Monday, October 29, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Until I'm BLUE In The Face.

F LoBuono

No matter how hard I try, I simply cannot write it away - the HATE. The churning, vile, putrefied stench of its Medusa snake-ridden ugly head is rising again.

We see it every single day.

Charlottesville, Va.

Jeffersontown, Ky.

Aventura, Fla.

Pittsburgh, Pa.

And, it's getting worse!!!!!

I fear that no matter how much I scream, in today's current political climate, it falls on too many deaf ears.

It struck me last night when I learned that one of the victims of the massacre in a Pittsburgh synagogue was an elderly women, 97 years-old, with her two younger brothers. No description of that horror would ever be sufficient to capture the pure evil of this act.

My cousin. my sister, with me, and my nearly 95 year-old mother, Stella


And, if that isn't horrific enough, what's even more DEPLORABLE is the FACT that there will still be many who will see the monster who perpetrated this act as a HERO.


Think about that - MANY. . .

Then, this morning, the GOP revealed it's new ad designed to gain momentum going into the looming mid-term elections. Allow me to simplify it for you - it's RED MEAT to the base: you're making more money - immigrants will destroy your way of life - our way or the highway - with the emphasis on MONEY.

And, we STILL wonder why these things happen????

It was painfully obvious to me that the Republicans have not changed their stripes. They have chosen MONEY over MORALITY.


It saddens and sickens me.

But, that's just one man's voice. I can write this shit until I'm BLUE IN THE FACE (pun INTENDED). It won't change an f'n' thing if we don't act.

The choice is clear for moral people.



*The original post contained a claim that the 97 year-old victim was a Holocaust survivor. This has been proven to be untrue and the mistake has been corrected.


  1. Wish I could vote 1,000 times. You're right Frank, how can it get any lower? Yet it keeps on sinking. Did you know that Pittsburgh asked the yellow one not to come their city, especially with the funerals. So, what do you think he's doing?

  2. It's Tuesday or never, Carol. People of conscience will win out - we must!!!
