Monday, June 8, 2015


Words and photo by F LoBuono
From time to time, I feel it necessary to re-state the mission of this blog. It was designed to be a forum, a place to exchange information, opinions, art, and thought. ALL are welcome to participate. In fact, everyone is ENCOURAGED to do so. Differences in opinion are not only tolerated, they are essential if this is to be a true forum. No one is ever blocked simply because we may disagree. Only unnecessarily vulgar or violent entries are not tolerated. Debates here will get passionate. I know that I am going to push the envelope and say things that will piss people off. You will say things that will elicit the same response from me. That's OK. What is not is to let anger get the best of us, leading to name calling and counter productive behavior. Let's avoid the childish use of pejoratives.

Still, with that said, make no mistake, it is solely MY blog and I am ultimately responsible for everything and anything that I may personally post on it. If I am not the "owner" of the material, that will be annotated. I will say things to provoke you - not just for the sake of being contrary but, rather, to goad our discussion into new, undiscovered realms. Understand that it even when being "difficult", it is always with a purpose and respect. I do not write things solely to shock. I am sometimes right and often wrong. But, in the final analysis, being right or wrong is not really the point. An intelligent exchange of real ideas is.

If it's helpful, let me apologize to those whom I may have offended. That is not my motivation. However, in an effort to be totally honest, sometimes being offensive may be unavoidable. I would hope that anyone who participates within knows that. It makes me think about something that Arnold Schwarzenegger once said about the pain associated with bodybuilding:

You can't grow without burning.

I am grateful for the small, dedicated following that I do have. I am always grateful and a bit amazed when people find something that I have contributed worthy of their attention. It's a busy world and people rarely have the time to read, much less contribute. But, I am trying to make a difference and appreciate those who are like minded. I sincerely thank those who have already become members and hope that they would recommend it to others, as well.

Come burn with us!!!

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