Sunday, December 20, 2015

TalkFrank - A HOLIDAY MESSAGE 2015.

Words and photo by F LoBuono
Despite nine years (Kindergarten and grades 1-8)) of intense religious education at Madonna Parochial School in Fort Lee, NJ, I am not particularly devout. I am certainly well indoctrinated to the teachings of the Catholic Church because of it but, I just don't adhere to them very much. Doesn't work for me. Now, that does not mean that I am not spiritual. Because I am intensely so. I am a deep thinker and regularly probe the mysteries of the Universe - WHO are we? WHY are we? Is there an afterlife, etc., etc.? I ask all the questions that men have been asking for eternity. And, just like the rest, sometimes, I get answers. Often, I do not. So, I keep searching.

My parents played somewhat opposite but key roles in the formation of my thinking. My father could have been described as a traditionalist when it came to his faith. He dressed in his finest suit every Sunday to attend mass and rarely missed a service. He even became a deacon at the church. And, he loved it. On the other side was my mother, Stella. Stella NEVER went to church - ever - not on Christmas or Easter. Never. Now, that's not to say she isn't spiritual. She most certainly is. She prays regularly - in her own way. She has just never felt the need to listen to anyone else tell her WHO or HOW or WHERE she should worship. She always taught me that if your heart is in the right place, you have found your religion and your temple.

So, I combine the two philosophies: I have a sound basis in traditional religious thinking and apply that in a way that suits my search to find my heart in the right place.

With that in mind, I wish to extend a MERRY CHRISTMAS to all. Although traditionally the celebration of the birth of Jesus, therefore making it a Christian holiday, I believe it transcends "religion". The Christ came with a message for ALL. It is universal. His divinity is irrelevant to me. The MESSAGE is not. It is simple, direct, sublime:

                           PEACE ON EARTH. GOOD WILL TO ALL MANKIND.

This is the time of year we have chosen to celebrate the Word made Flesh - THOSE words.This,to me, means that the concepts of love, forgiveness, compassion, and wholeness have transcended from ideas into form. And, that form is embodied in The Christ - Jesus.

That's all the religion you will need. The hype surrounding the holiday is simply that - hype. See the season for what it truly represents and leave the rest behind. Christmas spirit is not something you drink or buy. May the real meaning of this season, steeped in the tradition of love and giving, sustain you and your families throughout this and all the years to come.


  1. Merry Christmas to you Frank, and may God provide you with all the answers to all your questions, in his own Divine way and time.

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