Monday, August 12, 2013

Today's MOZEN 8/12/2013

Words and photo by F LoBuono
Have you ever flown though heavy cloud cover? As the jet climbs into the heavens, I marvel at the skill of the pilot to navigate up and over that nebulous realm. And I always anxiously anticipate breaking the cloud barrier and emerging to a stunning blue horizon and brilliant, almost blinding, sun light. We have faith that, if we keep climbing, we will surely reach clear skies and beautiful sunshine once again.

So it is with life. Sometimes, it seems that we will never break the cloud cover. Like that sad comic book character who constantly walks under a rain cloud, "bad weather" can seem to dog us. But, if we keep faith in ourselves and our mission - if we keep climbing like a jet - we WILL break the cloud cover and travel in brilliant clarity. NEVER lose faith in your own goodness and your ability to transcend misfortune. Be the pilot of you own plane.


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