion in many Muslim countries.

And now the latest: a magazine in Paris was firebombed last night because they had the audacity to attempt to publish a representation of the Prophet Mohammad on the cover of its edition dedicated to the so-called "Arab Spring" uprisings. I know that many (it may be difficult to say "most") Muslims abhor this type of narrow-minded violence. Well, it's time to stop talking about it and show it! Where is the OUTRAGE within the Muslim community? Where is the CONDEMNATION of this type of abhorrent behavior?

It's almost as if the Muslim community is saying "we are a peace loving people and, if we have to, we'll kill you to prove it".

You cannot simultaneously call yourself peaceful while bombing the world to prove it!

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