Monday, November 27, 2017

Today's MOZEN: The UGLY Truth

F LoBuono

Perhaps, I am preaching to the choir and, therefore, wasting my time. Because ANYONE of conscious, ANYONE with a shred of decency, ANYONE with even a modicum of intelligence has to realize that our Country is the hands of a man who is so deficient in so many ways that it would be laughable if it wasn't so god damned serious!!

As if embarrassing faux pas after faux pas weren't reason enough to sound alarm bells then lie after lie should be!

Mr. Trump's bewilderingly inane statements are too frequent to mention - just the latest being his incredibly insensitive and grossly inappropriate comments made this afternoon while attempting to honor Native American "Code Breakers" for their service.

Then there is lie after lie (I was going to say fabrication, but that's too nice a word for it). They are, again, simply too many to delineate. Let's just deal with the latest: his claim that he was "kind of offered" the prestigious Person of the Year honor from Time Magazine which he declined via Tweet. The magazine vehemently denies Mr. Trump's claim.

And, of course, there are his frequent attacks on A FREE PRESS and ANYONE who has the audacity to challenge him on his, so far, woeful Presidency (see CNN)!

Simply put, he is an abysmal failure in every way - as a leader, a legislator, and, as a PERSON. At this point calling him an embarrassment would be an understatement!!

I have friends and family who have supported Mr. Trump from the very beginning. I believe that like most of his core, they still do. Well, I'm sorry to have to say this but, at this point, SHAME ON YOU. Shame on all of you for refusing to see the ugly truth that is right in front of you . . .