Thursday, November 23, 2017

Today's MOZEN: Just like Tazz

There are number of popular Internet memes that range from what historic figure you are most like to what Hollywood icon do you closely resemble? But, perhaps, my favorite one is, what animated/cartoon character mimics your personality best?

Off the top of my head, I would like to say Bugs Bunny. I mean Bugs is always so cool. He just never gets rattled under pressure. And, he usually escapes the normal mayhem without so much of a finger lifted. Instead, he relies on his wits and charm to win the day. Who can forget the episode when Bugs is confronted by a muscle bound gorilla who is determined to wipe the floor with the intrepid rabbit. Is Bugs intimated by the gorilla's muscular physique? Absolutely not! In fact, by the end of the episode, Bugs' antics have reduced the monster to a quivering mass of jelly. THAT'S cool!

Now, I would like to say that I am just like him - but, it simply would not be true. In reality, I am nothing like Bugs.

My personality is much more akin to Tazz, the drooling, whirling dervish of a Tasmanian Devil than it is to Mr. Bunny's. He is the complete antithesis of Bugs. Where Bugs is rarely, if EVER, rattled, Tazz is the epitome of kinetic energy. In fact, he never simply walks - oh, no - his movements resemble a tornado in motion with accompanying buzz saw sound effect. He leaves a path of destruction in his wake and communicates through a series of slurps and grunts. And, he is generally ill-tempered.

Just like me.

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